Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 125: Shocking the world, the Heavenly Demon Emperor holds Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins in his h

Chapter 125 Shocking the world, the Heavenly Demon Emperor holds the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins in his hands!

"This...this is the exchange between my ancient building owner and the Luo family of Xianzhou!"

Gu Tu trembled and spoke, clutching the jade slip in his hand.

The oppressive force coming from Shen Changqing's status as the Demon King, including the cold gazes of countless demons around him.

This filled Gu Tu's heart with the haze of death. If Shen Changqing hadn't taken action directly, he would have crushed the jade slip to pieces.

 “Xianzhou, Luo family?”

Shen Changqing frowned.

 In the reincarnation, when trying to ascend as the Evil Sword Immortal.

 He did hear the whispers of many ascendants in the ascension channel.

 Among them, Xianzhou is an ascension realm, which is the upper level of the Xuanhuang Realm.

But this was the first time he had heard of the Luo family.

"Seniors may not know much about the Luo family. They are a powerful family in Xianzhou and do not belong to any national force or any heroic organization."

“But they have some close relations with Xiao Yujing in Xianzhou. The leader of the Luo family, Luo Changyu, is reported to be a foreign guest in Xiao Yujing.”

“As for this sixth-sequence advanced medium, it was exchanged between the original poster and Luo Changyu.”

 “I don’t know senior…”

  Gu Tu asked tentatively again.

He came to Lingzhou to trade with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the master of the Forbidden Ruins of Lingzhou, naturally to obtain the original treasure of the cave.

 At present, the Demon Emperor seems to be quite interested in this advanced medium of the sixth sequence.

  After all, as a serial child who was given the power of luck by the Holy Lady of Destiny, even if he becomes a heroic spirit in later generations, he still has huge luck support.

 Some of the rulers of the Forbidden Ruins are even more coveted for the power of luck.

 “You are not qualified to trade with me.”

 Shen Changqing's eyes were cold, and murderous intent continued to linger.

 He has seen that many things that have happened recently are driven by Gu Lou behind the scenes.

 Opening and closing his big palm, he aimed directly at Gu Tu's forehead.

This action frightened Gu Tu's face to turn pale, and he immediately crushed the teleportation jade slip in his hand while screaming.

 When the luster flickered, all the heroic spirits in the ancient building burst out their power sources, trying to buy some time for Gu Tu.

 However, under the suppression of many powerful demons, these heroic spirits were completely unable to muster the strength to resist, so they were all suppressed.

There is even more boundless power that directly forms a sealed space in the square inch world. Even if the teleportation jade slip has been activated, it is completely isolated.

 While Gu Tu screamed, his mind fell into chaos, and his entire consciousness gradually disappeared.

With the Soul Searching Technique activated, Shen Changqing quickly searched Gu Tu’s memory for all information about the Luo family.

“Senior Demon King, there is no need to be like this. It’s just a high-end medium. I have many ancient buildings!”

Fudo Mingwang yelled quickly, and after discovering that the teleportation jade slip had lost its effect, he was also so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

But how did they know that the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the other rulers of the Forbidden Ruins were completely different entities.

There is no way to connect the Heavenly Demon Emperor with the Great Xia Martial Ancestor Shen Changqing.

Today’s move is actually a sheep entering the tiger’s mouth!


 Gu Tu’s body collapsed and blood splattered on the spot.

 Shen Changqing's face turned frosty after getting all the information about the Luo family.

This Luo family is located in the land of Xianzhou.

There are four great holy spirits in the Luo family. One of them is Demon Dragon Immortal Lord Di Chong, and the other is Luo Sen, the first ancestor of the Luo family.

 The remaining two were all immortals from Xianhuang Realm’s Immortal Continent one hundred thousand years ago.

 Isn’t this right?

The person who intends to cross the river of time and travel to the land of Tianzhou 70,000 years ago to kill Yunxiang, his daughter's previous life, is the Luo family!

 To talk about the reason, it is when the Luo family passed down to the third generation.

 He once took action against Yun Xiang and coveted the fortune map on Yun Xiang's body.

 During the dispute, Yunxiang's subordinates were massacred, and a large number of followers followed the family forces to which their servants belonged.

 In addition to the Luo family, there were also other forces that took action back then.

 But only the Luo family has a blood feud.

During Yunxiang's counterattack, they suffered a devastating blow. The Luo family was forced to leave Tianzhou with their remaining strength.

 But Yunxiang’s pursuit did not stop for a moment.

What they are worried about is that Yunxiang will awaken her memory in later generations, or that after being contracted, she will continue to fulfill her vow and kill the Luo family until it is exterminated.

This was the behavior that spanned the long river of time, and the scene where the four holy spirits appeared 70,000 years ago.

Now, the Luo family has also sacrificed many of Yunxiang's followers to the owners of many forbidden ruins.

