Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 124: The reincarnation is over, the day is rising

Chapter 124 The reincarnation is over and the sun rises

 The passage of time in the long river of time is completely different.

After Shen Changqing resolved the Emperor Chong incident, the Tianjianmen realm returned to its former tranquility.

However, the battle between the nine Holy Spirits that day, including his actions of opening and closing the forbidden area with a sword, causing chaos to tear apart the space, had an irreversible impact on the laws of Tianzhou.

 To a certain extent, Tianzhou belongs to the ‘lower realm’ level.

It cannot accept immortals, nor can it withstand the damage caused by various magical powers brought by monks who have transcended the Great Perfection stage of the Tribulation Period.

 This has caused damage to Tianzhou’s Cave Heaven Paradise.

I am afraid that in the cyclical process of the ebb and flow of spiritual energy, there will be one generation or even several generations that will be unable to regenerate life and revive spiritual energy.

Even if the Nine Holy Spirits have left, they cannot be reversed.

What's more, the level of the Evil Sword Immortal is also beyond the reach of Tianzhou.

 Shen Changqing knew in his heart that it was time for him to leave.

 Otherwise, Tianzhou may become a forbidden ruin one day in the future.

 Looking up, I saw the waterfall thatched cottage in my sight.

Three-year-old Yunxiang chased butterflies, her giggles continuing to spread.

Junior Brother Huang Long and Junior Sister Fu Yueyue, they came together at some point and were chasing and fighting with Yunxiang.

 “Husband, what’s wrong with you?”

Chun Ning snuggled next to him and saw a little sadness and reluctance in his eyes.

 Three years ago, that battle was famous throughout Tianzhou.

Even the Demon Dragon Immortal Lord is no match for the Evil Sword Immortal.

 After that, the Evil Sword Immortal disappeared without a trace.

Only you know that the Evil Sword Immortal is your husband.

 Once upon a time, she also speculated on this possibility.

 But unexpectedly, the speculation became reality.

 “I think it’s time for me to ascend.”

 Shen Changqing sighed slightly, slightly complicated.

 He was indeed very reluctant to leave, but in order to avoid Tianzhou becoming a forbidden ruin, he needed to leave as soon as possible.

In this era, due to the disappearance of the law of heavenly tribulation and the rupture of the immortal path, the practice system was finally limited to the Great Perfection of the tribulation period.

 No one can ascend, no one can become an immortal.

However, the Evil Sword Immortal is beyond the law and can become an immortal without a catastrophe at all.

The only problem facing Shen Changqing is that the immortal road is broken and it is difficult to ascend to the upper world.

 After three years of thinking, Shen Changqing has another way to build a bridge of ascension by himself.

 “Okay, you go first, and I’ll be there soon.”

After hearing this, Chu Ning was silent for a while before responding with a smile.

 Shen Changqing mentioned it before.

She understands the truth behind this. If her husband continues to stay in Tianzhou, it will be a disaster for Tianzhou.

With her current level of cultivation in the Divine Transformation Stage, perhaps in another thousand years, she will be able to reach the level of transcending the Tribulation Stage and walk on the bridge built by Shen Changqing to the upper world.

As for her daughter Yunxiang, because she carries the destiny chart on her back, practicing is as simple as drinking water, so there is no need to worry at all.

 “I left something behind that you might be able to use.”

 Shen Changqing took out a storage bag and handed it to Chu Ning.

 Then he stood up, looked at Yunxiang who was chasing and laughing again, and took a deep breath.

 “Madam, I’ll see you in the upper world.”

 He fluttered his sleeves and stepped towards the sky.

Rumble —

 A glow shone out, and soon a huge vortex appeared.

Chun Ning stared blankly, even though she was reluctant to give up, she could only show a reluctant smile.

This movement attracted the attention of many people, and a large number of spiritual consciousnesses appeared in an instant.

Yunxiang also stopped chasing and looked at the sky curiously.

 “Mom, where is daddy?”

Yunxiang ran over and found that Shen Changqing was no longer around.

 “Your father has gone on a long journey.”

Chun Ning didn’t know how to explain it to Yunxiang.

 Junior brother Huang Long and junior sister Fu Yueyue next to them looked at each other, even more confused.

 Because at this moment, the vortex appearing above the head looks like some kind of once-broken passage.

 As the rays of light shine, it reveals the image of ascension!

 Shen Changqing's figure has disappeared into the vortex.

 In front of his sight, a scene almost identical to that of the cave tunnel appeared in later generations.

 The scene was strange and strange, accompanied by a lot of storms.

 The only difference between the two is that the channel in the former is interrupted, while the channel in the latter is connected perfectly.

 “With my body, I will reshape the path to immortality.”

 Shen Changqing whispered, and the power of the Evil Sword Immortal rolled out.

