Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2031: Fallen Angel

"Damn devil..."

On the scorched ground, the heat was rising, and an archangel gritted his teeth in the majestic and smoky city.

His wings were smoked black, his body was full of scars, and the sword in his hand, not to mention how much devil's blood had been drunk.

The corpses of the devil piled up like a mountain under his feet, and the blood soaked every inch of the ground, but the demon nearby didn't mean to retreat. What's more deadly was that he didn't have much strength at this moment.

"Angel, how dare you come to this place that does not belong to you! Your life will be taken by me, Karl." said the crimson demon with the first-born crooked horns. Dedicated to the Vulcan statue!"

Following his narration, a whole group of great demons walked out from behind him, supplemented by a large group of blazing elves, to securely surround the great angels.

Hearing Karl's threatening sound, the archangel gritted his teeth secretly, and held the sword in his hand tighter.

The reason why he would fall into **** was given by an evil person. He would never forget that when the evil man held the scepter high, it cracked the earth and the sky fell, how invincible it was.

As an archangel, he was capable of resisting the heavy pressure, but looking at the other angels who fell into the depths of the earth, he could not retreat in any way, so he marched toward the ground and passed through the depths of the ground. The kingdom of witchcraft came to the **** recorded in the sacred books, full of sulfur and fire, and countless sinners.

After discovering the angel's trail, countless demons kept looking for him following the aura of hatred in his blood. By now, he had no idea how many demons had been eliminated, but he felt that his arms were heavy and it was difficult to continue fighting.

But he did not give up hope. Not long ago, when he was found by a large group of demons, in order to save the rest of the angels, he took the initiative to divert most of the demons away. Now, he may not be able to continue fighting, but his companions can. So saved.

"You may be able to kill me, but my soul will return to God's embrace in glory, and my companions will survive, and you will always suffer in the cursed hell." The archangel shouted loudly. He held the sword high, and the golden light flickered for a while, and the nearby demons did not dare to approach, even the big demons showed a vigilant look.

"Master Karl, we can't bear more losses. The instinct in my blood tells me that although the angel looks very weak, if he intends to attack, he is likely to take the life of a great demon in desperation. ."

Looking at the soul-burning archangel, a great demon, he reminded Carl in a low voice: "Because of my unfavorable command, we have just lost a few companions. If we do not take any measures, we will attack this archangel, even if it goes well. If you take him down, you will also suffer an unbearable loss, which is very detrimental to our next actions. But if you want to win the trial, you must not suffer too much loss because of this angel."

"Narns, don't worry." Carl didn't care and replied, "I know how to deal with this kind of angels. Their hearts are not as strong as ours. This is their biggest weakness."

"Are you talking about your companions? It is a pity that they have already left you first. As you said, they have returned to the so-called embrace of God..."

Carl said loudly, he waved to the great demon in the distance, and these great demons threw all round objects at the feet of the archangels, which were heads with horrified faces.

"No..." Looking at the heads of those companions, the archangel looked desperate. His companion did not escape the catastrophe because he led the enemy away, but died in front of him. At this moment, he only felt that the thing that had been supporting him in the battle collapsed suddenly, and he couldn't help but knelt to the ground, and the blade in his hand was also loosened, "Great God, why is this..."

Taking advantage of the moment when the archangel lost his mind, the demon nearby shot a murderous intent in the eyes of the nearby demon. This was the best time to do it.

However, before they could take action, Carl's complexion suddenly changed. As if he had expected something, he pulled a flame elf and stood in front of him.

The dazzling white light, along with the current that destroys everything, exploded in front of Karl. If Karl hadn't pulled the fire elf in front of him in time and blocked most of the damage, I am afraid that his entire body would be under the explosion of current. Turned into a scorched corpse.

Even the aftermath of the electric current passing through the body of the fire elf still made Karl painful. If it hadn't been for the tingling sensation of the numbness, he would have lost his life in time with a flame escape.

After arriving in a safe position, he felt the burnt smell coming from his body. He turned around and looked around, and saw that the fire spirit who was pulled in front of him did not even have a chance to recover from his injuries. The elemental core in his body was exploded. Shattered.

After sensing the attack of the devil, the archangel who was still frustrated instantly cheered up: "God, you must have heard my call and sent an envoy to save me. I must thank you very much... etc. ,why you!"

Looking at the man who wounded Karl, the archangel's eyes widened and his arms trembled. He couldn't believe what he saw before him.

The one who rescued him and repelled the demon leader was the one who harmed Cloud City in his memory and caused him to fall into hell. He couldn't believe everything he saw before him.

The big demon Nunes also showed a look of surprise: "It's you? Lord Carl didn't pursue your mistakes. You dare to take the initiative to find Lord Carl, you really do not live or die!"

"This time, are you still going to run away?"

The large black cloak fluttered behind him, and the divine sword was surrounded by dazzling electric lights. Rohde's gaze swept around and asked in a deep voice.

With the blessing of the source of magic power, Rhode's mana has been restored by more than half, enough to continue to support the use of ultimate lightning.

In the process of waiting for the mana to recover, in addition to arranging the undead legion, Rod also used the long-sighted pendant on his body to cooperate with the human eye ring to determine many conditions in the Huo Yin City.

He saw the huge Vulcan statue in the center of Fire Seal City, and Selron praying respectfully in front of the Vulcan statue, and the imprisoned Mexiga, right beside him.

Numerous great demons are constantly dragging the corpses of other demons around the Vulcan statue, while waiting for the beginning of a ceremony, and the hero mentioned by the king of eroticism is also rushing towards that position.

In addition, Rod also saw the Chaos troops led by Karl, fighting with a group of angels, which also gave him a certain idea.

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