Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2030: Legion member

Rhode's transformation continued, and the number of members of the Undead Legion increased rapidly. On the side, Tiss saw Rhode's movements in her eyes, and a certain inexplicable emotion emerged in her heart.

In Tiss’s heart, Rhode’s position is very special. She was able to drag her crippled body all the way to the door of pain, and was the first to pass through the door of pain to get the reward of the king of lust, both with Rhode. The existence of is inseparable.

It can be said that if she hadn't met Rod, her weak body alone would have died a long time ago in the trial of Vulcan where many demons gathered, let alone become a hero, and walked all the way to where she is now.

However, the two people who used to cooperate closely have completely parted ways at this moment. Once, Tiss wanted to live with Rhodes’s shelter in the trial, Rhodes also wanted to use her heroic expertise to defeat powerful enemies. Find a way to return to the surface world, but at this moment, they no longer need each other. Rod even showed a cold killing intent.

Seeing Rod’s real body, and recalling what he did in the Hell Trial, Tiss couldn’t help but admire him a little. Besides, she looked at the many succubuses surrounding Rod, like a king. There was also a faint remorse in Tiss's heart.

Tiss once thought that Rhode was no different from the Abyssal Demon who captured her, but now it seems that she was deeply wrong at the time. She couldn't help but think secretly, if she didn't use Rude by disguise and deception, but treated him sincerely, would the situation be better now? Maybe the one who was with Rude would not. It would be the succubus, but her.

She took a deep look in Rod's direction, and after sniffing, she left alone.

"Master, the pain demon has left, do you want to send someone to stare at her?"

Beside Rod, Fenli, who had just completed the transformation, whispered to Rod while trying to gain new strength.

There seems to be a kind of magic in Fen Li’s voice. It is clear that she is far away from Rod, but when her voice reaches Rod’s ears, it is like a soft whisper on the ear, and it has an impact. The power of the human heart shocked Rod.

"Let her go, with the protection of the king of eroticism, I don't think the devil would dare to hit her." Rod shook his head, he looked at Fenli, and said with emotion, "It is a legendary succubus... if you replace it with The other demons are here, I am afraid that your ability has long been taken away."

"The master is overwhelmed. I can use my ability to make the master happy, and that is what I am most proud of." Fenli put her finger to her lips and said with a smile.

"Speaking of it, I didn't expect that even you would be willing to join. I thought I could only talk about the high-level succubus." Rohde looked at the succubus in front of him, looked at the changes in her expression, and said slowly.

"That's because I felt the master's potential..." Seeing that Rod had no objection, Fenli came to him and arranged the folds on the cloak for him, "You can show the powerful power of the king, I believe that one day, you will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the king. When that happens, don't forget me who is following you now."

With that said, Fenli showed a look mixed with a little grievance, but also with a look of expectation. The bloodline specialties of the legendary succubus, let her play incisively and vividly. The other succubus in the Death Legion looked at this scene with jealousy, only hating They were not in front of Rod at the moment.

Rao Yiluode's concentration, under the influence of the legendary succubus' blood, felt a little overwhelmed at this moment. As a member of the Death Legion, Rhode no longer regarded her as an enemy in his subconscious mind, and was able to control it at will. There was no hostility in his heart, and the temptation of the legendary succubus made him even more difficult to resist.

Shaking his head, Rod turned his gaze to look at the four great demons who were talking with Agland. Not long ago, they were still enemies, but now, they are the top power in the Death Legion.

"Tell me about you? In this trial, what useful information do you have?"

Seeing Rod looking here, Agrand took the initiative to report: "Master, I have asked them a lot of useful information. Your killing of Goliath has been spread in the trial of hell. The King of Glutton even intervened in **** trials for this, searching for your whereabouts."

Rod nodded. Goliath was considered a strong man in the **** trial. His death would involve many things, but what Rod did not expect was that even the King of Glutton would even intervene in it.

"Wait..." Rod seems to recall something. Not long ago, he used human eyes to watch and saw the Glutton King appearing on the Lake of Fire, and in the place where the sanctuary was piled up, he fought a battle with the incarnation of the Jealous King. .

There seemed to be something flashing in Rod's heart. The blessing of the legendary wisdom technique made his thoughts run fast, but he still couldn't think of the key.

Agrand didn’t notice Rhodes’s anomaly, and continued: "Those big demons who fled before, they will definitely leak your information to the Glutton King. Please be careful all the time..."

In the end, Rao is an arrogant big devil, and his eyes also show a bit of fear. The prestige of the king has already penetrated the hearts of all the demons.

"Are you cursing the master? I believe that the master will surely be able to turn the danger into a breeze and solve all the difficulties. Even the gluttonous king would never want to kill us." Fenri glared at Agland and said with Rhode's arm.

Rod shook his head: "After all, he is a real king, and his ability is far beyond the imagination of ordinary demons. I have seen a gluttonous king fighting, and now I am not her opponent. Stay vigilant and take the shape of a gluttonous king. Look, she can't hide her movement from other demons at all, and tell me when she finds the abnormality."

After receiving Rhode's order, the members of the Undead Legion took their orders. Rhode thought for a while and said to Agland: "These new members of the Great Devil, you are responsible for the management, my number one servant."

Agland looked happy, and said respectfully, "Thank you for the master's reward, I will definitely not let down the master's expectations!"

After arranging these great demons, Lord turned his gaze to the succubuses in the undead legion.

"Hela, Ezeke, as the first succubus to join the Undead Legion, you deserve a higher status."

Soon, under Rod’s arrangement, the succubus in the Undead Legion was divided into several teams, led by Hela, Ezek, the short-haired succubus, and Fenri. After completing all this, Rod Also ready to enter the next stage of the trial.

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