Chapter 11 The Beginning of the Legend

 The sixth elder stood up immediately, looking surprised and uncertain.

 After hesitating for a long time, he quietly approached Shen Changqing from the other side, who was closing his eyes and breathing.

 “This is indeed the secret method of Tiancan!”

 “No, that’s not right, it seems different?”

 After carefully observing it, he found that Shen Changqing's breathing method was indeed the Tiancanxin method he had just taught, but there were many differences.

It seems that some kind of improvement has been made, it is just a simple rearrangement of the order of reciting the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique.

 But this has caused Shen Changqing's every vomiting to appear very natural, without the thrilling and cautious process of Tiancanxinfa at all.

“This is too weird. Not only did the three-year-old child understand it on the spot, but he also created his own mental method??”

 The Sixth Elder was completely frozen in place, and was actually startled by Shen Changqing's performance and broke into a cold sweat.

You must know that the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Method is the only method of the Black Lotus Demon Sect. It is one of the best methods to move from the body-forging realm to innateness.

 Looking at all the sects in the world, Tiancan Xinfa can be ranked among the top three!

It is precisely because of this set of mental methods that most of the disciples of the Black Lotus Demon Sect are far more powerful than other people of the same age.

 Over the years, no one has ever dared to try to improve the Heavenly Silkworm Mind Technique. If there is even the slightest mistake, the result will be death.

But at this moment, the Sixth Elder witnessed with his own eyes that Shen Changqing, who was only three years old, was practicing the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique and making improvements!

 “What a genius…”

 The Sixth Elder let out a long sigh, and his eagle-like eyes became extremely excited.

After waiting quietly for a long time, Shen Changqing has completed a week of practice.

 The Dantian position in the body has given birth to a considerable amount of internal energy.

He opened his eyes and saw the Sixth Elder standing in front of him with a serious expression.

 “Grandpa Six?”

Shen Changqing naturally discovered it a long time ago, but after careful consideration, he decided not to hide the matter.

 After all, time is extremely precious. Only by being exposed to more advanced techniques can he have a chance to become stronger in a short period of time.

In the past three years, he also discovered that although this place is called the Black Lotus Demon Sect, and is regarded as a group of treacherous and powerful people in the eyes of the world, it is not stingy or harmful to his family at all.

“You bastard, you started studying secretly at a young age?”

“How can it be so easy to learn the Silkworm Mind Technique? Your Sixth Grandpa and I just started to learn it when I was twenty years old, and it took me ten years to learn it.”

"You are only three years old. If there are some problems with your practice, even gods can't save you."

 The sixth elder did not speak out in anger, pretending to be very angry, and gave a severe reprimand.

 Shen Changqing corrects his mistakes when he knows them, and his attitude of admitting his mistakes is very correct.

The Sixth Elder's expression softened, and then he coughed a few times and asked, "I just saw that you changed the order of breathing out the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Method. Why is that?"

Shen Changqing answered truthfully: "Because I felt very uncomfortable, so I followed the order of how to feel comfortable. It's much smoother now."

After hearing this, the Sixth Elder suddenly started to sweat profusely.

 Is it that simple?

 It’s too scary!

 You create your own mental method because you feel uncomfortable?

 Sure enough, in the world of geniuses, ordinary people cannot understand it at all.

 “Forget it, from today on, you will practice together with others.”

 The Sixth Elder had a complicated expression. Such a talented person would definitely become the mainstay of the Black Lotus Demon Sect in the future, so he decided to train him seriously.

  …    Time flies, and it’s been two years again.

By the waterfall at the foot of Mandrill Cliff, Shen Changqing and sixteen other disciples practiced day and night, almost never taking a break.

The Sixth Elder had more white hair on his temples than before. He looked at Shen Changqing’s thin figure and sighed to Zuo Zunshi, who also stopped to watch:

"This child is really a waste of time by staying with me. In just two years, he has learned all the techniques I have mastered, and has directly reached the peak of innateness."

“If this trend continues, he is very likely to become the youngest grandmaster in the world in three years.”

"I can't imagine what his future will be like. Just take him away. Anyway, I'm not qualified to teach him anymore."

 The sixth elder shook his head, looking quite helpless and frustrated.

 The talent Shen Changqing has displayed in the past two years has allowed him to live in a thrilling time almost every day.

Whenever a set of skills is taught, it doesn't take long for Shen Changqing to fully understand and master it.

What's even more frightening is that he can create more perfect exercises based on the original ones.

Even if I have lived for more than sixty years, this kind of understanding is unheard of and unseen!

After hearing this, Zuo Zunshi couldn't help laughing: "The matter about Xiao Qi has now spread throughout the Holy Religion. Not to mention you, even the four great protectors have asked him for advice in private."

"No matter what the question is, he can answer it one by one, and even wrote the most suitable martial arts for each of the four guardians."

“To put it bluntly, there is no one in our holy religion who can teach him, and neither can I.”

After Zuo Zunshi finished speaking, the six elders immediately looked troubled.

If even a heavenly master cannot become Xiao Qi’s teacher, then who else in the world can guide him in the direction of his cultivation?

“We can only let Xiao Qi go to the Holy Fire Cave.” Zuo Zunshi spoke again.

“You want him to become the leader of our holy religion?” The Sixth Elder was surprised.

"Why not? The Holy Religion has not had a leader for twenty years. Neither I, nor the right envoy, nor the four guardians can control the Holy Fire Order in the Holy Fire Cave."

"Xiao Shiqi is a genius. Although he is only five years old, as long as he can be recognized by the Holy Fire Order, I believe that the entire Holy Church is willing to support him to rise to power."

Zuo Zunshi’s words shocked the Sixth Elder deeply. The five-year-old leader couldn’t think of anything like this in the world!

What's more, it is not an easy task to obtain the approval of the Holy Fire Order.

As the inheritance of the entire Holy Religion, the Holy Fire Order contains a large number of secret books, including the best magic skill in the world - the Seven Absolute Magic Skills.

Only by cultivating the Seven Ultimate Demonic Skills can one fully control the Holy Fire Order.

Xiao Shiqi is only five years old, and the Sixth Elder is really worried that this outcome will put Xiao Qi into a catastrophic situation.

 “At the moment, we can only choose to believe him.”

Zun Zunshi has already walked towards Shen Changqing. Amidst the sweaty fists and shouts, many young disciples stopped practicing, and Shen Changqing was no exception.

“Xiao Qi, do you want to learn more secret techniques?” Zuo Zunshi asked.

 “Think.” Shen Changqing nodded.

Over the past two years, he has basically practiced all the existing secrets and techniques of the Black Lotus Demon Cult.

In addition, he also created fourteen different techniques. When they complement each other, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the innate peak.

 But the potential of the Black Lotus Demon Sect seems to have only reached this level, and Shen Changqing cannot be exposed to more advanced things.

If Zuo Zunshi had greater abilities, he would certainly be willing to learn.

 “Then follow me.”

Zuo Zunshi laughed heartily and led Shen Changqing towards the direction of the Holy Fire Cave.

 (End of this chapter)

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