Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2088: Disappeared

Entering the stone gate, what appeared in front of Luo Luo was a half-person-high stone platform with a sheepskin scroll placed on it.

Rod took a look at the surrounding environment, but did not rashly pick up the sheepskin roll, but looked at the big demon in the team. At Rod's sign, a great demon with broken horns quickly stepped forward and picked up the sheepskin roll on the stone platform for him.

Seeing that no organ trap had been triggered, Rod was also a little relieved. After the great devil had checked the parchment scroll, he took it. Soon Rod was also attracted by the contents of the parchment scroll.

"Soul Fusion..."

Carefully scanning the contents recorded on the sheepskin scroll, Lord's complexion gradually became more solemn.

What is recorded on the sheepskin scroll is a branch of the fusion ceremony, and the focus has also shifted from the general entity fusion to the fusion above the soul.

Fusion with other souls can make your own soul stronger, but it will also make your memory and consciousness eroded by other souls. This is also the place where ordinary fusion rituals are lacking.

However, if you follow the method recorded in the sheepskin scroll, you don't have to worry about this at all. The leader of the ritual can choose the leader of the fusion among the souls to be merged, so that it will not be corroded by other souls.

Hold the sheepskin roll tightly. If before that, Lord can master this method, when facing the soul of the stigmata, he can not only rely on the source of sin karma to absorb, but can directly use those souls. Fragments strengthen their souls.

The special skill spiritualism also contains many methods for tempering the soul, which can make the soul of the necromancer continue to grow, so as to meet the requirements of the endless long night ritual, but at the level of the lich, how to increase the strength of the soul? There is no record.

After finishing the sheepskin rolls, Rod's eyes were a little more thoughtful.

The battles in the main plane rarely involve the soul level, and only a few ancient legendary creatures control attacks against souls, especially the angels in the cloud city.

Once those angels return to the city in the cloud, without the shackles of the main plane, their overall strength will undergo a qualitative change, and almost all attacks can directly cause damage to the soul. This is also the reason why no other creature has been able to break into the angel's lair for countless years, that is, the city in the cloud.

However, in Rod’s memory, the protagonist of the third expansion in the previous life finally achieved this feat, leading countless demons and breaking through the gate of glory in the cloud city. I don’t know whether he is still Do it all.

Outside of the main plane, magic and spiritual elementals are experts in the study of souls, and they are also the most special existence among a group of elemental creatures. According to Rhodes's prediction, as the Elemental Sovereign awakens, he might not be long before meeting them.

In the series of events in which the elemental monarch awakened, the magic and spiritual elemental people stood in a very special position. Even the mages of Bracada did not regard them as enemies, and in the element city to be established in the future , They even became the guardians of the element city, staying in the main plane.

He shook his head and put away the secret method in the sheepskin roll, and Rod was not going to try it now. Unexpectedly, on the way to rescue Alama, he could still meet such a harvest. For Rod, this is undoubtedly a surprise.

"Master, it's not good!"

As Rhodes was thinking about it, Valeze reported to him suddenly and eagerly, anxious in his eyes.

"What happened?" Rod frowned and asked quickly.

"Just now, Marlin and the Fusion Monster, who left first, suddenly let out a scream. I was planning to send other big demons to check it out, but I didn't expect..." Speaking of this, Valeze's face was faintly surprised. The color, "I don't know when the road behind was blocked... The passage we came here has now disappeared..."

Following Valeze's report, the large demons nearby also showed fear on their faces.

The existence of the death domain gave these demons the ability to immortal, but if they were trapped in this passage forever and couldn't escape from this strange place, what is the difference between death or not?

"Don't worry." Listening to Farezer's report, Rhode's expression was calm, but he only faintly answered. His calmness also gave many demons watching him a strength, so that they would no longer panic. "These are normal phenomena in the Tomb of the Witchcraft King. Keep going."

After receiving Rhode's order, Fareze had a constant expression, and he yelled at the demon behind, quickly rectified his discipline, and then walked through the stone platform where the sheepskin scroll was placed, and walked toward the depths of the royal tomb.

In the process of marching, Rod faintly felt a line of sight, staring at him. Rod looked back and found that there was nothing unusual about the demon nearby, as if it were just his own illusion.

Soon, another hard stone gate blocked the road ahead.

With the previous experience, Lord dared not let those demons try to destroy again, and instead came forward alone to study the mystery on the stone gate.

"this is…"

Looking at the pattern shown on the stone gate, Luo Luo was slightly taken aback for a while, revealing an unexpected look.

Rod saw that a not-so-detailed map was drawn on the Shimen. The area shown on the map was not the underground world Nigon where Rod was located, but a known map of the main plane. In this way, the main areas such as Eri, Diya, and Bracada are drawn, with Elasia in the center.

"Isn't this a world map? How could it appear in this underground passage?" Beside Rod, Valeze was also extremely surprised, showing puzzled eyes.

"This is not the map of this era." Looking carefully at the map in front of him, Rod soon discovered the clues.

On the map, the area belonging to Diya was too large, covering almost the entire east, which was also very different from the geographical knowledge in Rhode's mind.

In Rhodes’s impression, Diya, where the Necromancer is located, can only survive between the two giants, Elasia and Eri, and the life of the ordinary Necromancer is not much better.

The Tula Leone Forest that traverses Eri, the coastal area from north to east on the mainland, all the way to the land bordering Erasia, is classified as the territory of the elves. Only in the second expansion, Diya's territory has expanded a lot, but it is not as large as on the map.

Because of this, Rod realized that the map of the world in front of him did not correspond to his era, but an older period.

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