Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2087: Fusion Monster

As the master of the realm of death, Rhode can also feel a lot of unusual information from the realm of death.

He felt that the body of the big demon that had been stripped from the fusion creature was no longer a complete individual at this moment, but could only be counted as a part of the body.

Just like the arm of a normal creature, if a member of the legion cuts off the arm, although Rod can use the power of the death domain to turn the arm into a controllable undead creature, he cannot let him have his own consciousness, even in the legion. When a member is born, his arm will also be retracted.

The fusion monster in front of him was in such a state, the big demons had completely merged into one, no longer distinguishing each other. Therefore, the part that is separated separately will not recover autonomously in the realm of death.

The fusion ritual in the tomb of the witchcraft king is similar to the fusion ritual used by Rhodes in **** before. Both simplifies the ritual materials and the magic circle, and can be activated instantly. The difference is that the fusion ritual here will merge the creatures. More thorough, even the soul will be mixed together, only this can achieve the current effect.

"Punish this alien creature."

Just when the demons were a little afraid and didn't understand how their companions became like this, even Farese didn't know how to deal with it, Rod's words finally came.

"Follow the master's instructions." Upon seeing this, Farese breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly ordered to the legion members.

After receiving the order, the giant scythe in the hands of the great demon flashed by, and instantly cut off all the heads of the fusion monster. The next moment, an astonishing scene happened. The demon body peeled from the body of the fusion monster quickly returned. In the body of the fusion monster, the fusion monster also returns to its original state in the death field.

"Sure enough, their souls have completely merged..." Looking at this scene, Lord's face changed slightly, as if thinking of something bad.

When performing the fusion ceremony, Rhodes worried that the complete fusion of the soul would make his soul no longer pure, or even lose his own memory, so he chose another method of fusion, which is to separate the soul in the body. Open, every once in a while, take turns to control the body.

The fusion ceremony in the king's tomb was even more domineering in effect. Even the big devil could not resist, and was completely integrated in an instant, and even the soul could not escape the effect of the ceremony.

"In this way, according to the rules of the Tomb of the Witchcraft King, behind this stone gate, the knowledge about fusion rituals should be sealed, but it is a pity that I have already mastered this knowledge."

It seemed that something had been thought of, and there was a little thought flashing in Rod's eyes.

According to the understanding of the tombs of the magic kings in previous lives, the stone gates that exist here are the tests of the tombs of the magic kings for the coming. As long as the content of the test is passed, you can get the precious rewards in the tombs of the magic kings. Failing to pass, the end is not much better than becoming a heterogeneous monster.

Even the magicians of the legendary rank have to be cautious when they come here. The number of ordinary magicians may be of no avail. Of course, there are a handful of very lucky existences who can get extraordinary rewards from them, just like that For a caveman hero, sometimes luck is more important than strength.

"Master... how do we deal with that monster?" Fareze asked hesitantly, looking at the fused monster that had come back to life.

The monster fused from the four great demons caused deep discomfort to other members of the legion. Even the cave vampire, after seeing this monster, made a howl of fear, and did not want to approach him for half a step. , The same is true for other great demons.

Leaving it here will only make the members of the Legion full of fear of the weird witchcraft traps. According to Valeze, the best way is to let him return to the island first, and then find a way to deal with it after the mission is over. It cannot be recovered by other black magic methods.

Rhodes glanced at Farrezer, and then from the peeping eyes, he noticed his thoughts: "You are the commander of the legion, do what you think is appropriate, you don't need to ask me for this kind of thing."

In commanding the battle, Valeze did not disappoint Rhodes, but in daily maintenance, perhaps Rhode’s coercive pressure was too great, and Valeze could not decide many things in the first time.

Shaking his head, Rod passed the fused alien monster and came to Shimen alone.

After receiving Rhodes's order, Farezer reacted and then looked at the great demon in the team: "Marlin, you are responsible for taking it out of the king's tomb and returning it to the surface world."

The face of the great demon who received the order changed slightly, but after all, he didn't intend to defy, and turned to take the fusion monster with a dissatisfaction on his face, and departed toward the passage where he came.


The fusion monster made an elongated sound and glanced reluctantly in Lord's direction. There was loss and pain in the sound, and finally followed Marin to leave the place, and departed towards the dark passage when he came.

Rohde glanced at the fusion monster. Although he was formed by the fusion of four great demons, he obviously couldn't continue fighting in its current state. It was up to the enchantress under his command whether he could help it.

Even if it became a monster, the loyalty of the members of the legion did not change at all, and they were able to die for Luo without hesitation. This also made Luo secretly make a decision to restore the fusion monster.

Shaking his head, Rod quickly focused his attention, staring at the Shimen in front of him, thinking about the content of the test.

Although the stone gate in front of him is extremely strong, the thing that Rod is most afraid of is this kind of extremely hard thing. The blood praises in his hands, or the claws of Hell Beamon, can destroy the defenses that make ordinary people desperate.

However, the demon who tried to destroy the stone gate had already been seen by Luo Luo. He didn’t want his actions to trigger the defensive methods of the magic king’s mausoleum, which would cause unpredictable results. He immediately stretched out his hand and covered his palm. Going over the stone gate, looking for flaws in the test of magic.

Soon, Rod’s eyes flashed a bit of enlightenment. The stone gate in front of him looked extremely hard, but inside it, there were a large number of neat and small holes, which were not caused by the devil's attack. , But made Shimen like this deliberately.

After perceiving the solution, the fusion ceremony was performed from Rohde's hands. The object of fusion was the hard stone gate in front of him, and Rohde was letting it merge with itself to become more solid.

As the fusion ceremony is performed, the holes inside the stone gate are constantly filled by itself, and the extra space is also formed in the middle of the stone gate, forming a pathway to the inside.

In the curious and admiring eyes of the members of the legion, Luo Luo slowly closed his hands and looked at the space inside Shimen.

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