The source of all evil quickly emitted light, and the endless majestic source of power flew between the broken passages in an instant.

 He did not know which continent of the Xuanhuang Realm the upper realm he ascended to belonged to.

 Various murmurs seemed to be lingering in his ears.

“After thousands of years of practice, I have finally become an immortal. But what is an immortal? I am just a member of the heavenly soldiers…”

“Hahaha, it must be that the heavenly immortal was so drunk that he crushed the white clouds into pieces. Here I come to the upper realm!”

 “Xianzhou, this is Xianzhou!”

Shen Changqing listened silently to the words of various ascendants left in the ascension passage.

After the passage of time, he naturally had no idea whether these people were still alive or what their circumstances were.

 But judging from the information revealed, the place where he ascended was called Xianzhou.

 Shen Changqing was silent for a while, then suddenly looked back.

 He was at the end of the passage, overlooking the entire Tianzhou scene.

 Just how fast time passes, why does it feel like there is such a huge gap?

 Shen Changqing's pupils shrank slightly.

 He saw the area within the Heavenly Sword Sect, and gradually a picture of the exhausted Cave Heaven Paradise emerged.

Bai Mei Shouyuan reached the end and passed away under the respectful send-off of all the disciples of Tianjian Sect.

 He saw that his wife’s cultivation level was rising steadily, and she had actually reached the Great Perfection stage of integration!

 Daughter Yunxiang’s fortune chart began to be used superbly, and she continued to roam around the Tianzhou area, constantly giving the power of fortune.

 Over time, the reputation of the Holy Lady of Destiny began to spread quietly.

 Until the Dharma Ending Period came, Tianzhou had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Tianjianmen was renamed, and Shushan was born.

After the death of the Taoist Master of Prajna Mountain, suddenly there were wisps of golden light, filled with Buddhist images.

 Suddenly, Shen Changqing's body shook violently.

The picture in his sight was fragmented, and his whole body was pulled by an inexplicable suction force.


 Chaotic space, under the World Tree.

 The description of the fruit of reincarnation is clearly revealed.

  【Reincarnation has ended. 】

  【Imprinting the mark of life. 】

  【Fusing the body of the heroic spirit. 】

Shen Changqing opened his eyes tremblingly, showing some doubts and confusion.

 Haven’t I ascended?

 Why did you wake up suddenly?

 He looked at the description of the fruit of reincarnation and fell into deep contemplation. No, according to the bridge he built, the Evil Sword Immortal will definitely be able to leave Tianzhou and go to the upper realm.

 But at that moment, his consciousness was torn apart.

Shen Changqing was interrupted by a sudden headache.

“Well, since we know that my wife was in Tianzhou in her previous life, maybe she can be found near Tianzhou.”

 When Shen Changqing thought of this, he immediately stood up and left the chaotic space in one step.

 After his wife gave birth to Shen Miaoke, he died of a serious illness. His wife took care of Shen Miaoke for two years, and then disappeared without a trace.

 If you guessed correctly, something must have happened in the meantime, perhaps related to the wife's awakening of past life memories.

As soon as he stepped out of the space, the aura of the forbidden ruins rippled out.

As the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he overlooked the entire Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins and soon discovered that a large number of uninvited guests had entered the place.


 The top of the sky is full of floating ruins.

Forbidden ruins in various places in the Xuanhuang Realm almost all have the same scene.

Gulou's mythical heroic spirit Fudo Mingou is following other companions, looking around with a solemn expression, as if he is looking for something.

“The ruler of this Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins is called the Heavenly Demon Emperor.”

“He once appeared in the Plateau Forbidden Ruins and killed the Plateau Emperor Yan Wutian with his own hands. It is unclear whether there was any enmity between the two.”

“But he doesn’t seem to agree with the outside world about building a soul furnace. Are you sure we want to continue?”

Fudo Myooh’s words were filled with some worries.

As a mythical heroic spirit in Gulou, his status is certainly not low, and the allocated resources he can obtain are also very considerable.

 But in the ancient building, all heroic spirits need to follow the will of the owner of the ancient building and the current contracted Prajna Buddha.

 Due to the previous transaction between the owner of Gulou and the Luo family, there was a serious shortage of the original treasure of Gulou's cave.

 They were ordered to negotiate with the rulers in various forbidden ruins, hoping to exchange the soul furnace for some of the original treasures of the cave.

 This Lingzhou is the biggest target.

 There are rumors from the outside world that the Heavenly Demon Emperor has mastered the original treasure of the cave and can come and go freely inside and outside the forbidden ruins.

 But how many there are is unknown for the time being.

 “As long as there are interests, the position will be changed.”

“Prajna Buddha III is the upright one, isn’t it already acquiesced?”

“What’s more, if the situation goes wrong, there is still a teleportation formation.”

