Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 21: What has happened must happen again, and the Ghost Slave Cult came out in force

Chapter 21: What has happened must happen again, the Ghost Slave Cult comes out in force

 “The Eastern Wasteland, the Sword Master of the South China Sea…”

Dean Lucheng fell into deep thought, his eyes flashing slightly.

As Master Jiuyang's memory recovered somewhat, another section of the vast Xuanhuang Realm emerged from his mouth that he had never heard of before.

It can be seen that this Eastern Wasteland is probably very far away from Shuzhou.

 Which specific position it is in remains to be investigated.

 But no matter how far it is, in fact, as long as there is a cave passage, there is basically a chance to go there.

 The only question that needs to be considered is whether there are descendants of the Eastern Wasteland currently, and whether it is occupied by alien races from all sides.

 Perhaps it has been completely reduced to a relic. Like Beiling Continent near Shuzhou, which was a great wasteland a thousand years ago, life has long been extinct.

Of course, there is a worse possibility, which is to be submerged by the endless sea and the entire plate disappears.

"I will start an investigation and find the location of Donghuang as soon as possible. I hope to find advanced media about the sword master of the South China Sea."

Dean Lucheng said, Master Jiuyang nodded, and after bowing to Shen Changqing again, the shadow of the heroic spirit slowly dissipated.


  In the afternoon, after finishing the practice room rating, Shen Miaoke returned to his own room.

From Uncle Li Wen’s words, she learned that Li Tongtong entered a certain ruins with many students under the arrangement of the provincial capital two days ago.

 She probably won’t come back in a short period of time.

 According to Shen Miaoke's understanding, the Daxia imperial court currently has control over many ruins, all of which can be accessed through underground cave tunnels.

These ruins cover a large area, bury many historical civilizations, and also contain some treasures.

 For most people, they can dig up the medium of the contracted heroic spirit in the ruins, and then sell the medium through the platform.

 This is the fastest way to make money, but of course it also comes with certain risks.

In addition, there are a large number of cultivation materials in the ruins, including dusty secrets, techniques, etc. If you can dig them out, you will get a huge harvest.

 Through certain channels, the strength and abilities of heroic spirits can even be improved.

Of course, your own practice can also grow rapidly.

Since the provincial capital often organizes this project, it must represent the relics that Li Tongtong went to, and there is almost no risk.

Moreover, with the supervision of experts from the provincial capital and powerful ancient heroic spirits, safety issues can be greatly guaranteed.

According to Uncle Li Wen, if Shen Miaoke also successfully embarks on the path of cultivation, no matter what the path of cultivation, he can choose to participate and increase his experience and experience.

Since this period of time, Shen Miaoke has been studying the techniques given by Master Jiuyang, but has little contact with the outside world.

“Dad, why don’t we tell the dean and Uncle Li Wen that this Zixia Yuqi Gong is more suitable for me to practice?”

 In the room, Shen Miaoke was quite confused.

 After giving up Nine Yang Kung, she was able to sense the inner cyclone in just one night.

If your qualifications are pretty good, you can successfully gather at the Dantian position in five days and barely step into Xiaoxiantian.

Shen Miaoke compared Zixia Qi Controlling Gong and Jiuyang Gong and found that the technique created by his father was not only simple and easy to learn, but also seemed to have greater potential!

This question couldn't help but make Shen Changqing fall into silence. After a while, he answered: "There are thousands of martial arts in the world, but as long as they exist, they must be useful. Each has its own merits, regardless of whether it is high or low."

“Although Zixia Yuqi Gong is suitable for you, it does not mean that it is suitable for everyone. You can just practice it by yourself.”

Shen Changqing lied. After all, in the eyes of everyone, he is now Laozi Qingyunzhai, an eternal sage who created laws and preached to save the common people. Because of this status, her daughter is highly respected and can enter the Academy of Heroes and get better education, more resources, and a safer environment.

If your identity changes, it is difficult to predict what will happen next.

Furthermore, if the Nanhai Sword Master was really summoned by the contract and found out that he was the demon giant Black Lotus Cult Master who was beheaded by him with one finger, it is still unknown whether he would be angry with his daughter.

There is also the attitude of Master Jiuyang, which is impossible to estimate.

Therefore, Shen Changqing believes that it is best to remain silent for the time being and wait and see what happens.

Lest my identity as a demon would implicate my daughter.

“Actually, I want to share it with my other friends. They are all very nice to me, but since my father said this, I will practice alone.”

 Shen Miao nodded obediently and began to study the Qigong skill seriously while holding Zixia in her arms.

During this process, Shen Changqing was also not idle. He continued to search in his mind for the exercises he created back then. Whenever there were suitable ones, he would write them down.

 For him, the happiest time is nothing more than spending time with his daughter. Isn't now the perfect time?


 In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

The Yingling Academy was brightly lit at night. Although the dean took Jiuyang Zhenren and Li Wen to the cave passage to search for traces of the Eastern Wasteland, the defense here was still strong.

Not only are there a large number of mentors contracted with heroic heroes, but many masters from the Lucheng Hall of Heroes are also stationed here all year round.

 Just tonight, many people noticed something unusual.

It was too dark. A Hall of Heroes employee stood near the back mountain and felt the cold air blowing in the breeze.

 “The signal disappeared…”

The man frowned and looked at his communication tool. When he was checking whether there was any malfunction, a thick gray haze suddenly appeared in the back mountain.

 Just the moment it appeared, it quickly spread and enveloped the entire Academy of Heroes.

At the same time, a dozen figures slowly appeared in the man's sight. They walked out of the mist, all wearing masks with ghost faces, holding the Book of Heroes in their left hand and a bronze bell in their right hand.

"Ghost Slave Cult? A group of underground rats broke into the Academy of Heroes. How audacious!"

His eyes turned cold, and he immediately summoned his heroic spirit without any explanation.

The tall figure holding a halberd suddenly fell to the ground, but before he could launch an attack, a terrifying pressure suddenly hit his head.

 The big palm mercilessly fell on the head of the heroic spirit on the spot, causing its body to collapse and fall apart!

Little bits of starlight shattered, reflecting in the man's gradually shrinking pupils.

It was an ancient heroic spirit wearing a black wind robe and exuding a terrifying aura.

His long hair was swaying in the strong wind, and his cold eyes looked down at him without any emotion.

 Its deep power fluctuations affected the airflow in the surrounding space, forming wisps of black wind, accompanied by the ruthless gaze of the demonic figure behind him. This scene made the man's hair stand on end for an instant.

 His mind quickly recalled an illustrated guide of heroic spirits that the dean had distributed.

“Six...six-fingered demon king?”

The sound of trembling teeth and fear rang out, and in an instant, his vision went dark, and his body straightened up and fell down.

 (End of this chapter)

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