Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1652: Hawkeye ability

"Really?" Hearing Bisha said that, Rod glanced at her suspiciously.

Rod did not know why Bisha said that the high-ranking swordsman was a guilty man. Judging from the situation on the battlefield before, Rod could not see how he fits this point.

If it hadn't been for Bisha to mention this, Rhode wouldn't even think of him as a sinner.

Rod believes that Bisha must have her own reasons for saying this. Maybe there is something she didn't know about, and only Bisha, who has already existed in Moth City, can know all this.

"Yes." Seeing Rod's doubts, Bisha nodded, and then explained, "Samson is a beloved high-ranking swordsman, but in fact, he was stigmatized. The person who was named a sword saint would not resort to any means, and even sacrifice everything he could use..."

"Stigmata..." From this woman's words, Luo Luohe heard it again. The name that only existed in the legend and did not know how long it had died out. This trial fantasy actually happened in the era of the stigmata. in.

Rod realized that if Mexijia had really created this illusion, she might have been from the age of the stigmata, and her body had hidden secrets far beyond his own imagination.

While thinking, Rod stared at the woman, wanting to see something unusual from her.

"How do you know this?" Rod asked, as if thinking of something.

The woman shook her head, her eyes reminiscent a little more: "That's not important, right? The important thing is that I know his weakness and how to defeat him. I think you need this information."

Rod fell into silence and his face was very calm. The woman could not see any emotions belonging to Rod. After a while, he heard Rod continue to say: "Tell me."

"Samson can't see everything in the outside world with his eyes. His eyes are blind. His perception of the outside world is based on a special ability, Eagle Eye."

"Oh?" Listening to Bisha's account, Rod seemed a little surprised, but he didn't expect Eagle Eye Technique to have such an effect.

"I have seen him practice this ability. When he was not blind, in order to practice powerful swordsmanship, he stood under a tree, saw the trajectory of all the leaves at the same time with his eyes, and cut the leaves with a sword. In the end, He can accurately perceive and cut every leaf without even opening his eyes." Bisha said in a deep voice, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

"He called that ability Hawkeye, and it is said to be an indispensable ability to become a sword saint. With this ability, almost no one can sneak on him." The woman added.

Hearing this, even Lord's expression changed slightly.

Many special skills have only the most basic effects at low levels, and once they reach high levels, with the various characteristics attached to the special skills, they will show amazing power.

This is the case with Hawkeye.

Spellcasters can rely on Hawkeye to steal the spells cast by others, and melee professionals can rely on this ability to gain powerful dynamic vision. If they can upgrade this special skill to legendary level, they can also gain full The perception of position, the ability to achieve the eyes of the heart, even if the eyes are closed, the perception of the eyes of the heart can play a role.

A high-level swordsman like Samson, combined with top-notch eagle-eye art, can achieve a terrifying effect. He can use his swordsmanship to the extreme, even if he loses his eyes, he will not be affected by the heart and eyes. influences. At this time, Rod, who was in the illusion of trial, could hardly solve such an enemy.

"I've heard of such an ability." From Bisha's mouth, after understanding Samson's power, Rod's expression became faint and solemn, "That is a kind of ability called Heart Eye, which is based on Eagle Eye Technique. power."

If it weren't for the red mist released by Rodriguez on the previous battlefield, which severely blocked the nearby human soldiers, and even made the high-ranking swordsman reluctant to approach him, Rodriguez would probably suffer a big loss by surprise.

Bisha nodded: "It seems that you know how to deal with him. Samson's mind and eyes can only feel the things he moves around his body. The faster those things move, the sharper his perception will be. According to the flowing wind, he can fully perceive the nearby terrain. But his perception of motionless things is extremely slow."

From Bisha's words, Rod understood her meaning at once. The existence of the mind's eye focuses more on the effectiveness of combat, but it cannot really replace the eye, allowing Samson to perceive everything nearby.

"The inability to perceive the still life means that the trap can effectively deal with such an existence." Rod said after taking over Bisha's words. For a while, he thought of many ways to kill the enemy.

Rescued Bisha, Rod obtained this useful information. If Rod at the time hesitated and allowed Bisha to be burned to death, waiting for Rod would be a seemingly invincible enemy. Rod did not know how much life it would take to obtain equivalent intelligence.

"He wants to burn me to death, now it's time for me to take revenge on him." Seeing that Rod instantly understood what he meant, Bisha was slightly surprised, but he quickly expressed his attitude.

"How are the defensive forces in the city? How can we get into the city?"

The understanding that Bisha showed about everything in the city deeply attracted the attention of Rod, and he wanted to get more useful information from Bishakou.

"Due to the war in the east, the defense in the city is much tighter than before. There are six guards in rotation near the city gate. The Crusaders in the barracks are always on standby. We must never be caught by them again."

Speaking of this, Bisha showed a somewhat distracted and lingering look on her face. In addition, Rod could see the anger hidden in her eyes.

"They want to use the method of burning me to lead out the other Kerrigans in the city... If you didn't save me, none of the Kerrigans in our place would survive under the siege of the Crusaders..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Rod gratefully.

Not only her, but the other abyssal demons nearby are the same, and Rod can see the reverence and gratitude in their eyes.

"This is what I should do." Having said that, Rod began to figure out how to use these demons to complete this mission to the maximum.

"I once learned a magic that can change our appearance in the eyes of others." It seems that something has been thought of, Bisha added, "I tried to teach this magic to other demons, but unfortunately, their talents are really Too low, no one can learn."

Hearing what Bisha said, Rod immediately turned sideways and stared at her scorchingly.

(Ps: Recently, I will post an extra story every morning, which is related to the work, and make up for the plot mentioned before. You can read it if you have time.)

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