Chapter 2 Dad is back

“Dad, is it really you?”

Shen Miao couldn't believe it and moved closer, carefully comparing the portrait hanging on the wall.

  Exactly the same.

She carefully stretched out her little hand and caressed Shen Changqing's face tremblingly.

At the moment of contact, Shen Changqing's body trembled slightly, and his eyelids trembled slightly, as if he was trying hard to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it.


Shen Miao's nose felt sour and she bit her lip. After confirming that she had really summoned her father, no matter how stubborn she was, she could not help but shed tears.

She wrapped her arms around Shen Changqing's neck and held on tightly and wouldn't let go.

Seeing Shen Changqing's body trembling, he thought it was because he was afraid of the cold, so he quickly closed the doors and windows tightly.

 Back in front of Shen Changqing, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and stared blankly.

"Dad, why don't you speak? Dad, can you open your eyes and look at me? Dad, dad..."

At this moment, Shen Changqing closed his eyes quietly, seeming to be able to hear his daughter's voice, but unable to respond.

The state of this heroic spirit's body seems to be so bad that it could be blown away by a gust of wind at any time.

 Shen Miao continued to call several times, but Shen Changqing never received any response.

 She panicked, quickly flipped through the Book of Heroes, and quickly got an explanation.

 “It turned out to be too weak…”

 The Book of Heroic Spirits clearly indicates that the level of the heroic spirit determines the status of the heroic spirit.

 Ordinary, nobles, heroes, heroes, legends, myths, including extremely rare ancient holy spirits, etc.

Ordinary Heroic Spirits are the lowest level of Heroic Spirits. Not only did they not accomplish anything in their previous lives, they were also very short-lived. They were basically a mediocre existence.

 The most terrible thing is that ordinary heroic spirits also have an even lower quality, which is that they are summoned from modern times.

This kind of heroic spirit is equivalent to a lonely ghost. He may not even have self-awareness. He just instinctively heard the call of the contractor and came over in a daze.

Not to mention having no fighting power, if it is summoned for too long, it will most likely dissipate completely. This is a natural difference from the immortality of heroic spirits above the legendary level.

 After realizing why Shen Changqing kept his eyes closed, Shen Miaoke's eyes turned red again.

“You are already dead, do you still want to protect me?”

Shen Miao knew that Shen Changqing must have heard her call. Even though he had no self-awareness, he instinctively chose to respond.

Seeing that Shen Changqing's body was showing signs of distortion, Shen Miaoke's heart skipped a beat and she quickly followed the instructions in the Book of Heroes to temporarily cancel the summons.

 “This is not okay…”

Shen Miaoke looked worried, Shen Changqing's level was too low and his condition was too bad.

As long as it is summoned for more than ten minutes, it may face the end of dissipation.

“Perhaps the Hall of Valor in Lucheng has a solution.”

 The difference between the words "Hall of Valor" and "Hall of Valor" is also a natural difference.

 The former is an organizational structure established by Daxia. It has a huge base of heroic spirits and contractors. It is Daxia's main force against the coming of the abyss and the invasion of aliens.

 The latter is a faith that is invisible and exists in nothingness.

Shen Miaoke has decided to ask the senior staff of the Hall of Heroes to help to see if Shen Changqing can get out of the current dissipated situation.

As soon as she thought about this, she left the house to find Li Tongtong.


 On the other side, chaotic space.

Shen Changqing stared at Shen Miaoke's back in confusion, also in disbelief. this my daughter?

 She has grown so big?

 Helping himself appear in real life in the form of a heroic spirit?

 When summoned, he could not speak or open his eyes. He tried to get rid of this situation, but to no avail. This feeling is like lying inside a corpse.

 Looking up at the World Tree, I saw that the words on the reincarnation fruit suddenly changed.

  【The past life is being fused, and the current fusion progress is 5%. 】

Shen Changqing watched and soon understood.

It seems that only after merging into the body of the heroic spirit from his past life, can he have the strength to open his eyes and speak, and fully exert his abilities in the posture of his previous life.

“Miaoke, wait a moment, dad will be able to talk to you soon.”

Shen Changqing cried with joy. He had been waiting for this moment for several lifetimes.



After hearing that Shen Miao had contracted a heroic spirit, Li Tongtong happily put down the things in his hands.

 When Shen Miaoke said that the heroic spirit she had contracted with was her own father who had been dead for eight years, she almost spat out a mouthful of water again.

"Stop making trouble, let me tell you seriously, what should I do now? He is so fragile that I dare not summon him." Shen Miaoke was very anxious.

“It’s just a contract with ordinary heroic spirits. How can I summon your father?” Li Tongtong was also quite speechless in her heart.

 She didn't mean to be sarcastic, she just felt that the probability was even more exaggerated than contracting a legendary heroic spirit.

"I don't know either... I prayed to the Hall of Valor, but I didn't receive any response. He was the only one who answered me."

  Shen Miaoke lost her father's love when she was young. In this situation, no one cherished him more than her.

"Hey, your father has been dead for eight years, and you two have no basis for any relationship. Do you think you should go to the Hall of Heroes? If they know that your first contract was with an ordinary heroic spirit, and if you want to obtain a high-level medium and make another contract in the future, But there’s no chance.”

"What's more, what's the use of him? I'm afraid your fighting ability is stronger than your father's. Do you want to protect him in turn?"

 Li Tongtong was a few years older than Shen Miaoke and had a further perspective.

 These words are also pragmatic.

 She knows that talent determines everything.

The Hall of Heroes will not focus on training. A child whose first contract is just an ordinary Heroic Spirit will have a great impact on Shen Miaoke's future development.

"I don't care, I can't let my father disappear!" Shen Miaoke shook her head with determination.

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell my uncle right now and ask him to take us to the Hall of Valor in Lucheng.”

Li Tongtong looked complicated, but she actually knew in her heart how Shen Miaoke had managed to survive alone all these years.

I'm afraid from now on, no matter how low-level a heroic spirit her father is in the eyes of others, she will protect her with her life if anyone prevents her father and daughter from getting together.

 Li Tongtong quickly turned around and went to another room.

I saw a solemn-faced middle-aged man talking on the phone next to the window, his tone was very respectful and a little shocked.

"Yes, yes, I know, I'll rush back right away." Li Wen hung up the phone, his eyes still filled with disbelief.

“Uncle, what’s wrong?” Li Tongtong asked curiously.

“Nothing, it’s just that Qin Tianjian discovered an imperial mausoleum in Beilingzhou. Judging from the age, I’m afraid it has a history of more than a thousand years. There are many high-level mediums in it that can contract heroic spirits.”

 “There is also...a newly restored bamboo slip of the history of Tibet.”

When Li Wen said this, he felt like his scalp was numb when he mentioned the content recorded on the bamboo slips.

“Great, with the bamboo slips we will know the history of Beilingzhou a thousand years ago.” Li Tongtong was also very happy.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that such a person would exist a thousand years ago.”

 “I am Qingyunzhai…”

Li Wen let out a long sigh, and the shock in his heart could not subside for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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