Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1653: Spells and Intelligence

"Teach me this spell."

Looking at the pagan named Bisha, Rhode said quickly.

According to the effect that Bisha mentioned, Rod realized that the spell she used to change the appearance of others was obviously a second-order camouflage magic.

If he could master this spell, many things would be easier for Rhode, he could temporarily conceal the appearance of the little monster at the moment, and mix into the town behind.

The only thing that made Rhode uncertain is that this is just a space in the illusion, whether the magic knowledge about casting spells, or other aspects of knowledge, can be learned by himself and inherited until he leaves.

After hearing Lord's request, Bisha gave him a strange look:

"You saved all of our Krigan people. Naturally, I shouldn't refuse you, but learning magic is not a simple matter. It requires one's own talent and hard practice. It cannot be learned in a short time..."

"You just need to discipline me." Rod insisted on saying that, ignoring Bisha's proposal.

Seeing that Rhode was so determined, Bisha was not easy to refuse: "Okay. This is an air magic, which requires the use of one of the four major magic elements in the world. If you want to cast a spell, You need to condense magic elements in your body first through meditation. You should know this, right?"

The corners of Rod's mouth twitched. What Bisha said was information that any mage knew, and he naturally wouldn't understand it.

"I will cast a lot of spells, you only need to teach me how to cast this spell." Shaking his head, Rhode said quickly.

While talking, Rhode switched the racing achievements he wore, and switched the racing achievements he wore to the [End of Wisdom].

This is a special racing achievement obtained by Rhodes after killing the tree of wisdom Yuk. After wearing this racing achievement, no matter what the attributes of Rhode’s own, at this moment, he will have legendary wisdom, and can quickly learn all the spells in the world, even the fifth-order magic that can only be mastered by legendary wizards. , At this moment, it is not difficult for Rod.

As long as the racing achievement that he wears is switched to [The End of Wisdom] when needed, Rhode can save a lot of skill points that should have been spent on wisdom, which also gives Rhode more choices.

"Since you are not afraid of failure, I have nothing to hide, but I want to remind you that only a few races of Krigan have the talent to cast spells, and it is normal for you to not learn."

At Rhode's request, Bisha slowly talked about the key points of disguising magic.

"This kind of Qi magic can make us cover our heads and change faces. You need to use a sequence like mine to condense the Qi magic elements on the surface of your body..."

Following her narration, the nearby abyss demons who had no talent for casting spells showed uncomfortable expressions. They could hardly understand anything, so they had to take the initiative to stay vigilant in the nearby forest.

At this time, there was a new reminder in Rod's system log.


"Bisha tries to teach you a second-order spell [disguise magic]."

"Wisdom skill level satisfies the requirements, academic level is insufficient, judged based on the difference between special skill level and spell level..."

"The judgment is successful! You learned the second-order spell [Disguise Magic]."

"[Disguise Magic Lv1]: Tier 2 Qi magic. Consumes 10 mana to change your appearance and figure in the eyes of others. For every hour of disguise, you need to consume 10 more mana. Upgrade requires 200 experience points."


After learning the magic of disguise, Rhodes felt satisfied for a while even if he was only at Lv1.

Rhode was able to learn how to cast disguise magic from Bisha, and this also meant that he could learn various other spells in the illusion, which was what Rhode cared most.

In hell, Rhode’s spells were not inherited from memory, and before the trial began, Rhodes could not learn spells elsewhere. The devil in **** would not study spells like a wizard, Luo De's ability to cast spells cannot be displayed.

Fortunately, the existence of the illusion gave Rhode an opportunity like this. Since he did not limit his memory and knowledge, the spells that Rhode learned in the illusion could be retained after he left.

For Rhode, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity. If he can obtain the blessing of magic power in the next trial, Rhode will also be able to fight a lot easier.

In addition, Rod also thought of one thing, that is the effect of meditation.

In the illusion, Rhodes can’t feel it at all. This is also the difference between the passage of time in the original world, but in Mexijia’s words, it is much slower than the outside world. No matter how long after the illusion, the external flame trial One day will pass.

In this case, Rhodes did not know whether he could meditate in the illusion and what effect the meditation would bring. Can only wait until later to try again.

Taking a deep breath, Rod looked at Bisha not far away and asked, "Are there other spellcasters in Moth City? Will your disguise magic be seen through by other creatures?"

This is exactly what Rod is concerned about. The level of camouflage magic determines whether such spells can be easily seen through. If there are powerful spellcasters in the city, camouflage magic is completely ineffective for them.

The perspective eye, which is also the air magic, is the best spell to break the disguise magic. For this, Rhode must first understand this information from Bisha.

Bisha thought for a while and replied, "Except for the city lord Aran, there are no other spellcasters in the city."

Hearing what she said, Luo Luo seemed relieved and asked, "How is the strength of the city lord?"

"He is a pious person who relies on hard practice to temper his will. Even the priest in my mind does not have his mental ability."

"Priest..." Rod seemed to be aware of something, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Although priests, like wizards, regard the two attributes of spirit and knowledge as their main attributes, there are still differences in the way they fight.

If the lecturer focuses more on high-level spells to fight, then the priest prefers to directly rely on the power of the spirit to condense a huge magic group to bombard the enemy.

Compared with mages, penance priests do not have time to study various exquisite spells, but their magic group gathered with pure spiritual power is also not to be underestimated.

After knowing the information of the city lord Yalan, this is undoubtedly good news for the Lord at this time. Except for the city lord, everyone here can hardly see the effect of disguising Dafa, which also provides an opportunity for Luo.

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