Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 10: In the prosperous age of ancient martial arts, the Black Lotus Demon Sect

Chapter 10 The prosperous age of ancient martial arts, the Black Lotus Demon Sect

 My father, is he the Qingyunzhai Laozi they have been talking about?

Shen Miaoke was a little confused and did not react.

“Don’t worry about it for now, we’ll find out when we get to Lucheng.”

Li Wen quickly took Shen Miaoke and Li Tongtong and set off again to Lucheng.

 In the chaotic space, Shen Changqing watched this scene silently. After confirming that his daughter was no longer in danger, he was ready to start reincarnation.

  【Entering reincarnation...】

 【Selecting time anchor point...】

 【Anchor point confirmed, the ancient martial arts flourished in the Xuanhuang Realm 3,500 years ago...】

 Under the World Tree, Shen Changqing looked expectantly at the description of the Reincarnation Fruit.

After knowing that his previous life could be fused with the body of a heroic spirit, he has decided to continue reincarnation, create more different identities, and continue to build stronger strength.

 Just relying on Laozi Qingyunzhai, the so-called savior Bodhisattva cannot solve the problem at all.

“In the ancient martial arts era more than three thousand years ago, I just don’t know where I will be in the Xuanhuang Realm again.”

Shen Changqing fell into deep thought. His previous reincarnations were basically more than a thousand years ago, but the place of birth was completely different.

 But this time, it spanned more than two thousand years in an instant.

 This means that the risk factor he will encounter will increase significantly, and it will also be accompanied by more opportunities.

 Without any hesitation, Shen Changqing quickly chose to enter reincarnation.


 Eastern Wasteland.

 Mandrill cliff.

 This is the mountain site of the Black Lotus Demon Sect that makes countless sects in the world fearful.

His foundation is unfathomable. According to rumors, the four great protectors are all great masters, and the left and right venerables have even entered the realm of gods and humans, standing at the pinnacle of martial arts.

 At this moment, we are under the Mandrill Cliff Waterfall.

There was a group of young men playing in the water and having a great time.

Suddenly there was an exclamation: "Look, there is an abandoned baby in the river!"

 The baby wrapped in the basket seemed to have just been born and floated all the way along the cliff and river here.

Several young men quickly ran over and picked up the basket.

They looked at Shen Changqing curiously and quickly determined that this was a baby boy.

 “Tell the Sixth Elder quickly!”

A group of people stopped playing and happily rushed back to the outer hall of the Demon Sect.

Shen Changqing was lying in the basket, feeling dizzy from the shaking.

 Although it is an abandoned baby, it can be considered a normal start.

In Shen Changqing's eyes, although these young men look young, only fifteen or sixteen years old, they all have powerful energy and blood fluctuations without exception.

If placed in the Jiejing Dynasty of the Great Wasteland, it is no exaggeration to say that they could single-handedly defeat a squad of 100 people.

  【Binding the reincarnation fruit talent. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: Comprehension is heaven-defying. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: Soul Splitting. 】


Shen Changqing was suddenly surprised. How did he bring in the reincarnation fruit talent from the previous life?

 According to the experience of past reincarnations, the talents bound to the fruits of each reincarnation are different.

But this time not only did the familiar understanding of heaven-defying appear, there was also a second reincarnation fruit talent—soul sharing!

With a slight movement of thought, Shen Changqing quickly understood the role of soul sharing.

His consciousness can return to reality and return to the body of the heroic spirit, and this life will not be affected at all.

“That’s good, I can always know about Miaoke’s safety.” Shen Changqing secretly marveled.

Not long after, he was brought excitedly to the Sixth Elder by a group of young men.

The Sixth Elder is an old man with white hair on his temples. He has full authority over the entire outer disciples of the Black Lotus Demon Sect, but his appearance looks quite penetrating.

Eyes like eagle eyes, with a soul-catching luster.

 But in front of this group of young men, he seemed approachable.

 “Abandoned baby?”

 The sixth elder looked carefully at Shen Changqing in the basket and pondered for a while.

“He is so pitiful. He was abandoned by his parents when he was born. Sixth Elder, can we keep him?” One of the young men asked nervously.

"It's not impossible. If you want to keep him, he must become a disciple of the Holy Cult. But this child is still young, so we can't make the decision for him, right?"

