"All of this was caused by City Lord Aran. He is the only spellcaster here who can compete with me."

Looking at the people who are surrounded by the wall of fire and whose lives are temporarily worry-free, Ms. Spider said in a deep voice, with a jealous and fierce expression in her eyes.

Following Ms. Spider's sight, Rod also saw the calm spellcaster in the center of the crowd.

It was a middle-aged male with a certain unique majesty on his body. When he was in the crowd, Rhode could notice his existence at a glance, even if he didn't take any other actions.

And beside him, the high-ranking swordsman Samson was guarding with a sword, and occasionally a spider broke through the barrier of the fire wall, and rushed towards Aran. The one who greeted it would be the one swung by Saoson. Blade.

Not long ago, when Lord asked Bisha for information about the city, he also heard Bisha mentioned that he seemed to be a powerful spellcaster about the information about the city lord Aran. It was difficult to deal with it by ordinary means. .

Looking at the wall of fire that surrounded everyone, Rod showed a thoughtful look.

Space spells such as teleportation and the gate of time and space were only spread on the mainland with the rise of Bracada magic. In the era corresponding to the fantasy world, these magics did not appear at all. No matter how strong Aran was to cast spells, he couldn't use space magic to save the humans in the city.

With the appearance of the giant spider, Lord and Lady Spider on it were also seen by everyone in the enclosure of the fire wall.

"It's Ms. Spider, and the dark yellow demon who released the plague and rescued the heretics!" a crusader holding a torch shouted loudly.

Hearing the words of this crusader, Samson’s expression suddenly changed. Of course he knew who the dark yellow demon was. Not long ago, he made some kind of deal with that devil. He didn’t expect that devil would actually Related to the horrible spider lady.

"City Lord, what should we do?" Samson asked for instructions.

Aran’s expression remained unchanged, he shook his head slightly, and said loudly: “Don’t panic, I have sent someone to ask for help. It won’t be long before the holy army stationed not far away will come, the high-ranking priests in the army. , Can easily clean up these enemies."

Hearing Aran's words, the besieged people's expressions were lifted up. They all understood that the power of high-ranking priests was enough to easily wipe out all the offensive heretics.

"We will stick to this and take out all of your strength." Aran said slowly, his eyes fixed on the giant spider in the distance.

Facing Aran's gaze, Ms. Spider showed disdain, and Rod seemed to have discovered something, looking at the fallen corpse nearby with some care.

Leaping off the giant spider, Rod came to a shriveled corpse among the spiders.

Rod noticed that this corpse had many tiny holes. In addition, it had completely dried up, the epidermis was deeply wrinkled, and the flesh and bones underneath had disappeared.

On the other corpses that were still in good condition, there were a large number of spiders lying on their stomachs, stretching out their mouthparts and sucking continuously. As they sucked, the originally full corpses quickly collapsed, and the size of those spiders also increased. The aura that belonged to the king of the disease was also stronger.

This discovery undoubtedly made Rod realize something.

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"Unexpectedly, the water-soluble epidemic still has this effect..." Luode said slowly.

"What are you talking about?" The spider lady with the veil looked at Rod and asked.

Luo Luo answered in a deep voice: "I just discovered that for you, the water-soluble plague may not only kill the enemy, but more importantly, those spiders can be promoted through the corpses left by the water-soluble plague. Ordinary The disease can't do this."

Hearing what Rod said, Ms. Spider's eyes seemed to be narrowed. Under the veil, Rod could not see her face, but he could still imagine how she smiled.

"Your observation is very careful." She said softly, "Do you know how spiders eat?"

Rod frowned and replied uncertainly: "Tether other creatures with a spider web and then eat them directly?"

Listening to what Rod said, Ms. Spider shook her head: "The spider will inject a digestive juice into other organisms. After everything in the other organisms is melted into liquid under the action of the digestive juice, the spider will **** the liquid. ."

Rod nodded thoughtfully, and said: "This sounds like the content of a magician's research, but even in mystical arts, there are few records of this."

"Really? I think this is more like common sense." Ms. Spider smiled, and then said: "The water-soluble disease is to enhance the spider's ability to the extreme and spread it with the help of disease messengers. Everything you see."

Hearing what she said, Rod nodded, and then glanced at the corpse not far away.

"Can I try it?" Rod asked.

"Are you going to try like a spider?" Ms. Spider glanced at the dark yellow demon, with a look of interest in her eyes.

Seeing him nodded, Ms. Spider thought for a while, and said: "If you believe that your body can resist the water-soluble disease, you can try whatever you want."

Following the words of Ms. Spider, all the spiders approaching the corpse gave way, emptying the corpse that had died under the water-soluble plague.

Rod did not hesitate to come to the corpse whose flesh and blood had completely melted, and lifted it up without any effort. After biting the corpse's arm, warm and smelly heat poured into his mouth.

And Rod also seemed to feel something, sucking in a big mouth, and soon, there was only a layer of shriveled skin on the corpse, and Rod drank all the liquid that had turned into a water-soluble disease.

"How do you feel now." Noting Rod's intoxicated expression, Ms. Spider asked actively.

"I feel the power, the power exists in my body." Rod slowly said.

When he drank those liquids, the gluttony contract in Rhode’s body seemed to be affected. It fluidized the heat pouring into the body and turned it into pure power, which was fed back to Rhode’s body, which also made Rhode feel it. The beautiful sense of power enhancement.

It is a pity that because he was in the phantom territory, the system log did not show the words of attribute improvement. Instead, it was the disease pustule that had dried up on Rod's left shoulder. At this time, it bulged again.

The feelings from his body made Rohde clearly realize that the ability of the water-soluble plague can still play a role after he escapes from the illusion, or only then will the true ability of the water-soluble plague show.

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