Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2056: Will of the Legion

Looking at the legion members in the distance, at this moment, Lord stopped waiting and slowly stepped forward.

Although Carl dismissed Farese's orders, when he really saw Rod going back and forth, his heart suddenly became tight. He could not listen to Farese's orders, but he could not violate Rod's words.

Prior to this, Rhodes had given Carl such an opportunity with a tacit attitude. Carl could see that what the master admired was also the power and chaos that the demons valued the most. These things are not what the Erasian people do. Understandable.


Seeing Rod approaching, Valeze also changed slightly. In his opinion, perhaps he hadn't been able to subdue Karl for so long, which caused the master's dissatisfaction, and his heart suddenly became tense.

"Don't worry, I am very satisfied that you can achieve this level."

Thinking of the angel’s words, Rod took a deep look at Farezer. He didn’t have the power of the bloodline of the great devil. With a human body alone, he did what Agrand couldn’t do anyway, enough to Rhodes explained his abilities.

When he saw this, Carton, who had not recovered his body, was a little anxious and said loudly: "Master, you understand my loyalty to you, you can let me do anything, but that human being can't!"

After being resurrected by the Death Realm, Rhodes does not need to worry about the loyalty of those demons, but the loyalty of these demons to Rhodes does not mean that they will obey the orders of the humans appointed by Rhodes.

For the rebellious demons, these two things are fundamentally contrary to each other. Just like Karl, he believes from the bottom of his heart that whether he is strength or command ability, he is a level better than Farese. It is simply impossible for the demon to admit that he is inferior to a human.

Because of this, the more Rod used the Death Realm or the Dark Words to make these demons loyal to him, the less these demons would obey Farese’s orders. When Rod left, they would do the first thing to do. The thing is to replace the position of Valeze. In their view of despising humans, only doing so is a more beneficial method for the Legion.

It is not easy to change the thoughts of these demons. Although Rhodes can use the Dark Words to change their will, as the number of members of the Legion increases, this kind of thing will happen countless times. Even if Rhodes uses the Dark Words, the new The demons that join will still do the same.

If you want to completely change the Undead Legion, you have to start from the aspect of will, as the Angel of Wings said, to make these demons achieve ideological unity.

Rod looked at the demon and slowly said, "It seems that you still don't understand where you are wrong."

"Master, you can say that I was wrong, but you can ask the other legion members, which one of them sincerely obeyed the command of the human? Even the warlords, it’s just that the person is your designated share. On, if there is no your order, a human with inferior blood like him would not even be qualified to say a word to me!" Carl glared at Valezer on the side, and said, "Master, you also have the blood of the great devil in your body. , You must understand what I mean."

Hearing Karl's words, Farrezer paled.

On the side, Rod just shook his head: "You know, why are we called the Undead Corps?"

Carl was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect why Rod would suddenly ask him this question, and replied uncertainly: "Because...in the domain of the master, we can always be awakened and will not really die, so it is called immortality. Legion?"

Rod nodded: "What you said was the reason why many demons were willing to join in at the beginning. But you should know that when I am not near the legion, the domain cannot take effect, and you will still be killed. I formed the Undead Army, not to keep you with me all the time. In many cases, you will be faced with the situation where the commander is taking the command for me."

"I can be a commander." Carl said with his eyes wide open.

"What the commander needs is not strong strength and blood, but tactics and planning. Unfortunately, I did not see these in your body."

Rhodes shook his head, recalling that when he had previously attacked Karl, if the King of Glutton hadn't come to spoil the situation, Rhode could even wipe out the members of the Chaos Force without any loss, and this also showed that Karl's command was misguided.

"But he is a human! How can I be commanded by a human?" Carl insisted.

Rod glanced at him deeply: "Carl, look around you. Your companions are advancing for a great goal. The Immortal Legion also exists for this, and that is to let the real immortality come to the world."

As he said, Rod opened his hands and gestured to him: "Not long ago, my body was still imprisoned in the angel’s treasure house. When I recovered, my domain was only half the size of the current domain. Now, the domain is within the range of The increase in is greater than I imagined. I have a hunch that when I reach a legendary level, or even a higher level, the scope of the death field will be further expanded, eventually encompassing the world, and even the ectopic planes. Among them. At that time, the members of the Legion who follow me and fight with me will also be truly immortal, and there will be no more enemies who can become your opponents."

Following Rod's narration, the eyes of many demons nearby also showed longing.

"And now, when all the members of the Legion are working hard for this, you are out of dissatisfaction in your heart, for your own selfish desires, for the indispensable arrogance, wantonly destroying the discipline in the Legion, and blatantly defying the commander's order. The arrival of that moment is pushed further and further, don't you still understand your mistakes? Demons like you should be scolded by other members of the legion and will always be nailed to the shame of sinners."

Rod’s words were flat and somewhat majestic. Under Rod’s inspiration, the eyes of the nearby demons looking at Carl changed from the original sympathy and indignation to contempt and disgust. Those demons who became the warlords in the first place secretly Fortunately for my choice.


As Rod's voice fell, the succubus in the legion spit at Carl one after another. At this moment, the blood of the great demon could no longer arouse the fear of other demons.

Under Rhodes's narration, Carl's figure trembled, and his eyes showed a complicated expression. After a while, he lowered his head and said: "I have understood my mistake and I am willing to accept the commander's punishment."

Rod turned sideways and glanced at Farese. The commander immediately understood what he meant, and said: "Carl Kregan, you will be punished by hanging out in public for disobeying the order. When the punishment is over, your body will be restored. Moment."

At the sign of Farese, the two great demon warlords came to Karl, who had been beheaded in the battle, and picked up his giant sickle, pierced his chest with the sickle, and pierced his upper body. Nailed on the giant sickle.

The strong bloodline of the great devil made him not die even if he was injured in this way, but he could slowly recover from his injuries. If he was nourished by magma, it might take a few days before he could recover.

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