The Sixth Elder hesitated. After all, the Black Lotus Demon Sect has a notorious reputation and has always been hated by those sects that claim to be famous and righteous. Once you leave this child behind, it means making a decision for his life.


Many young men looked at each other, and finally begged: "Keep him, Sixth Elder, he will starve to death in less than two days outside."

“Yes, Sixth Elder, let’s keep him.”

“Sixth Elder, don’t worry, we won’t cause you any trouble!”

Unable to withstand the tough talk, the Sixth Elder could only chuckle and nodded.

“Forget it, he is the seventeenth among you, let’s call him Demon Seventeen from now on.”

 The young men were pleasantly surprised and left the hall cheering.

Shen Changqing also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If he was abandoned again, then this life would probably be over.


 Time flies, and three years passed in the blink of an eye.

 Shen Changqing’s understanding of this era has become increasingly clear.

This place is called Donghuang. It is no longer the desert where he became Qingyunzhai Laozi. The two places seem extremely far apart.

There are also dynasties here, but the dynasty's influence is relatively weak, and the life of the world is actually in the hands of various sects.

 This is decided by the strong. After embarking on the path of martial arts cultivation, there is a clear division of realm levels.

Physical training is the beginning of everyone's practice. From then on, there is the innate realm, the realm of the master, the realm of the great master, and the realm of heaven and man that has been beyond the reach of countless people for thousands of years.

 Basically, as long as you become a master, you can establish a sect and become a powerful hero.

The next great master is very rare in the world. The national masters of the five major dynasties in the world are all great masters, but there is no master of heaven and man.

Looking at the human world, the gods and masters can count them all with one hand.

But the Black Lotus Demon Sect has two of them, namely the left and right venerables!

 At this moment, under the mandrill cliff of the Black Lotus Demon Sect.

 The Sixth Elder, as usual, gave lessons to his sixteen direct disciples.

He looked serious and spoke with sonorous words: "The Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique is the only method in the world of our Holy Religion. Understanding this set of mental methods will allow you to practice three times faster than other sects."

“Of course, it also involves certain risks. This process requires you to concentrate all your energy, and you should not rush it.”

“Follow my breath, I’ll do it once, you do it again.”

The sixth elder began to teach by words and deeds. After three years of baptism, the qi and blood fluctuations in the bodies of the sixteen young men were stronger than before. They had completed the physical training and began to contact the innate realm.

But it is only now that the Sixth Elder dares to teach them the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique.

 Shen Changqing has been watching this process silently.

At only three years old, he was not yet ready to practice, so he could only learn secretly.

 Breathe, exhale…

 Breathe again, exhale again…

 After burning the incense, wisps of warm current quickly flowed in Shen Changqing's Dantian.

 “Is this internal force?”

Shen Changqing was a little surprised, but he felt that there was still a lot of room for improvement in this so-called Heavenly Silkworm Mind Technique.

So he practiced on his own and rearranged and combined the breathing and breathing sequences of the Heavenly Cankran Heart Technique...

You should know that as Qingyunzhai Laozi, he had already created the Longevity Skill at the age of five.

 It is not difficult for him to improve the so-called Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique.

“Follow the first step. After five days of practice, you should be able to produce internal energy in the Dantian.”

 After the Sixth Elder taught the first volume of the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique, he still did not slack off and maintained a high degree of nervousness, fearing that his precious disciple would act too hastily and suffer the backlash of the Heavenly Silkworm Heart Technique.

Soon, he found Shen Changqing, who was also breathing in, at the edge of another corner of the waterfall.

 “This little guy is actually stealing lessons?”

The Sixth Elder couldn't help but shook his head with laughter. He was not worried that Shen Changqing would have problems.

After all, the Heavenly Silkworm's mind method is so profound, how can it be learned by simply taking two breaths?

If it were so simple, the Black Lotus Demon Cult's skills would have been stolen by other sects long ago.

 A little baby who has just turned three years old, just playing.

Seeing Shen Changqing sitting cross-legged and meditating gracefully, the Sixth Elder didn't think much about it, but after taking another look, his eyes couldn't help but freeze for a moment.

As a master master, he was very keen to capture a wave of internal energy in Shen Changqing's body!

 The moment he discovered it, he was like a bolt from the blue, dumbfounded.

 “Ah…is there such a thing in this world??”

 (End of this chapter)

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