Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2035: Sudden change

The original fierce battle was interrupted by this sudden change. On the battlefield, whether it was the more numerous members of the Undead Legion or the lingering Chaos troops, at this moment, they stopped and looked for the change. The source.


Another dull sound, accompanied by violent shaking, came from a distance. What caused all the demons to change color was that the shock this time was more violent than the previous one, which undoubtedly explained to them that something was approaching them.

"Master, what is that? Why are my blood, my body, trembling with that vibration..."

The fire flashed, Aglan returned to Rod's side, and asked him with a face full of suspicion. There was unstoppable fear in his eyes, and he could only get better by staying by Rod's side.

Not only Agrand, but the faces of all the demons nearby were more or less fearful, and a terrible atmosphere filled with it. It was difficult for the demons in it not to be infected by this atmosphere.

"Great God, please bless me..." Amidst the voices of the demons who kept spitting even if they were afraid, the prayers of the archangels seemed incompatible with them.

"Ordinary demon, it is impossible to have such an ability." Rhode's expression became completely solemn, and he said while holding the arrow of the Titan, no longer the calmness he had when testing the strength of the Undead Legion.

After regaining his ontology, Rohde had hardly felt such a strong threat. In his impression, it seemed that only the archangel of Yunzhong City could bring him such a feeling.

This discovery also made Rohde's heart tensed. If his prediction is correct, he came from a distance at this time, it is likely to be the culmination of the legend, the existence of the **** king level.

The arrogant big demons in the past, after feeling the terrifying aura, all showed fearful faces. They stood still and did not dare to move, like a bird with a frightened bow. When they found something wrong, they would use flames to escape Xing immediately evacuated, and the succubus in the legion turned pale, which also strengthened Rod's thoughts.

"Why does the existence of the king level set foot on the trial of ordinary demons?" Luo was puzzled. Not only did he not know the answer to this question, but other demons nearby could not answer this question.


A stronger vibration came, and the cracks began to spread above the ground. The ground under Rod's feet also appeared to collapse, and the crimson magma below could be faintly seen.

Rod's gaze scanned the faces of the demon nearby, and finally stopped on Carl. He saw that Carl was not surprised by the occurrence of the mutation, and even a sure victory smile hung on his face, and he was looking at himself with disdain.

"What did you do?" Rhode raised the arrow of the Titan and asked slowly.

"Don't you know that there is a great **** king who is very interested in Goliath's body?" Carl was not in a hurry as he felt the vibrations coming closer and closer, and replied to Rhode.

"Goliath's body?" Rod seemed to be aware of something, and with a puzzled look, he glanced at the giant's body not far away, "You mean... the gluttonous king?"

Carl stopped answering, and Rhodes seemed to realize something, and his complexion suddenly became difficult to look. He didn't expect that Goliath's body would attract the attention of the Glutton King. If he had known this, he might have called Goliath. Stay on the island.

At this moment, the advantages of Goliath's body were also revealed to Rhodes. While the other demons were still watching and didn't understand what was going on, Rhode relied on Goliath's towering body to see the anomaly in the distance.

In the direction of the vibration, Rod saw a huge ball of meat slowly moving forward. It is said to be moving forward slowly, but that is measured by its own standards. From the perspective of an ordinary demon, every step it takes can exceed 10,000 meters, even if it is a big demon galloping at full speed. Can't compare to it.

Every time, when its footsteps fell, the earth sank deeply, and at the same time it set off a violent vibration, spreading towards the surroundings, and the cracked ground cracks caused many demons to fall into it and be swallowed by magma. Just moving forward is enough to cause many disasters, and the shock that Rhodes felt before originated from this.

It only took one step, and its outline appeared in the eyes of nearby demons from a position no one could see, and when it fell another step, it came to the front of a crowd of demons.

As it moved, the ground was riddled with holes, and the giant Goliath body looked like a newly born baby in front of it. Rod looked up at it, but couldn't see its full face, only the dark green body.

The space where the Huo Yin City is located is no longer the depths of the underground where Hell is located. After the transmission of ten gates, it is already another plane, and only such a complete and independent plane can accommodate the place in front of Rhode’s eyes. The flesh ball, replaced by hell, even the underground world where the enchanter is located, will collapse one floor because of its turn over.

"Is this the essence of the king..."

Looking at the huge meat ball, in addition to shock, Rod even dissipated his hostility for a while.

Originally, according to Rod’s prediction, he used the mana value increased by the source of magic power to condense nearly 10,000 points of damage to the ultimate lightning, which was enough to destroy any legendary creature. However, when he saw the king’s body with his own eyes, Only then did I realize that my original idea was wrong.

Seeing the shock brought by the king's body is far beyond the feelings brought by the human eye ring. Even if it is 10,000 points of damage, it may not be fatal enough to bombard the flesh ball in front of you. Can it be severely injured? It's hard to say, this is the horror that belongs to the king.

Rod kept thinking about how sure he was able to fight the flesh ball in front of him, but the answer he got made him sigh deeply.

If you don't use space spells to avoid them, the undead legion that has just stepped into the right track, as well as the body of Goliath, will be destroyed in a slam by the Glutton King, and even Rhode would not dare to withstand such an attack.

Goliath's body has obvious weaknesses. He is only good at close combat, able to resist physical damage, but cannot withstand the bombardment of magic, but this is not the case with the Glutton King. The sights once seen in people's eyes, and the power and power on it, have already explained this to Rhode.

For a moment, Rod lowered the Titan Arrow in his hand and sighed slightly. Compared with the real king, his strength is still insufficient, and he has no plans to test the king's strength.

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