Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2057: In front of the Vulcan Statue

"General Sellen, that terrible hero, is coming at the Vulcan statue..."

The flames emerged, and there was a panicked big demon in it. There were few things that would make the big devil show such a panic look. At this moment, he didn't even care about the glory in the blood, and he hurried half-kneeled on the ground, facing The generals in front of you report.

Listening to the report of the great devil, Selron's gaze was calm, always looking at the lava in the distance, the red and hideous statue of the demon with open arms, slowly said: "There are several layers of seals on his body. ?"

"There are three levels. After snatching a seal voucher from us, he eliminated Grint the vicious dog and the ghost king punk one after another, and snatched two voucher from them. Wherever he passed. , No demon can survive, the remaining demon lord, seeing that the situation is not good, all retreated out of Huo Yin City." The big devil reported slightly panic.

"This is impossible. I remember that not long ago, he was alone on the edge of Huo Yin City, fighting against the demons in Huangquan Ghost Lair. If you want to come here, you have to wait until the final juncture of the trial." Sellen said with some confusion.

The big devil replied hesitantly: "We suspect that he might have received help from other places, and he came here early... Maybe his behavior was valued by the king..."

Sellen shook his head: "You don't know what that hero has done. He is cursed by all kings. It is only other testers who are willing to help him. That hero does not want to interact with anyone. Cooperation, ordinary big devil, even close to him, there is no way to exile him in the flames. Who is helping him? Is it Carl? He doesn't have such a great courage, and he risked losing a group of big ones. The devil’s risk is close to him..."

Speaking of this, Sellen took a deep breath: "Unexpectedly, that hero will appear in this trial. Perhaps this is what the king meant... the demon of lust, you are the last one before I activate the Vulcan statue. Opponent..."

"You are not his opponent."

The sound of mocking came from the inverted five-pointed star array beside him. In the array, a skeleton was bound by a dark chain, and a mocking flame flashed in his eye sockets.

"Do you know what great feats he has done? You want to be an enemy of him, undoubtedly you are seeking your own death. In front of him, you are like weak children."

"Then you can't help but have the final say. Do you think that after so many years, his will is still as pure as it used to be?" Before his words fell, the dark red with the dark sword light fell violently from behind him .

Sellen quickly turned around, just about to shuttle through the flames, but unexpectedly discovered that the direction pointed by the sword light was not facing him.

The crimson sword light crossed his side and turned to bombard the hideous statue. At this moment, Sellen's complexion changed drastically. He felt his blood boil, roaring and wailing, constantly coming from the direction of the statue, and this also awakened the power hidden in the demon's blood.

"No, the seal vouchers were not ready, and the sacrifices were not offered. He planned to forcibly activate the Vulcan statue..." At this moment, Selron felt his intention, and his complexion suddenly became difficult to look, but then he seemed to think again. What happened, "It's okay, after getting the seal certificate on his body, I will thank him for coming here specially."

Under the influence of the Vulcan statue, the nearby demons have more or less undergone some changes, with a painful expression on their faces, even the big demon beside Selron.

Just as Sellen was planning to boost his morale and let the nearby demons fight against the enemy under the influence of the Vulcan statue, a sound of footsteps also reached his ears.

Following the reputation, he also saw the visitor. His appearance was quite different from ordinary demons. He didn't have the characteristics of **** demons. On the contrary, he was more like a creature on the surface. He looked thin among the demons. Tender skin.

Sellen stretched out his hand, and the giant sickle appeared in his hand along with the flames. He pointed the giant scythe at the hero. Without further orders, the great demons belonging to the blood sickle army shot one after another.

Fire continued to emerge beside the hero, but there was no way to stop him from moving forward. The crimson sword light swept out of his hand, cutting off the giant sickle, and at the same time the body of the great demon.

The great demon who had just shuttled through the flames, before attacking, was counterattacked first, and died sadly in the sweep of the sword light. If you look closely, you can even see a deep crack in the place where the Vulcan statue was swept by the sword light.

"Unbelievable...this power..."

Seeing his great demon dying without resistance in front of the hero's power, Sellen didn't feel angry at this moment, but was deeply infected by that power.

Even if he had known the powerful power of this ancient hero, Sellen still looked down on his strength. This is not an existence that can defeat a big demon by paying for it, his strength has reached the king level.

At this moment, the hero also fixed his gaze on Sellen, as if he had found his goal.

"do you know him?"

Through the ring of human eyes, Rod saw the troubled Sellen and his party, as well as the ancient hero who caused all this single-handedly, and whose strength is unmatched, that is, the demon of **** in Sellen's mouth.

The demon of **** can appear in the center of Fire Seal City thanks to the help of the Undead Legion.

For the strength of the **** demon, Rhode had some guesses in his heart. The strength of this ancient hero should be above all the demons participating in the trial. It has reached the culmination of the legend, that is, the level of the king. If there is any flaw, it is that he is alone and can hardly deal with some complexities. condition.

Take the journey as an example. At his own speed, when he passes through the huge Fire Seal City and arrives at the center of the Vulcan statue, I am afraid that Mesiga has already been sacrificed. If he is dragged down by battle on the road, he will not even be able to catch up with the test. The moment when the exercise is over.

After reorganizing the Undead Legion, Rod originally planned to lead the Undead Legion to rescue Mexiga, but thinking of the previous promise of the King of Lust and the strength of the Undead Legion, his heart quietly changed his mind.

The undead legion needs more members. The corpse witch king transformed from ordinary creatures is not ranked in the undead legion, and only those demons above the sixth rank in **** can be regarded as high-quality members.

For this reason, Rhode attacked the ancient hero and other demons in the trial.

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