Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1657: Lady spider

Under the influence of the camouflage magic, Rod and Bisha marched along the smooth road towards the moth city.

Along the way, Lord met many villagers who were also preparing to enter the city.

During this period of time, the market held by the Chamber of Commerce in the city attracted the names of other villages in the nearby area. They would all come after they got the news, which also provided a good cover for the two of Rhodes.

"Have you heard? Not long ago, at the ceremony of burning evil infidels, a demon who released the plague appeared..."

Not far away, two ordinary people who were also walking along the road, preparing to enter the city, attracted Rhodes's attention.

Rod and Bisha looked at each other and confirmed some information one after another. The demon who released the epidemic mentioned in the words of these two men obviously refers to Rod.

"Of course I know that this matter has been spread. Those nobles who heard about this incident were extremely angry. I am afraid that it will not be long before they will send the priests to purify here. Hey, I only hope that the high-ranking priests can come as soon as possible. "The other person sighed.

"I don't know what is the relationship between the devil who released the epidemic and the spider lady in the East... The terrible epidemic a few years ago, the impact has not subsided, and now such a demon has appeared again..." The person before said deeply. Sigh.

When they talked, they didn't deliberately lower their voices. People nearby heard them with a worried look.

Rod frowned somewhat suspiciously, and looked at Bisha beside him: "Do you know the story of Ms. Spider?"

Bisha glanced at Rod with some surprise: "I thought you were her companion... and that's right, a pure-blooded demon like you might not care about things that belong to the Kerrigan."

"Ms. Spider is the preacher of the disease king in the earthly world. She spreads the disease in the world and is regarded as the incarnation of death by ordinary people." Seeing that Rod did not know this, Bisha added.

After listening to Bisha's words, Rhode's brows were not stretched, but frowned.

Rod realized that in the era corresponding to the illusion, Beelzebub, the once king of the disease, had not yet died in the hands of the hero of light. This ancient and powerful demon had many powerful followers, including these people. Mentioned Lady Spider.

Judging from the words of people nearby, Ms. Spider is obviously the most famous among those followers, and she doesn't know what kind of existence it is to be able to bear such a name.

"Ms. Spider is haunted in the cursed land in the east of Moth City. The terrifying plague she released, even those of us Krigan, have no way to resist." As he said, it seemed that something had occurred, and Bisha showed fear. look.

Rod rubbed his forehead suspiciously. In his memory, the east of Elasia should be the gathering place of necromancers, Diya.

"Did she do something? From ordinary people, it seems that something unusual happened a few years ago." Rod asked.

"Yes." Bisha's body trembled faintly, "About three years ago, she released a terrible disease. Many, many people died in that disease... I still remember the tragedy at the time, the whole Ella The kingdoms of West Asia almost collapsed in that epidemic."

Rod seemed to think of something, his expression faintly changed.

Regarding the abilities contained in the plague, Lord at this time only gained the power of [Blood Plague]. As for what will happen after this ability, Lord does not know.

At this time, judging from Bisha's words, if the ability of the plague can be raised to the highest level, the power of this force will exceed Rhodes's imagination and can even affect the entire Elasia.

As for relying on the disease to defeat the entire Elasia, Lord didn't think it was possible.

Low-level plagues can only act on the bodies of ordinary creatures. For those divine and holy spirit bodies that live in Yunzhong City, that is, the existence of angels, who have long been free from physical limitations, they will not be affected by ordinary plagues.

No matter how powerful the effect of the ordinary plague is, it can't deal with the top legendary creatures, and it can't shake the foundation of Erathia's existence.

Luo Luo sighed. If it is replaced with the body that has not lost its power, he may hesitate to accept the power contained in the plague, but when the soul is exiled, Luo Luo, There is no better choice.

Thinking of this, Rod's hesitant gaze became firm, and his will was flooded with it.

If it is said that signing a contract with the statue of Beelzebub is the inspiration left by Mexijia, Rod believes that in this illusion, there are also traces left by her, which can bring some help to him.

Before entering the illusion, Mai Xijia's appearance also strengthened this idea in Rod's heart.

For Rod, what he wants to do in the fantasy world is more than just collecting sinner souls. If the mission can be successfully completed, Rhodes would like to go to the east to see what kind of abilities the so-called spider lady has.

There is still an unopened inheritance mission on Rod, and perhaps only when he finds everything related to the King of Diseases can he get relevant mission prompts.

He shook his head, seeing that the gate of Moh City was getting closer and closer, Luo Luo stopped thinking about this, he put his own attention on the current situation.

Before getting the soul of the sinner, Lord did not intend to make other considerations.

At the gate of the city, the nearby pedestrians became dense, which also provided cover for Rhodes.

Carrying the simple cloth bag in his hand, Rod seems to be no different from the people who came to the market to purchase, but once the things in his cloth bag are discovered, it may cause sudden changes, and he also Would be classified as heretics.

Two live magic eyes were put into a cloth bag by Rod.

Beside Rod, Bisha gently took his hand. They look like an ordinary couple on the surface, and only they know the real thoughts in their hearts.

When entering the city, the guards at the gate of the city were too busy to manage more. After paying the entrance fee for two copper coins, Rod and his party went to the moth city without any questioning.

"Unexpectedly, I would come back one day." After smoothly coming into the moth city, looking at the familiar streets around, Bisha showed a complicated expression. The deepest expression in her eyes was an uncontrollable anger." Samson... this time, you won't have that kind of luck."

On the side, Rod did not pay attention to Bisha, but looked at the surrounding streets with a look of doubt in his eyes.

(Ps: Ming has a special occasion.)

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