Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2036: Gluttony King

"The great king of gluttony is the priest Goliath who killed you! Please punish them and swallow those demons that offend you, and let them remember the king's wrath forever!"

Seeing the King of Glutton arrives, Carlton seems to have found the backbone of his heart, and his words become hardened. How can he still use the aura that was suppressed by the Undead Legion before? He pointed at Rod and shouted at the ball of meat.

Lord's expression remained unchanged, and secretly contacted the members of the legion to get them together as much as possible, ready to let the great demon take them away as much as possible.

It’s a pity that due to the dispersion of the formation and the arrival of the Glutton King, the demons of the Chaos Troops were immediately happy, and in turn restrained the members of the Undead Troops, preventing them from gathering safely, and several big demons in the Troops , At this moment has become the enemy's key attack target, and can't make any move for a while, even if it shuttles through the flames, the enemy will immediately follow.

This discovery made Rhode's face sink. He just wanted to release the dark cloud of death and teach Karl's demons a lesson, but he heard a dull voice from the air: "Holy...place..."

Rod's eyes narrowed slightly. The voice belonging to the gluttonous king was as dull as a bell, and the volume was as loud as a thunder. Rod could even see a wave of air falling from the air, crushing the demons of the Undead Legion. Lie down on the ground and can't move, only Rod can resist this pressure with his own physique. Even the big devil must find something to support his body.

"Master, even if the enemy is the king of hell, we will follow you and fight to the end!" It was Aglan who came to Rhode to say this.

Under the suppression of the air wave, he struggled to support the ground with a giant sickle, and then barely stabilized his figure. Even so, his eyes looked at Rod still feverishly, and he was not intimidated by the name of the king at all. Waiting for Rod's order, he will rush towards the king whom the ten thousand demons admire.

"Master, he was right." Fenli gently took Rod's arm and encouraged with words, "With the master here, even if the king smashes our bodies, we can continue to stand up and fight, no Isn’t it? We won’t be afraid of it, there’s nothing to worry about.”

Hearing what she said, Rhodes shook his head: "You look down on the king of **** too much, and their abilities are not so easy to deal with. I have seen Goliath display a secret method that directly protects a person. The secret technique that the King of Glutton mastered in the abdomen is definitely more advanced than Goliath. If it **** you into the abdomen, my death domain is likely to be isolated by it, and you are likely to really die, wait..."

Just halfway through Rod's words, suddenly, he seemed to be aware of something, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

On the side, listening to Lord's recount, Fenli's face turned pale with fright. She stubbornly held Lord's hand, as if she didn't want to see that scene appear. The nearby succubus saw Fenli's movements in their eyes, gritted their teeth, and waited to go up and take the place of this succubus.

Feeling the gaze of the nearby succubus, Fenli showed a complacent look. She was leaning against Rhode, and just about to say something, Rhode's figure suddenly disappeared, and she could not stand firmly and almost fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, the nearby succubus couldn't help laughing, and she glared at those who laughed the loudest, remembering them one by one in her heart, and then teaching them a good lesson after preparation.

On the side, Agland didn't seem to want to participate in the fight between the succubus. He raised his head and looked in the direction where Rhode was.

At this time, Rod had already expanded into the great demon form, flapped the bat wings behind him, and flew to the front of Goliath's body.

A unique dagger was taken out by Rod. He poured blood on it, and the dagger suddenly emitted a dazzling red light. It was the [Blood Praise] owned by Rhode's body.

When in hell, Rod can use Hell Beamon's claws after fusing the body of Hell Beamon. In normal state, Hell's claws have 80% armor-breaking ability, and once it enters the state of raging fire, its armor-breaking ability will be increased to 100%. No piece of armor can stop Hell's benefits. claw.

At that time, Rodriguez was also relying on the characteristics of sharp claws to eliminate Goliath in one fell swoop, and then there were all kinds of things behind. It can be said that if there were no blessings from the claws of Bimon, Rod at the time would simply take the song. Leah could do nothing.

And at this moment, the blood tribute poured with blood also has the ultimate armor-breaking ability, the effect is not weaker than the claws of **** thanmon, and even more powerful, even some treasures can be completely destroyed by it.

This precious demon weapon was obtained by Rhodes after spending a doomsday omen, and the effect is not weak.

Holding the blood-pouring dagger in his hand, Rod did not hesitate, and with a flash of figure, he cut open the abdomen of Goliath's body from top to bottom.

Rod's action drew the screams of the members of the legion. None of them could think of why Rod would make such a move. For a while, blood was shed like rain.

Even the hostile Karl was taken aback by Rod at this moment. He didn't know why Rod would hurt himself.

"Why did he do this? And that weapon, I felt the king's blessing..."

After passing the information of Goliath's appearance to the Glutton King, Nunes returned to the team of the great devil. Seeing that Rhode suddenly made such a weird behavior, he asked a little strangely.

Listening to Nuance's words, many demons focused their attention on Rod's dagger, with unexpected expressions in their eyes.

"Maybe he was completely mad under the fear of the coming of the king. I almost forgot, those things are indestructible, they can't imagine that they will escape the king's punishment because of this!" Carl guessed badly, he His words also drew a burst of laughter from the demon nearby.

Karl deliberately increased his tone of voice, which also attracted a burst of hostility from the Undead Legion. Even Rhode heard Karl's words, but his expression was very calm, quietly looking at the wound on Goliath's abdomen.

In the wound left by the blood praise, besides a lot of blood and some unknown contents, a silvery white thing suddenly appeared. At first, there was only a small corner, but soon a large area appeared, and what finally appeared in front of everyone was a pure white palace.

"That's... the sanctuary? How could the sanctuary be in that giant's body?"

Beside Carl, a knowledgeable great demon suddenly changed his complexion. He recognized the origin of the pure white palace in Goliath's belly, and his face was deeply puzzled.

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