Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 22: Don't hurt me, don't hurt sir, don't hurt my teacher!

Chapter 22 Don’t hurt me, don’t hurt sir, don’t hurt my teacher!

 “Senior, aren’t you planning not to show up?”

Behind the Six-Fingered Demon Lord, the mist shrouded the figure, and a figure also stepped out. It was the man with jade eyes from the Bai tribe who was in the cave.

“This is the Academy of Heroes, and the Hall of Heroes is ten kilometers away. If the Ghost Slave Sect moves slowly, all the progress made in this plan will be in vain.”

 Six-fingered Demon Lord spoke calmly, looking at the group of ghost slave elders with cold eyes, and slowly walked towards various places in the academy.

Just like the Bai men’s previous plan, they will join forces with the Ghost Slave Cult to divert trouble to the east and achieve their goals.

I originally thought that the Ghost Slave Church was hesitant and needed a lot of talking, but I didn't expect that the Ghost Slave Church's desire for the demon from ten thousand years ago has become so crazy that it is desperate.

Just after making contact, the Ghost Slave Cult agreed on the spot, and even madly proposed the idea of ​​attacking Lucheng Yingling Academy.

 Their target is not only Shen Miaoke, but also all young geniuses!

 What the Bai men cannot understand is that the development of the Ghost Slave Cult has not been easy so far. It can only hide in the darkness and slowly grow. Most of the time, it acts cautiously and never violates the bottom line of the Daxia court.

 But ever since they found the demon's medium in the ruins, the Ghost Slave Cult has done incredible things one after another.

What kind of existence is powerful enough for the Ghost Slave Cult to contract and summon it at all costs?

 He investigated and found out that the demon was called Guixuluo and came from 10,000 years ago. Other than that, he could not know its specific origin.

Perhaps the Six-Fingered Demon King knows something about it, but he has no intention of revealing the origin of the demon.

 Just told him that after today, the Guinnu Cult will never be allowed to stay.

“Although the action is slow, the work efficiency is quite fast. We have already found the little girl.”

 Six-fingered Demon King suddenly looked towards the east of the college, turned around and walked slowly, followed closely by the Bai man.


 The courtyard was shrouded in fog. Shen Changqing frowned and looked around, feeling a bad premonition arise spontaneously.

This scene happened before on the way to Lucheng.

“Dad, it’s the Ghost Slave Cult. This is the method the Ghost Slave Cult always uses...”

Shen Miaoke's pretty face turned pale. The experience half a month ago left a lot of shadows in her heart. She almost died in the fog because she lost her direction.

“Don’t worry, dad is here.”

Shen Changqing patted her shoulder lightly, walked out of the room and closed the door tightly.

He glanced briefly at the fusion progress of the Samsara Fruit under the World Tree, and his eyes became colder, staring at the surrounding fog.

 After a while, a large number of old men from the Ghost Slave Sect slowly walked out of the mist.

They are all dressed in ancient costumes, and all have masks on their faces. Their differences seem to represent differences in status.

The leader was wearing a red wind robe and a Yama mask, revealing only a pair of deep-set turbid pupils, emitting wisps of faint light.

"Jingle Bell-"

There is no nonsense. The Ghost Slave Cult always goes straight to the point. Dozens of bronze bells are heard swaying one after another. As the Book of Heroes shines brightly, hundreds of evil spirits suddenly gather around!

These evil spirits are obviously more powerful than the last encounter, especially the evil spirits summoned by the old man in red.

Helding a double-sided giant axe, wearing an ancient crown and black gold armor, his giant-like figure brings a strong sense of oppression.

 “Take it.”

The old man in red spoke in a low voice. The moment the command was conveyed, hundreds of evil spirits in the audience let out deafening roars and charged towards Shen Changqing.

 Shen Changqing's whole body burst into dazzling golden light, the golden wheel of merit reappeared, and the sky was filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

At the same time, the dharma of all living beings also appeared behind them, and the countless dead people roared silently, as if they were condemning the actions of the Ghost Slave Cult.

 They bestowed indescribable power of protection, making Shen Changqing as if he had turned into the sun!


 The golden light raged, crushing everything. The hundreds of evil spirits suffered a devastating blow just the moment they set out. Signs of decay appeared all over their bodies, and they were torn into pieces while wailing in pain.

 Supreme righteousness has the effect of suppressing demons and monsters. After all, these evil spirits do not belong to the category of heroic spirits and are born with fatal shortcomings.

Only the armored giant summoned by the old man in red actually carried the wrath of Haoran Zhengqi, strode forward with ferocious eyes, and struck Shen Changqing hard with an axe.

 Shen Changqing stepped back and dodged the blow.


It roared, shattering the golden light, and suddenly took out a black chain from behind, and was about to restrain Shen Changqing upon seeing this.

 “Don’t hurt me…”

 “Mr. Xiu Shang…”

 “Don’t hurt my teacher!”

 In the dark, there seemed to be crazy roars, silently swirling in the long river.

The dharma of all living beings that appeared behind Shen Changqing's back, and the countless common people in the wilderness do not actually belong to the entity, and they were not really summoned by the contract.

 But at this moment, this unheard of scene appeared.

 Dozens of ghost slaves taught the old man that his scalp was numb and his hairs stood up.

The golden light on Shen Changqing's body surged instantly, reaching an unprecedented level. It surged out in an instant and tore the evil giant to pieces on the spot!

 The expressions of all the old Ghost Slave Sect members changed dramatically, and they staggered back.

Shen Miaoke in the room was always looking at the scene outside. Her pretty face was pale and she was extremely nervous when faced with danger. Her heart was beating fast and her palms were sweating.

At this moment, seeing all those evil spirits being torn apart, I finally felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

“If you don’t take action now, when will you take action?”

The old man in red was shaken by the golden light, leaning against the wall and yelling.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge demonic figure suddenly appeared in the mist, and black energy fell from the sky, shattering the golden light in the sky with the force of breaking bamboo.

When he arrived in front of Shen Changqing, the space was distorted. The entire earth sank three inches on the spot, and spider web-like cracks instantly appeared.

 The golden light is dazzling and the roar is loud.

 The Golden Wheel of Merit and the Demonic Shadow competed with each other, causing even more alarming waves.

Shen Changqing looked up and saw an ancient heroic spirit slowly descending.

 His arrival made the golden light dim significantly.


Shen Changqing narrowed his eyes and saw through the identity of the Six-Fingered Demon Lord on the spot.

“What an eternal sage. This hundred-foot golden wheel of merit is indeed rare in the world. I’m afraid it dates back to the Xuanhuang Realm thousands of years ago, and you are the only one in the world.”

 Six-fingered Demon Lord exclaimed and looked at Shen Changqing with a little admiration.

 But when Shen Miao in the room saw this scene, her mood, which was originally so tense that her throat was filled with tension, suddenly became even more panicked.

 She felt a sense of oppression from the Six-fingered Demon Lord that frightened her.

This is definitely a very scary ancient demon who has killed countless people!


Shen Miaoke opened the door and shouted with a pale face.

 (End of this chapter)

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