 The leader of the team this time is Gutu, one of the three most powerful people in Gulou.

 They have completed transactions and negotiations in many forbidden markets before.

 Hence, naturally he is full of confidence in this Lingzhou.

“It’s a pity that the Martial Ancestor is actually an awakened person. If not, his relics will definitely be sold for a high price.”

"With the bids of the nine masters in the strange forbidden ruins, we will definitely be able to exchange for a lot of the treasures from the cave."

Gu Tu spoke again, feeling a little regretful.

 Although Da Zezhou has now become a colony of Daxia, outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission.

 But after all, the field is vast and there are always some loopholes that can be exploited.

 After various investigations by people in the ancient building, some relics of the Martial Ancestor have been found.

 Just after Wu Zu awakened, his relics lost their due meaning.

 “I hope the Demon Emperor here can appreciate this high-level medium.”

In Gu Tu’s arms, there was a token shining slightly.

It seems that under the influence of the original aura of the cave, a heroic spirit body will be born on its own.

There are some ancient words engraved on it, vaguely revealing the name of the Luck Servant Sequence.


Fudo Myooh suddenly spoke, his expression becoming extremely nervous.

 He felt a huge spiritual will descending around him.

At the same time, with the awakening of this will, countless cold eyes looked over.

That is the gaze of thousands of demons in the entire Lingzhou.

 Originally, when they stepped into this place, they did not disturb any demons.

Even though many people discovered them, they didn’t pay much attention to them.

 But now, they have become the focus of the entire Lingzhou!

 A deep coercion descended on the surrounding area, making Prince Fudo's face turn pale.

 All the heroes of the ancient buildings around them felt intense uneasiness in their hearts.

Gu Tu also stopped and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Senior Demon Emperor, the third-in-command Gutu in Xiagulou has come today to discuss important matters. Please give me a chance!”

Gu Tu tightly grasped the teleportation jade slip in his hand. This was a teleportation object created by Prajna Buddha from the origin of the cave in the cave myth list.

 Just crush it to form a square inch of space and take everyone away.

At this moment, the words fell, and Shen Changqing's figure appeared in their sight.

That rich demonic power affects the broken laws of Lingzhou Forbidden Ruins.

 Following Shen Changqing are a large number of top demons.

These were the mainstays of the Tianmo Sect back then.

 “You are not welcome here.”

Shen Changqing's face was calm and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

  All the contents of Gu Tu’s previous conversation fell into his ears.

 Of course he has some impressions of this so-called ancient building.

 According to Xuanyuan Xue's information, Gu Lou is located in the Southern Kingdom of Xingzhou and is the most prosperous heroic organization in the Southern Kingdom.

Behind the scenes, they are often closely related to the Xuanhuang tribe, including other civilized countries.

If you guessed it correctly, the last time the Qin Tianjian team was in danger of life and death in Dazezhou was caused by Gu Lou!

“Senior Demon Emperor, please wait a moment, our ancient building does not have any malicious intent, we just want to establish a trading channel.”

 “Come today, we have prepared a big gift.”

 Under such great pressure, Gu Tu was already sweating profusely.

  He has already seen that there is a big difference between the Demon Emperor and the other rulers of the Forbidden Ruins.

“If you want to build a soul furnace here, there is no need to say anything else.”

Shen Changqing's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

But obviously, this group of people are not the real helmsmen of the ancient building. Even if they are all killed, it will not make much sense.

“Senior, please take a look at this first. This is the sixth sequence known as the Son of Luck! He is a strong man created by the destiny map, and his heroic body contains the destiny of heaven and earth!”

Gu Tu hurriedly took out the token from his arms.

The name of the sixth sequence was engraved on the token. When it was completely exposed in the ruins, it quickly underwent some changes through the origin of the cave.

The so-called sixth sequence is the strongest person born from a certain group of followers given by the Goddess of Destiny through the use of the Destiny Chart.

This strongest man is blessed with great power of luck, so he is called the son of luck.

The advanced medium that Gu Lou obtained in the sixth sequence was obtained from the Luo family. It is one of the things exchanged by the owner of the building and Luo Changyu all the year round.

 To put it bluntly, the Luo family is eager for Gulou to trade the many followers of Yunxiang who are endowed with the power of luck with the master of the Forbidden Ruins.

 “Where did you get this?”

Shen Changqing's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light.

There was a terrifying coercion pressing down on Gu Tu on the spot. All the ancient buildings were struck by lightning, and their bodies began to tremble wildly.

 Hearing the words Tianyun Diagram, Shen Changqing understood something instantly.

 His sharp eyes were accompanied by murderous intent, which made Gu Tu extremely frightened.

I’ve been too tired recently. Please allow me to take it slow and recover as soon as possible...



 (End of this chapter)

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