Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2042: Trial progress


In front of the throne made of sulfur and fire, the brown-haired man in a gray robe frowned somewhat suspiciously.

"what's happenin?"

"One of my loyal servants has fallen. Strangely, his soul has not returned to my hands." The brown-haired man replied slowly.

"The preparations for the Vulcan statue have come to the final stage. Perhaps his soul has been sacrificed."

"No... I can feel that his breath has not decayed. He is alive and well, but has become a... undead creature, or something else."

The brown-haired man continued: "I still felt the breath of Chanzel. She just appeared beside my servant and took away the missing sanctuary. Do you care about her? I remember the soul in the sanctuary, But it has a lot of connections with you..."

"Let her go, to ensure the birth of the'Beast' is the most important thing right now. As for the soul, he has no power to change anything."

Above the throne, the black-haired man with six wings slowly stood up, exuding a terrifying aura, even the brown-haired man couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and then bent his head slightly without saying anything.


"Do you have anything to explain?"

Rode slowly asked when he came to the short-haired succubus with a frightened look.

"Master, I was just confused for a while and didn't recognize the situation clearly. This is why I made such a mistake. Please forgive me for my mistake..."

Seeing that Luo Luo did not act immediately, the short-haired succubus suddenly found a way to survive, praying to him, longing for his forgiveness.

"Confused? I think you haven't figured out the current situation at all."

Rod raised the arrow of the Titan in his hand and pointed it at her face with the blade of lightning.

"What are you afraid of? Death? You have already become a part of death. I am in death that awakens you. As long as I am here, you can wake up countless times and never really die. Look around. Right, are those legion members who have died standing in front of you unharmed now? And you, actually dying in fear?"

The violent current followed the blade and ran across the body of the short-haired succubus, causing her intense pain. While making her scream, it also made her face blush.

A scorching smell gradually filled the air. At this moment, the nearby legion members were all gloating at her, and no one spoke to help her at this moment.

"I can grant you the ability to be immortal, and I can take it back. You are very lucky, thinking that you are only the first offender, and I will not put you to death, but from then on, you are no longer the succubus leader in the undead legion. , The part of the members that belong to you will be taken over by Fenry. From now on you will serve as an ordinary member in the Legion."

Looking at the short-haired succubus who was already speechless under the punishment of the electric shock, Lot shook his head, and finally only retracted the blade.

"The master's decision is very wise, I believe she will always remember your kindness to her!" Fenli said politely, with joy on her face, her previous choice was indeed the right one.

After dealing with the short-haired succubus, Rod ordered Fen Li to recruit members of the Chaos Force, which was the reward she deserved. After doing all this, Rod looked at the Lord of Hell, Carl, who had regained a new life from death.

"Tell me about you, what do you know about Hell Trials, and Sellen?" Rod slowly asked, being able to compete with Sellen in the trial, Karl's identity is not simple , Unfortunately, after all, it is not the opponent of the Undead Legion.

Carl thought for a while, and then he made his debut with Pantuo: "Master, what I served before was the last arrogant king Rahab. The great demon in the Chaos Army also took him as the object of service and offered him the money of killing. Soul fragments, in exchange for the power of the bloodline..."

Luo Luo was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "If you do this, the current arrogant king will not have any objections? I have also offered soul fragments to the fallen king of hell, but doing so seems to be resisted by the current king."

While talking, Rod recalled what he had heard from the demons after the soul had just fallen into hell. It seems that the devil wants to increase the power in the bloodline. In addition to continuously killing and growing in battle, he has to sacrifice soul fragments to the king in exchange for an increase in attributes.

At that time, Rod had conducted some tests, and finally came to a conclusion that surprised him. The soul fragments that the king needs are the experience points he obtained through the system, but the name is different.

Carl shook his head: "Master, you don't know. It is said that the two generations of arrogant kings have very good personal relationships. Regarding the gift of soul fragments, the king himself has no opinion. It is the current king's subordinates, to me, and the Chaos Troops. 'S members are full of hostility, especially that Selron..."

Speaking of this, Carl seemed to have thought of something, gritted his teeth and said: "My previous strength, compared to Sellen, may be a little worse. Now, with the master, he will definitely not be my opponent!"

Rod waved his hand, and did not listen to Carl's flattering words, just asked: "I want to know about the various situations of the Vulcan statue, and the information related to the seal."

Before that, Rod only learned from the mouths of those succubus that there were seven seals near Fire Seal City, but he did not know how many seals were broken, and who broke those seals, because of the succubus's overall The strength is not good, until now, when Karl also joined the undead legion, Rhodes had the opportunity to learn more about all this.

"The master does not know that, except for the final seal in front of the Vulcan statue, all of the seven seals in Fire Seal City have been broken. Among them, Selron broke two, I broke one, and you broke one before. The remaining two paths were broken by a hero who did not know where they came from."

"What?" Luo Luo was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that in Fire Seal City, only the last seal was left at this time. "Tell me about that hero."

Speaking of the hero, Carl gritted his teeth and said: "You don’t know, I have seen that hero once. He is simply too damning. Even a great demon with pure blood like me is not his opponent, only in his hands. He was instantly defeated. I am afraid that his strength has reached the level of a king! He snatched the two seals from my hands. I should be the devil who broke the most seals!"

Rod glanced at him helplessly. In Karl's words, the existence of that hero had already attracted Rod's attention.

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