The deep hatred that has lasted for so many years has not stopped even in the era of Yuling in later generations. It is still an unending situation.

“I will avenge this revenge on you from my father.”

Shen Changqing looked around at the entire Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

The so-called Forbidden Ruins are a kind of abnormal earth in the Xuanhuang Realm created by the collapse of the laws of heaven and earth, and the complete leakage and release of the origin of the cave.

 Any high-level medium placed in the Forbidden Ruins will have the opportunity to give birth to a heroic spirit body on its own.

 But there is no doubt that without a contractor, the heroic spirits in the Forbidden Ruins cannot leave.

 Only by casting the ultimate treasure of the underground cave can one be able to come and go freely.

 There are hundreds of thousands of powerful demons in his Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

He did not have enough treasures from the cave to let these hundreds of thousands of demons leave and go to Xianzhou to raze the Luo family to the ground.

 But, he had another way.

 “Give it to me!”

 Shen Changqing mobilized all the power of the Demon Emperor with all his strength.

 The low roar caused a thunder storm to rage throughout the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gazes of Prince Fudo and all the ancient heroes, the entire Lingzhou land actually began to rise slowly!

 A demon giant that reaches a height of 200,000 feet, bursting with terrifying power.

He actually used the power of his hands to lift the land of Lingzhou alive!

 Thunder roared, and the power of destruction roared in every corner.

 The realm is separated from the surface. This scene is shocking, and the movement is unprecedented.

 Many outsiders, including powerful heroic spirits from other Forbidden Ruins, felt this sudden change.

They all looked surprised and uncertain, intending to release their spiritual thoughts to see what happened, but due to the limitations of their heroic bodies, they could not see anything.

 “Holding the Forbidden City in your hand...what are you going to do?”

Fudo Myooh screamed in fear, his pupils filled with disbelief.

As early as a year ago, he heard about everything the Demon Emperor did in the Forbidden City on the Plateau.

Suppress the Emperor of the Plateau, refine all the evil spirits in the entire plateau, and even manifest the demon giant that reaches the sky, as if he is burning the sky and boiling the sea!

Since then, there have been no evil spirits in the Forbidden City on the Plateau, and the entire Forbidden City has lost its meaning.

Now, he saw with his own eyes that the Heavenly Demon Emperor used his magical power again to support the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins with the strength of a giant!

 What is he going to do?

 “Lord Demon Emperor!”

 In the Forbidden Ruins, tens of thousands of demons looked fanatical.

Such heaven-reaching means and the display of heaven-defying abilities have never been seen before!

"From today onwards, we will kill those who deserve to be killed, and plunder those who deserve to be robbed. I will lead you to attack the city and seize the territory!"

Shen Changqing's cold voice swept across the entire Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

Under the influence of Fa Tian Xiang Di, the demon giant held Lingzhou in his hand and left the area where it belonged, leaving behind a dark abyss with no end and headed for the Luo family in Xianzhou!

Dazezhou at this moment.

  As the closest ancient ruins continent to Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

This kind of shaking movement of the earth and mountains spreads to all directions, and naturally affects the entire geographical area of ​​​​Da Zezhou.

It was like a big earthquake had occurred, and a large number of buildings left by the aliens collapsed one after another.

Emperor Yan was resting in the ruins of the Yanxian Dynasty. Many Qin Tianjian staff were still carrying out excavation work, and they were startled by the movement and broke into a cold sweat.

"what happened?"

The prisoner looked up and found that the sky was getting dark.

Dense clouds moved forward and rolled in from the distance, bringing up a cold storm and bringing dust all over the sky.

 At a glance, it is boundless.

“This is... Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins?”

Emperor Yan's consciousness swept away, and soon he saw a scene that made him suddenly suffocate.

His mind was pounding with disbelief.

 At the end of the sky, a floating continent appeared.

Accompanied by the roar of black thunder, the surrounding space continues to be squeezed.

 Him vaguely moving through the underground tunnels to move the entire continent to a certain place.

The visual impact was unprecedented, deeply shocking Emperor Yan's mind, and he was stunned for a moment.

 “Quickly, send the news back to Daxia!”

The supervisor was using the communication tool, and soon he was also on the screen. When he saw that scene, he turned pale with fright and lost his mind.

The forbidden ruins were lifted up by human hands, which was shocking.

“Is this the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins?”

Since the last incident, Taoist Master Shushan has always stayed in the Dazezhou colony, and he is regarded as the colonial leader assigned by Daxia.

At this moment, his consciousness swept across, and he was also frightened and frightened.

“Lingzhou belonged to the world of demons back then, and everyone there was practicing demonic techniques. It was reported that there were countless demons.”

“They only obey the orders of one person, and that is the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Heavenly Demon Emperor!”

“Now that it has been reduced to a forbidden ruin, those demons have all given birth to heroic bodies.”

“This movement in Lingzhou must be caused by the Heavenly Demon Emperor!”

