Chapter 3 Qingyunzhai Laozi

 Beilingzhou is deserted.

 In contemporary times, this is a place abandoned by civilization.

Due to a catastrophic disaster, all human races migrated many years ago and went to other intercontinental continents in the Xuanhuang Realm to survive.

In the long course of time, Beilingzhou also had a very bright and glorious era.

 The history of Beilingzhou and the precious relics that may exist are things that future generations will strive to explore.

At this moment, there are a large number of flying warships among the mountains and clouds somewhere.

Several people looked solemnly at the things that were being dug out of the imperial mausoleum.

From the information on the currently restored bamboo slips, it can be seen that they were able to peer into the history of Beilingzhou more than a thousand years ago and learn about the epoch-making civilization of that era.

This is undoubtedly exciting for everyone.

“The imperial mausoleum of the Jing Dynasty has been discovered. This news will soon spread to the ears of other forces. We need to find more high-level media before they arrive.”

The head of the General Department of the Hall of Heroes is a middle-aged man in his forties. He came here today for high-level media.

 The so-called advanced medium is an antique that can summon, make contact with, and potentially contract heroic spirits.

"One hundred and twenty-four pieces have been unearthed. Your harvest should be beyond imagination, but I am more interested in whether the practice method just discovered is valuable."

Qin Tianjian was wearing a long robe, his goatee beard was swaying in the wind, and there was some expectation in his vicissitudes of life eyes.

 The Xuanhuang Realm is vast and its end is unknown.

The imperial court was established on the extremely vast land of Shuzhou, which seemed to be just a drop in the ocean of Xuanhuang Realm.

Buried by seven million years of history, it is difficult to fully understand the era of Shuzhou, let alone the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

 At present, there are hundreds of cultivation methods that have survived in Shuzhou.

 It can provide future generations with extraordinary paths and continue the strong demeanor of those eras.

As for Beilingzhou, this abandoned place near Shuzhou, Qin Tianjian really wants to know what kind of civilization there was back then.

Now with the advent of an imperial mausoleum, the answer will soon be revealed.

The marshal of the Fourth Army on the other side nodded slightly and said: "The advanced medium of the contracted heroic spirit is very important. Whether there is a new practice method is equally important, but the dangers that may be hidden in it need to be paid more attention to."

 Judging from the current information on the restoration of bamboo slips, Beilingzhou was called Dahuang more than a thousand years ago.

What the marshal is more worried about is that if the people in the wilderness were vicious people, then the heroic spirits contracted must not be good people and may backfire.

 As for the practice method, it would be even worse if it is done in a crooked way.

“Don’t worry about this. Although the bamboo slips of the Shou Tibetan envoy have not been completely restored, we can basically know that under the influence of a man named Qingyunzhai Laozi, the Jing Dynasty not only had simple folk customs, but also rarely had disputes."

Qin Tianjian spoke in time, hoping to resolve the marshal's concerns.

"We can't say too much. After all, we know nothing about the history of Beiling Continent. What's more, this is still an abandoned wasteland. No one knows what kind of disaster caused Beiling Continent to become what it is now. appearance."

“As for the bamboo slips that you said were the guardians of Tibet, I can’t believe them all. Who in the world doesn’t know that history is written by the victors?”

“If you dig out something that shouldn’t be dug in this imperial mausoleum, thereby affecting the safety of the people in the imperial court, you will be a sinner for the ages.”

“Just in case, it’s better for you to dig slowly and don’t make it difficult for me.”

The marshal of the Fourth Army Corps said unhurriedly that his duty was to monitor the safety of the imperial mausoleum, if any heresy was discovered during the excavation.

 He needs to lead the army immediately to nip the potential threat in the bud.

“Of course, once we find other situations, we will stop in time.” Qin Tianjian nodded without any objection.    Before venturing into the unknown history, ensuring contemporary security is the primary responsibility.

The Xuanhuang Realm is too big, and the seven million years of time make people as small as dust. The Marshal also has his own responsibilities, and his caution is not unreasonable.

Just as he was talking, he saw a senior staff member of Qintian Prison walking over in a hurry.

He looked nervous and held a document tremblingly in his hands.

“Jianzheng, Tianjishu has completed the evaluation of the practice method. This is a complete report from the capital.”

 As soon as these words fell, they attracted the attention of the chief director and the marshal of the Hall of Heroes.

 “Let me see it quickly!” Qin Tianjian said excitedly.

Tianjishu is the department of the imperial court that collects practice methods and has absolute authority.

 After receiving the report, just one glance made Qin Tianjian's pupils condense violently.

  “The evaluation object is the clear breathing method.”

“The evaluation results are completely feasible, and everyone can practice it. It varies from person to person, but it has the effect of longevity. It can extend life by ten years, or extend life by... sixty years?"

“Tianjishu has summarized the Shangqing Tuna Method, numbered 396, ranking first on the self-cultivation list...?”

Qin Tianjian was clutching the report in his hand, and his mind felt as if he had been struck by five thunders.

The head of the Hall of Heroes next to him also had trembling pupils and the hairs all over his body stood up.

The marshal froze on the spot, then turned around suddenly, breathing heavily and staring at the senior staff member: "How far has the imperial mausoleum been excavated?"

The man quickly replied: "The situation of the Imperial Tomb is complicated and comes with many dangers. At present, we have tried our best, but we have only excavated 20%."

The marshal shouted: "What do you do for food? Send me more people immediately and dig hard for me!"

The man staggered and quickly took the order and left.

The marshal quickly snatched the report from Qin Tianjian's hand with one hand, and his expression changed again and again.

 Longevity Kung Fu! This is actually a longevity skill!

 There is nothing crazier in the world than having a few more decades to live.

 Sixty years is equivalent to one extra life!

In this civilized land of Beiling Continent thousands of years ago, someone actually left such a secret book?

If it continues to be popularized, it will be corrected to the 89th set of radio gymnastics...

 He didn’t dare to think about it.

Qin Tianjian was looking at the imperial mausoleum in front of him and murmured: "This longevity skill was created by a man named Qingyunzhai Laozi when he was five years old. In other words, the longevity skill we excavated, It’s just the beginning.”

 Suddenly, he thought of something and turned to look at the Chief Director of the Hall of Heroes.

“Quick, among the bronzes unearthed before, there are many items that belong to Qingyunzhai Laozi. Try to see if you can sense him!”

The head of the Hall of Heroes shook his head.

"You may have some misunderstandings about contracted heroic spirits. Although I also want to try, I can no longer do it. Contracting four heroic spirits is my limit."

“But don’t worry, I have distributed one hundred and twenty-four bronzes. Among the geniuses of Yingling Academy, there will always be a response from Mr. Qingyunzhai!”

 (End of this chapter)

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