Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1658: Harvest Festival

Rod noticed that the streets in the city were extremely messy, with leftover food scraps and incomplete debris everywhere, and the whole city was shrouded in a peculiar smell.

Even Diya, where the Necromancer lives, will not appear so messy in the city, and can still maintain the most basic order. Rhode was deeply surprised by the situation before him.

"Did something happen here?" Looking at Bisha on the side, Rod asked, "Why does it look so chaotic here?"

Bisha replied: "This is a trace left after the harvest festival. The residents of the city are still immersed in the joy of the harvest festival, and they don't care about these messy scenes."

Rod nodded. From Bisha's previous words, he also heard about the harvest festival.

In ancient Elasia, the Harvest Festival is a crucial festival. On this day of the year, people have to burnt offerings to the gods of cattle and sheep, offering elaborate delicacies to pray for the blessing and grace of the gods.

This tradition has been passed down to the time of Rhodes. Even in the era of Rhodes's ontology, the influence of the Holy See has been extremely weakened and no longer has its supremacy. People still hold celebrations for the harvest festival and spend a happy time together.

In Rhodes’s previous games, the Harvest Festival is also an important game activity. Every year around the Harvest Festival, various tasks will appear. Even the Necromancer will temporarily let go of hatred and let everything wait until Do it after the harvest festival.

At this moment, Luo Luo took a deep look at Bisha, a bit of suspicion in his eyes.

The residents of the city plan to burn her to the climax of the harvest festival. Perhaps she did something bad before then.

Without words, Rod followed Bisha all the way. She was very familiar with everything in the city, and she kept walking along the path, and soon she led Rod to a large courtyard.

"This is Samson's residence... He won't come back before nightfall. He will either practice his swordsmanship in the training grounds in the city or arrange other swordsmen to patrol. We have enough time." Bisha pursed her mouth and said in a deep voice. Said.

"How do you know so clearly?" Rod asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Because I used to live here before everything happened." She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the wooden door with a sad look in her eyes.

Under Rod's gaze, she knelt down and rummaged in the flowerbed at the door, and soon she found a key.

The door of the house was opened, but Rod frowned slightly. Judging from the situation that Bisha showed, she should have some unusual relationship with the high-level swordsman.

When he came into the room, before Rod was able to observe the surroundings of the courtyard, Bisha got busy first, using the things that existed inside, and began to arrange traps.

Upon seeing this, Rod also took the initiative to help.

The first thing the two of them prepared was the simplest way to stab the trap.

On the ground in front of the courtyard, a deep hole was dug, and a sharp tool was inserted below, and the simple trap was completed.

"Do you think such a trap can work on a high-ranking swordsman? That's an epic creature, how could it fall into this trap?"

Looking at the trap that is too simple to be simple, even animals with no intelligence can hardly fall into it, Rod curled his lips, revealing suspicious eyes.

"It will work." Bisha said firmly, "Samson can only perceive things that are active, and his attention is all on living things. For those things that are forbidden to not move, he can easily ignore."

"Well. If the trap fails, I don't have full confidence in dealing with that high-level swordsman. At that time, maybe I can only leave you behind." Rod said casually.

Bisha shook her head with a special look in her eyes: "I will definitely kill him, even if I give up my own life..."

From this pagan, Rhodes felt her will. Her will was very tough, but not strong enough to be a hero.

Rod didn't know what happened to her, but apparently there was a connection with that high-ranking swordsman, and then said: "Then you'd better set up a few more traps."

With the help of Rod, they set up several ground thorn traps in the courtyard in a row, involving every road in the courtyard, no matter how Samson traveled, they could not avoid these traps.

"Isn't Samson invisible? Is it necessary to lay a layer of cloth on it?" After seeing the traps, Bisha seemed a little worried. On the top of each trap, a layer of fine linen was laid. This It also surprised Rod.

Bisha shook his head and said with some worry: "Although he can't see, he can use the wind flowing nearby to explore the surrounding terrain. I am worried that the existence of these traps will change the sound of the wind, which will cause him to be alert. "

Rod nodded. Hearing what Bisha said, he also realized the necessity of this arrangement.

At this moment, even Rhode had to sigh with emotion how difficult it would be for a high-level swordsman to match the legendary eagle eye technique. If Samson were not blind, his strength would be even stronger.

Fortunately, the mission in the illusion will not be dead from the beginning. Rod believes that according to his current strength, the most powerful in the illusion is the existence of Samson's level.

As for the later stage of the mission, whether there will be a stronger enemy, Rod can not guarantee that he can only complete the mission as soon as possible.

"I know the residences of some hunters nearby. I'll go there and get some traps." Bisha offered to offer.

After speaking, Bisha left the courtyard first, leaving Rod here alone.

After finishing the trap layout, all Rhodes needed to do was to wait for Samson's arrival.

While waiting, Rod's attention was also placed in the house behind the courtyard. He immediately searched the house to see if he could find something that could be used against high-level swordsmen.

Soon, Rod found the bedroom of a high-level swordsman, which was covered with delicate sleeping mats and blankets.

Searching in the room, never let go of every corner. It is a pity that Rod did not find any important props. Instead, he found a few iron swords with a good weight.

He shook his head, and even the corner of the closet was rummaged by Luo, but he still couldn't find anything that could be used against that high-level swordsman.

When Rod was about to give up, his eyes could not help but be deeply attracted by something in the closet, and he couldn't look away for a while.

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