Emperor Yan's pupils were shocked, and he quickly guessed that the move of the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins was caused by the Demon Emperor.

This kind of handwriting has never been seen in the current era of Yuling.

Because of the restrictions in the Forbidden Ruins, the heroic spirits inside cannot leave even half a step without the original treasure of the cave.

But the Heavenly Demon Emperor held up the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins, which made the restrictions of the Forbidden Ruins virtually nonexistent!

Think about the hundreds of thousands of demons in Lingzhou. If they could move freely, it would be extremely terrifying to future generations.

This scene was seen by many Daxia soldiers in the Dazezhou colony one after another, and they were all extremely shocked.

  Shen Miaoke is still following in the footsteps of Qin Tianjian and is doing the work of excavating history.

 It’s just that in recent days, the scenes in dreams have become clearer and clearer, and they are no longer limited to the same dream.

 “Dad, what are you going to do?”

She looked into the distance, her mind filled with huge ripples.

She is of course extremely clear about the identity of Shen Changqing, the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

 After all, the predecessor of the Demon Emperor was the leader of the Black Lotus.


 At the same time, inside Shuzhou Daxia.

 The movement in Lingzhou caused an unprecedented storm.

Tianshusi received the news as soon as possible and immediately sounded the alarm.

 There is no doubt that the Forbidden City is a potential time bomb for future generations of human civilization.

  Whether it is a plateau, a strange continent, or other forbidden ruins such as Lingzhou.

 The powerful heroic spirits inside are of various levels.

 From the heroic level, to the mythical level, and even the holy spirit level in the strange continent.

Anyone who comes out and attempts to bring disaster to the civilization of future generations or to become king and hegemon in the age of Yuling is a manifestation of disaster.

 With the heroic spirits they contracted, they may be able to suppress and repel them, but there is no way to do it comprehensively.

At this moment, Lingzhou, a demonic realm where countless demons once sat.

How can you not be nervous about being held up alive by someone and about to appear in an unknown place?

In the Great Xia Pavilion, the nine pavilion elders looked solemn, and they were all sweating profusely as they looked at the pictures sent back.

Li Daoran and Jiang Wenshu were also present, and they were stunned.

Only the strong ones at their level know how terrifying it is to lift up a continent and move it.

 As an immortal, perhaps refining a world is not particularly difficult.

But if you break away from the laws of heaven and earth, and forcibly merge and collide with the laws of heaven and earth, the backlash you will encounter is unimaginable.

Although Lingzhou has been reduced to a forbidden ruin and the laws of heaven and earth have collapsed, the continents outside are still intact.

“We found out that the direction Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins is headed towards is Xianzhou!”

Lao Dage stared closely at the communication tools. In Tianshusi's calculations, he discovered that Lingzhou's trip was to the land of Xianzhou.

 Xianzhou is the core of the Western civilization. In the ancient era, it once belonged to the upper world.

 After saying these words, the other eight pavilion elders immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, this Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins is not heading towards Shuzhou.

Everyone knows that there are countless powerful demon spirits in the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins, and the master is the Demon Emperor.

In the information revealed by Emperor Yan, the strength of the Sanjue Martial Ancestor among the Heavenly Demon Emperor and Da Xia might be equal.

Looking at the current situation, among all the ranks of the forbidden ruins that have been explored, the Demon Emperor is considered to be the leader.

Last time, the Heavenly Demon Emperor appeared on the plateau and refined the evil spirits of the entire plateau. Now he is holding the Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins in his hand and heading to Xianzhou. What does he want to do?

“This Heavenly Demon Emperor is quite extraordinary. What kind of strength does he have that can hold Lingzhou in his hands?”

Li Daoran was puzzled. Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Emperor planned to let the entire Lingzhou ascend to the upper realm?

 But in the age of Yuling, there is not much difference between the upper world and the lower world.

 In addition to the larger field and stronger laws, there are no restrictions on communication.

“It’s the law of heaven and earth, this Demon King of Heaven is practicing Taoist immortal magic!”

Jiang Wenshu held a whisk in his hand and took in a breath of cold air.

He could see at a glance that the demon giant carrying Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins forward was created by the magical power of Fa Tian Xiang and Earth!

 It is simply unbelievable that a demon can master Taoist magic.

"Contact the embassy in Xianzhou immediately. I want to know every move of the Demon Emperor."

Dage Lao didn’t know why, his adrenaline was soaring, and he felt like a big drama was about to take place.

There are a total of seven major kingdoms in Xianzhou, and the foundation of each kingdom is unfathomable and not weaker than Daxia.

In addition, there are a large number of mysterious organizational forces, all of which have great backgrounds, and some even have the presence of the Holy Spirit.

 At the moment, Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins has arrived in Xianzhou, and hundreds of thousands of demonic spirits are murderous. This is definitely a moment that will be recorded in history!

 (End of this chapter)

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