Feeling the power of the water-soluble plague, Lot sighed with emotion.

Although the ability in the gluttony contract greatly reduced Rod’s feeling of fullness, no matter how much he ate, he would not feel full, but the process of swallowing itself takes a lot of time, especially when There are a lot of corpses waiting to be swallowed.

The emergence of the water-soluble plague undoubtedly greatly simplified this process, and it didn't take much time to drink the liquid that the flesh and blood of other creatures turned into.

Seeing Rod's expression of satisfaction, Ms. Spider gave him a deep look, "Don't you reject these?"

Rod glanced at her with some doubts: "What do you mean by this sentence?"

Ms. Spider thought for a while and replied: "I have seen some people who follow that existence and spread the disease like me. Even if they are, they may not be able to accept the power of the water-soluble disease, let alone try the influence of the water-soluble disease. The corpse. Or is it that a pure-blooded demon like you has long been used to all this?"

Rod shrugged and said, "What kind of creature can repel power? Water-soluble plague can give me this power. I don’t care what other demons think, I like water-soluble plague very much."

Hearing what he said, Ms. Spider stared at the dark yellow demon in front of her. After a while, she said, "It seems that you do have something unique in your body. After the battle is over, we can talk about it."

After speaking, she seemed to have discovered something and looked into the distance: "My spider told me that the high-ranking priest has come outside the city and is temporarily trapped by the spider web, but it will not be long before he will come here."

Hearing what she said, Rod's expression also changed, he knew the power of high-ranking priests.

According to the relationship between the ranks, the ranks corresponding to the high-rank priests have come to the sixth rank corresponding to the epic creatures, but in terms of strength, the high-ranking priests are similar to the spellcaster profession, and are stronger than the professions of the same rank.

Like Samson before, if he was confronted with an ordinary high-ranking priest, he would probably only be defeated.

Fortunately, Ms. Spider beside Rod, also has the strength of Tier 6, even when facing high-ranking priests, there is no difference in rank. Even if the battle is launched, the final result will be discussed separately.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to eliminate these people, or just retreat?" Rod asked, looking at the spider lady on the side.

She shook her head and said: "I came here, in addition to looking for the demon that exists, just like me, and more importantly, is to spread the disease all over the earth."

"It's a pity that the Erasian people responded in time and even organized a holy army to start a conquest against us. What they don't know is that these actions will only lead to more powerful diseases." Spiders The lady seemed to have thought of something, and her tone became serious.

Speaking of this, she leaped to Lord's side, raised her hand and patted the giant spider lightly.

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The giant spider seemed to have received some kind of order, and quickly waved the eight spider legs on both sides of the body, dug a large hole in the ground, the entire body was submerged in it, and disappeared.

After sensing the actions of the giant spider, Rod seemed to have discovered something. He gently pressed his hand to the ground, feeling a faint vibration, and was constantly moving towards the human in the center of the wall of fire.

The small spider nearby also entered the tunnel dug by the giant spider, and disappeared.

In the distance, the human beings surrounded by the wall of fire also found something wrong, feeling the shock of getting closer and closer, and the emotions of anxiety and fear began to spread in everyone's hearts.

"Before that high-ranking priest rushes here, I will wipe out all the people here." Beside Rod, Ms. Spider said slowly.

As her words fell, the giant spider crossed the wall of fire and emerged from the ground in the crowd. With it, there were countless tiny spiders.

The appearance of these spiders instantly smashed the formation that humans had been maintaining. The only thing people could rely on was the torch that was constantly waving in their hands, but the space for movement was getting smaller and smaller.

Although the wall of fire separated nearby humans from the large group of spiders in the city, it also restricted the range of activities of these humans. Under the continuous approach of spiders, humans who could not withstand this pressure turned and rushed into the wall of fire.

Even with multiple burns on their bodies, these people still crossed the wall of fire, but what awaited them behind the wall of fire was not a safe pure land, but a larger number of spiders that had been waiting for a long time.

Relying on the tunnel dug by the giant spider, the wall of fire magic could no longer stop the spider from entering, but Aran could not just disperse the wall of fire. If he disperses the wall of fire, the spider waiting outside the wall of fire will immediately kill everyone in it.

"We can't go on like this."

Noting that the nearby humans suffered heavy casualties, and even the Crusaders fell under the siege of spiders, City Lord Aran said anxiously. He looked at Samson on the side with a lot of anxiety in his eyes.

"If we were to defend like this, we might not insist on the arrival of high-ranking priests. Before that, the only way we can survive is to kill the source of the mutation."

Aran stretched out his hand and pointed at the spider lady outside the fire wall and the dark yellow monster beside him.

"Samson, you are the strongest swordsman in the city. I will open a passage through the wall of fire later. You need to go through the passage quickly to eliminate Lady Spider and the demons around her."

Although Samson could not see the direction Aran was pointing, he also understood how difficult this task was.

In the middle of a large group of spiders, everything nearby is moving, even Samson, it is difficult to find the location of the spider lady.

"I'm afraid... there is no way to finish." He said hesitantly.

"Everyone's lives are now in your body, don't you want to become a swordsman? As long as you complete this task, you will surely be rewarded by the Holy See." Aran persuaded.

Hearing what he said, Samson was a little hesitant, and just as he was about to become firm, his spirit suddenly trembled.

Outside the wall of fire, Rod held a magic eye with one hand, which was what he brought out before leaving Samson's house.

It was Samson himself who was connected to this magic eye. Rhode just watched the magic eye quietly, without any extra movements. Rod knew that everything from the outside world entered Samson's mind through this magic eye.

After a long time, Samson inside the wall of fire became firm.

"Very well, go and destroy those heretics, Samson." Aran said slowly, while controlling the spell, opening the fire wall to a passage.

Suddenly, Aran only felt a pain in front of him, and he lowered his head in a daze, but saw a sword blade penetrated his chest.

(Ps: Ming has a special occasion.)

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