Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2043: The name of a hero

Not long ago, Rhode had a brief contact with the king of eroticism, and from her mouth, Rhode also heard information about that hero.

Rhodes learned that the king of **** is paying a huge price to offer a reward to the hero. She promised Rhodes that if Rhodes can take the hero's head, he can help Rhode to get rid of the entanglement of the shadow lady. .

This discovery, combined with Carl’s words, also made Rohde very curious about the hero. He tried to use human eyes to observe the hero’s movements in Fire Seal City. Unfortunately, he could not observe for a few seconds. The hero will discover the existence of Rhodes, and then destroy the magic eyes of the void used for observation.

"Do you know the name of that hero?" Rod was silent for a moment, then said to Karl.

"I don’t know. No big devil knows his origin and identity. He seems to have emerged out of thin air. It stands to reason that an extremely powerful demon like him cannot be without a reputation, but he is right. That's the case, so we all call him a hero from nowhere." Karl shook his head and replied.

For Karl's answer, Rhode felt a little helpless, but he could only accept it. As Karl said, no demon knew the hero's name, and Rhode could not force anything.

"Master, I know his name." On the side, Fenli listened to Rod's inquiry and said actively at this moment, "I heard from Dolana before that the hero was active in the ancient times, and now It has been hundreds of years, and it is normal for other demons to not know his identity. Dorana once told me that people of that era called him the hero Turalion."

"Heroic Turalion..." Listening to Fenli's account, Rod was taken aback. For this name, he seemed very familiar. At this moment, Rod's eyes sharpened, "Are you sure this is him." Your name?"

Fen Li smiled and nodded: "I won't deceive the master, everything I say is with the most sincere heart, doesn't the master believe me?"

While talking, Fenli approached Rod, but at the moment Rod was not interested in saying anything to this succubus. All the thoughts in his mind were firmly fixed by the hero's name. occupy.

Seeing Fenli confirm the identity of the hero, Rod seemed to have thought of something, and took a deep breath: "Tura Leone... this name is not common."

In Rhodes’s memory, a dense forest deep in Eri was named after Turalion, and in the Turalion Forest, there is a holy land for the elves.

At this time, the hero named Turalion undoubtedly explained something to Rhodes. Maybe that hero just took the same name as the forest. Just like many Crullods, they will use the name of the deceased hero to name their children. It doesn’t explain much at all, but in Rhode’s mind , But another thing emerged.

Rod recalled that Rowling had an ace prophecy card with an elf drawn on it, whose name was Butch Turalion.

Being able to become a trump card in the prophecy card, Butch's strength is far beyond Rhodes's imagination. He holds Airy's artifact Wind Chasing Blade, and even the Dragon Legion under Moriel is not his opponent.

If this name is just a coincidence, then in Rhodes’s memory, he has also seen another prophecy card. It was a prophecy card drawn from Mexijia by Inota, named "Buch And Cessia".

According to the information that Rhodes knows, if Cecia is the name of the king of eroticism, then the Butch is probably the ancient existence in the prophecy card.

"Wait..." Rod seemed to have thought of something, and said slowly. The existence of the legendary wisdom technique gradually cleared the thoughts in his mind.

For an instant, many rumors that he had heard of but never been taken to his heart appeared in Rod’s mind, whether it was the feats made by Butch or Sally Zeng. Mentioned that the demon who proved love to the **** king flashed in Rod's heart one by one, and he seemed to understand many things.

"Master, do you want to know the information of that hero? I..."

On the side, Carl seemed to want to say something to Rod, but he was interrupted by a wave of his hand: "Needless to say."

Under Carl's slightly puzzled gaze, Rod took a deep breath: "If those rumors are true, I am not the hero's opponent, or the whole hell, no one can defeat him except the king. No need. Thinking of winning the championship of the trial, we change our plan, as long as we rescue Mexijia from Sellen."

After listening to Rhodes’s account, Carl opened his mouth in surprise. He really couldn’t understand why Rhodes gave up so quickly, even after hearing the hero’s name, he completely gave up the trial of competition. champion.

Rhode’s choice made Carl unacceptable for a while. In his opinion, Rhode possessed such a powerful force, as well as the addition of Chaos troops. In addition, the Undead Legion itself was extremely powerful. If he is not an opponent of this kind of strength, he should try to compete for the champion of the trial.

However, in his words, Rod indicated that he would give up this trial, which made Karl anxious. He glared at Rod and said unwillingly, "But the master...no matter how powerful the hero is, He can't deal with your undead army. As long as you are alive, we can drag him until we have no strength."

Carl's words also represent the thoughts of a large part of the demons in the Undead Legion. They all looked at Rod with a little regretful look, hoping that Rod would change his mind.

However, Rod shook his head firmly: "You also said, as long as I am still alive, right? Do you think that hero will teleport to my side just like you, and be killed by me with the arrow of the Titan? This is obviously impossible. If I listen to you, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die."

Rod shook his head. Regarding Carl's commanding ability, he silently dropped two levels in his heart, and he had reached the level of Agland, which was the kind of level that would be fooled after listening.

Reaching out his hand and stroking his forehead, Rod made up his mind. When he finished the trial in **** and returned to the surface world, he must find a few truly insightful commanders for the Undead Army. The demon, no matter how strong he is, he really doesn't have any talent in command.

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