Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 28: Xuanhuang Ten Thousand Years, Huangting Realm and Celestial Realm

Chapter 28 Xuanhuang Ten Thousand Years, Huangting Realm and Celestial Realm

“Which ancient heroic spirit has appeared and can break up the heroic spirit body of the Six-fingered Demon Lord?”

Everyone looked at each other, feeling a little weird.

After hearing this, Shen Changqing pondered for a moment.

  When he used his identity as the leader of the Black Lotus that night, the entire Academy of Heroes was in a state of mist and was quite chaotic.

He chased for more than ten miles without anyone seeing him.

As for the subsequent investigation results, he also used other reasons to explain the past, but could not find any problems. Naturally, the Lord of the Hall of Heroes in Lucheng did not raise any suspicion.

 So, no one would know that the Six-Fingered Demon Lord was defeated by him.

 For the safety of her daughter and not to affect her future development, Shen Changqing believes that it is better to be restrained.

 But Shen Changqing also understands that paper cannot cover the fire, and the identity of the leader of the Black Lotus will be discovered sooner or later.

These powerful men of Great Xia, including the ancient heroic spirits who were contracted, are also not vegetarians.

“Someone from the provincial capital came to Lucheng, and it’s actually Chen Xiangyang, the president of the Heroic Spirits Association!”

Xia Beni looked at the messages sent in the mobile phone group and exclaimed again.

  The cities under the Daxia imperial court had a relatively clear hierarchical system.

 Lucheng is neither big nor small in size and is classified as a "city".

There are more than five ‘counties’ below. The high school at the county level is under the jurisdiction of Lucheng Academy of Heroes. Of course, some branches of the Academy of Heroes have also been established.

The immediate boss of the entire Lucheng Heroic Spirit Academy is the Heroic Spirit Association in the provincial capital.

Not only that, including the Hall of Heroes in Lucheng and the spiritual masters in a total of seven other municipal-level cities, all are under the jurisdiction of the Heroic Spirits Association.

 Because talents are concentrated, the number of spiritual masters and overall strength in provincial cities is bound to be much higher than that in municipal cities.

 Chen Xiangyang, the president of the Heroic Spirit Association from the provincial capital, stood out among the many candidates because of his outstanding abilities and contract with the Taoist Celestial Master.

It is difficult to see high-ranking people and rarely hear news about them.

Unexpectedly, after the incident between the Ghost Slave Cult and the Six-Fingered Demon Lord, Chen Xiangyang came to the subordinate city in person.

"It seems that the Ghost Slave Sect has really made the provincial capital angry this time. The person Chen Xiangyang contracted was the Taoist Celestial Master ten thousand years ago. His strength during his lifetime was a higher level that we could never touch back then."

Zhenren Jiuyang sighed and spoke at this time, obviously having higher respect for this Taoist Celestial Master.

Unexpectedly, after the words fell, the Nanhai Sword Master's body shook violently, and his chest continued to rise and fall with excitement.

“Are you talking about the realm that transcends the realm of heaven and man, which we could only call martial arts myths back then?”

The Sword Master of Nanhai spent more than two hundred years in his life, leaving the Eastern Wasteland and traveling around the Xuanhuang Realm. In the end, he did transcend the realm of gods and humans, and half-stepped into the myth of the martial arts.

 But in the end, I still haven’t really understood it.

 This is because the road above the realm of heaven and man has disappeared in the ancient martial arts era.

Jiuyang Zhenren nodded at this time: "Of course you don't know it not long after you woke up. In fact, in the troubled world of demons and demons ten thousand years ago, martial arts practice was relatively complete."

“Beyond the heavens and humans, there are the Xiaoyao realm, the Huangting realm, and the celestial phenomena realm!”

“What we called the Wulin Myth back then was Xiaoyao Realm. But for some reason, after five thousand years passed, the cultivation process of Xiaoyao Realm was interrupted.”

“No matter how hard the future generations try, they can only transcend heaven and humans, but they cannot truly enter the realm of freedom.”

After Master Jiuyang finished speaking, the Nanhai Sword Master quickly recalled the terrifying level of true energy power when he died under the finger of the Black Lotus Cult Master. Then he shook his head and retorted: "You were wrong. There was someone who had definitely entered Xiaoyao at that time, otherwise it would have been impossible to kill me instantly."

Jiuyang Zhenren was thoughtful. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe the Nanhai Sword Master’s judgment, but it was clear that he had no progress in cultivation. So how did the Black Lotus Cult Master enter Xiaoyao?

Unless the leader of the Black Lotus can realize Taoism at the age of five, even if the ancient road is cut off, he can just walk out and create his own path of practice!

 However, this possibility is too small.

 “Can I see the follow-up practice method?”

The sword master of Nanhai asked in a trembling voice again. He had longed for a transcendent being for his whole life, but he never thought that he would be able to see his true appearance in the future.

"Of course there is no problem, but you and I have died long ago and can no longer continue to practice. If you want to improve your power, you can only use the path exclusive to heroic spirits."

Jiuyang Zhenren nodded and thought, his best friend is good at everything, but he is too persistent in his practice.

Shen Changqing's eyes flashed slightly on the side and he remained silent.

After he beheaded the Nanhai Sword Master, he left the Demon Cult and also traveled to other realms of the Xuanhuang Realm. While traveling around, he searched for various magical secrets, including digging into ancient history.

Just as Master Jiuyang said, he found that the mythical realm of martial arts, the so-called Xiaoyao realm, was completely lost.

Entering the Tao of Ten Thousand Demons is the path he takes on his own, but the price is shortened life span and cannot be reversed.

 In the remaining ten years, he met many people, learned countless magical secrets, and became stronger and stronger.

 But because his life span was too short, he eventually passed away in Langya Ghost Sect.

After returning, in addition to teaching Shen Miao how to practice martial arts, he also consulted a lot of information and learned about the records of the Huang Ting Realm and the Celestial Realm.

 Including era information from the ancient years of the Xuanhuang Realm, we also have a clearer understanding.

It is roughly the last years of the dynasty, the age of ancient martial arts, the troubled times of demons and demons, the struggle for immortality, etc.

 It is difficult to trace back to further eras.

 Judging from the characteristics of the data, the changes in each era show certain rules.

The demonic chaos lasted for tens of thousands of years, and the ancient martial arts era lasted for 6,000 years.

 The anchor point of Shen Changqing's entry into reincarnation was at the last moment of the ancient martial arts era.

The Taoist Celestial Master contracted by Chen Xiangyang, the president of the Heroic Spirits Association, came from more than 10,000 years ago, which means that he was caught between the era of demons and demons and the era of ancient martial arts.

“Unfortunately, the new reincarnation fruit has not yet matured.”

Shen Changqing really wanted to know what it was like in the world of demons and demons, and what kind of realm his practice as the leader of the Black Lotus could compare to.

Not long after, Xia Beini received the news from Dean Dongcheng, and rushed to the conference room with the Sword Master of Nanhai and Master Jiuyang.

The hospital quickly became empty, Shen Miaoke held the medicine given by Xia Beini in her hand and waved goodbye.

“I’ve long heard that Li Tongtong has a good friend named Xia Beini. She looks very nice.”

Shen Changqing looked at their leaving figures and nodded slightly.

The matter between the Gui Nu Cult and the Bai tribe will be resolved by the provincial capital's senior officials. All he needs to do now is to assist Shen Miao in completing the practice of Zixia Qi Controlling Kung Fu.

Although the Hall of Valor has once again increased its manpower after the last invasion, the last word is that it only has its own strength.

 I hope that the exercises I created will be of greater help to my daughter’s growth.

 (End of this chapter)

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