Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 27: Sir, you were born in the wrong era

Chapter 27 Sir, you were born in the wrong era

 A few days later, Lucheng.

“I read the Book of Songs at the age of three, enlightened myself at the age of five, and entered the Hanlin Academy at the age of eight…”

The Sword Master of Nanhai looked at the life experience of Laozi Qingyunzhai, which was thrilling and jaw-dropping.

“There are also the Shangqing Tuna Dharma, the seventy-two chapters of the true scripture, etc., which he left behind.”

Jiuyang Zhenren continued to produce many copied books, and now these have begun to be widely circulated.

“What a pity, what a pity, this gentleman was born in the wrong era!”

The Sword Master of Nanhai didn't pay much attention at first. As for the friend Jiuyang Zhenren mentioned, after all, according to historical standards, he was an ancestor.

 However, after seeing these leftover mental scriptures with my own eyes, I couldn’t help but be greatly shocked.

Somewhere in the Xuanhuang Realm two thousand years later, there is such a genius?

"After they finish handling the matter, we will go visit Qingyunzhai Laozi."

As Master Jiuyang spoke, he heard a loud noise coming from the conference hall.


He slapped the table with his broad palm, sending wood chips flying across the table.

 “Is this happening?”

An angry roar echoed in the conference hall. When Dean Lucheng heard that the Ghost Slave Cult invaded the college a few days ago, he became furious and his blood pressure soared.

 He and Li Wen were exploring the ruins of the East Wasteland. Because the distance was too far, no matter what advanced communication tools they carried, the outside world was actually unable to contact them.

I didn’t expect that I would be told such a shocking thing just after I came back.

 Fortunately, the loss to the college was not great, but it was a pity that several staff members of the Hall of Valor who had been stationed all year round were found lying in a pool of blood and died heroically.

Many mentors gathered together, showing regret.

Outside the conference hall, Xia Beni stood with the Nanhai Sword Master and Jiuyang Zhenren. After hearing the movement inside, they all became somewhat silent.

Not long after, Dean Dongcheng came out, with a solemn look on his face and said: "Something big has happened. You go ahead and get busy. I'm afraid it will take a while here."

“At present, the provincial capital has learned about this incident and has started a comprehensive investigation in the past two days. I believe the results will be available soon, and both the Guinnu Cult and the mastermind behind the scenes will be found out.”

After finishing speaking, Xia Beni nodded.

Jiuyang Zhenren and Nanhai Sword Master immediately turned around and prepared to visit Shen Changqing.

 “I didn’t expect that the future generations would not be peaceful either.”

 The Sword Master of Nanhai sighed lightly. Although he did not fully understand the era of later generations, judging from the attitudes of these people.

 Obviously, a foreign enemy has invaded the city, which is a very outrageous thing.

“Actually, it’s okay, this is not too serious. A few decades ago, alien races emerged from the caves, and many of the ancient heroic spirits who came out with a large number of contracts were their ancestors.”

“Some places suffered heavy losses and were later suppressed by the General Director of the Great Xia Hall of Heroes and the Fourth Army. After that, those foreign races became much more honest.”

"So, most of the time, you need to use your sword. If you don't fight, they will be looking for teeth. How can you let them know how powerful Daxia is."

"Although there is more than just Daxia in Shuzhou, how many legendary heroes from ten thousand years ago or even mythical heroes with a longer history can be contracted?"

Jiuyang Master spoke slowly. It was obvious that he had a relatively comprehensive understanding of Daxia. After all, he was summoned very early and had deep feelings for Daxia and Lucheng.

"Here we are."

Several people stopped outside the hospital and saw Shen Miaoke, who was sweating profusely and pumping his fists continuously, and Shen Changqing, who was standing next to him and giving careful guidance.

Shen Changqing has certainly already sensed these uninvited visitors.

But he never expected that the Nanhai Sword Master who was wiped out by him with one finger would appear!

Dean Lu Cheng went to the cave tunnels to search for the ruins of the Eastern Wasteland and finally succeeded.

 “I’m Bai Shaoyun, sir, please accept my bow.”

The Nanhai Sword Master looked solemn and bowed deeply towards Shen Changqing with his fists clasped.

"This is absolutely unbearable. May I ask who you are...?" Shen Changqing asked confused and looked at Jiuyang Zhenren.

“This is my former best friend, the righteous leader of the Eastern Wasteland in the Xuanhuang Realm three thousand years ago, named the Sword Master of the South China Sea.”

Jiuyang Zhenren looked at this scene and felt sincerely.

Heroes don't care about their way out. Even if they are separated by thousands of years and years, even if they are in different places, they meet and know each other today, and there is a feeling of sympathy for each other.

 “That’s it, that’s disrespectful.”

 Shen Changqing quickly clasped his fists and paid respect.

The sword master of Nanhai looked complicated and seemed to have regrets.

“Sir, you were really born in the wrong era. What a pity... what a pity.”

Shen Changqing was puzzled: "Where do you start talking about this?"

The Nanhai Sword Master was a little angry, and his chest rose and fell for a long time without being able to calm down.

 “I have heard about your husband’s deeds, and I hate God for trapping him for two thousand years!”

“If you were born in our era, with your talent and abilities, you would surely become a righteous leader in the world. Not to mention that no demon sect in the world would dare to take the lead, then how could the Black Lotus Cult Master change the world?”

With Qingyunzhai’s innate ability, if he was born in an era with higher combat power level, wouldn’t he be a peerless master?

After hearing this, Shen Changqing suddenly looked a little strange.


 Everyone turned their heads and looked blankly at Shen Miaoke who suddenly laughed.

 “Ah, I’ve been catching a cold recently.”

Shen Miaoke quickly covered up and touched her nose.

In fact, she knew the identity of the Black Lotus Cult leader that night after the Ghost Slave Cult invaded the academy and the Six-Fingered Demon Lord was completely destroyed by her father.

 I am Qingyunzhai’s father, and so is the leader of Black Lotus!

Shen Miao was a little unbelievable at first. Has her father been reincarnated several times?

 She once heard Li Tongtong say that the memories of many heroic spirits are incomplete, and only a small number of heroic spirits can preserve their memories completely.

Furthermore, the heroic spirit may experience a second awakening, or even a third awakening!

 After his father told him the identity of the Black Lotus Cult Leader, he also told him everything that had happened in the past few decades.

Only then did Shen Miao know that the Nanhai Sword Master whom Dean Lu Cheng went to the Eastern Wasteland to look for was the man who was killed by his father.

At this moment, when she heard the words of the Nanhai Sword Master again, she really couldn't hold back.

 “I have medicine here.”

Standing nearby, Xia Beni, who always remained quiet, took out the medicine from her bag.

  The ringtone of her mobile phone suddenly rang at this moment. She took a quick look and quickly turned pale. It was a group message sent by the Provincial Heroes Association.

“A few days ago, your Lucheng was invaded by the Ghost Slave Cult. Now we have found out clearly. It turns out that the six-fingered demon lord and the Bai tribe are behind this.”

"But the person who contracted with the Six-Finger Demon Lord is dead, and even the Six-Finger Demon Lord's advanced medium has lost its response, as if it was completely annihilated."

“The provincial capital is urgently requesting instructions from the superiors. An incredible ancient heroic spirit may have appeared, and it was he who dissipated the heroic spirit that the Six-Fingered Demon Lord defeated.”

Xia Beini looked up in confusion. After finishing speaking, she also saw deep shock in the eyes of Master Jiuyang.

 (End of this chapter)

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