Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1612: little monster

Flames rose, black smoke filled the depths of the **** where the sinner was, a newborn little monster opened his eyes.

Rod never thought that he would come to **** in this way.

If it were not for the sacred curse and the soul could not return to the body, Rhode would never use the ritual to come to hell.

The weak, dark yellow body, and the bat wings that can only flop twice, is the first impression of Rodriguez on this body.

In addition to Rhode, there are countless little monsters around. They walked out of a flame furnace and were driven by the nearby abyss demons with long whips and marched in one direction.

"Induction ceremony..." Rod seemed to think of something, his eyes sank.

At this time, he has lost his once powerful power, and his soul has been reshaped into the most common little monster in hell.

Looking back to the rear, there is a huge furnace. The top of the furnace is connected to the closed sky. The boundless souls descend from there, and finally are shaped into small monsters in the furnace.

For Rhodes, the only benefit in this process is probably that the sacred curse has been lifted. Under the influence of the soul furnace, Rod felt that his soul was about to be torn apart, and then forcibly stuffed into a body.

During this process, Rhode seemed to be protected by some special force, and the memory and knowledge in his soul remained intact. Rod had seen countless broken souls in the furnace.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry forward!"

The long whip vibrated, and with a crisp sound, Rod left a light trace of blood behind him.

Lottery turned sideways, looking at the whiplashing creature in his eyes. It was an abyssal evil demon wearing a simple cloth. She had red skin, bulging muscles, and many hideous scars on the surface.

If the skin of the Great Demon is red like flames, then the skin of the Abyss Demon is more like blood red.

At this moment, the abyss demon seemed to have discovered something, looked at the injury behind Rod with some doubts, and then at the long whip in his hand.

When she raised her head again, she couldn't find the little monster that puzzled her.

Rod's figure was already hidden among a crowd of little monsters exactly like him.

"Engia, you look a little confused? Did you find anything?"

Notice the change in her expression? Aside? Another Abyss Demon took the initiative to ask.

"Raven, I found a special little monster. His body seems to be stronger than other little monsters? He even endured my flogging? Nothing seemed to happen." She said slowly.

"Really?" The abyss demon named Raven looked at her suspiciously, "Even the abyss demon? Can't bear your flogging? How can that little monster do it? After being shaped by the monster furnace ?The physique of the little monster? But it is the worst of all demons."

"I don't know? Maybe it's just that the force I used was too light..." Engia said with some doubts? "Anyway, I left a whip mark behind this little monster. During the promotion process, saw a little monster with bloodstains on the back? Remember to pay more attention."

In the process of the conversation between these two abyssal demons? Rod kept walking with the nearby little monsters? He soon came to an open field? Looking around, there are probably tens of thousands of nearby little monsters.

Just as Rod was somewhat confused, soon? A woman with a graceful figure and a veil on her face, surrounded by a veil on her face, appeared in front of the team surrounded by many abyss demons. .

Seems to have discovered something, Rod frowned. She didn't look like an abyssal demon in hell, but like a human on the surface of the world. Even in terms of appearance, she surpassed most human beings.

"The newborn little monster, I am the servant of the king of eroticism, Hela Pessi." She took the initiative to introduce when the nearby little monster was making noise.

"You are lucky. No matter where you came from, you are now dead and have lost all your previous memories. But you are also unfortunate, a powerful potential hidden in your body and your soul, always Not inspired."

Hela's words heard in his ears, and Rod seemed a little surprised. He scanned the surroundings and found the little monsters around him. He didn't particularly respond to what she said.

From the faces of those little monsters, Rod could not see their worries. They seemed to have only retained the most basic emotions, following the guidance of those abyss demons.

Except for Rhode, the little monsters nearby seemed to be exactly what Hela said, without retaining a trace of the past.

After realizing this, Lord's expression changed slightly. He didn't know why he could retain the memories of the past. Perhaps it was because of the existence of the system, perhaps because of the secret method. Among the small monsters, only Lord can Make it happen.

"In order to activate this potential, only a few of you can survive and be promoted." Just as Rhodes thought about it, Hela continued.

She raised her hand and lightly tapped in front of the veil she was wearing, with a satisfied look in her eyes: "Please, please use your torture and your pain."

Low roars came from all directions.

When Rodriguez went to prestige, he saw a large group of vicious dogs larger than the body of the little monster, surrounding the little monsters nearby. Those who are in charge of holding those vicious dogs are the deep red evil demons with long whips in their hands.

Without any warning, the killing of the little monsters began.

The vicious dog was released by the evil demon, barking and rushing towards the little monsters. After they threw them to the ground, they shared their flesh and blood.

The abyss evil demon did not join the ranks of the food, but kept waving the long whip in his hand, leaving traces of blood on the nearby little monsters, creating screams and crying.

At the front of the team, Hela looked at this scene with a drunken expression on her face, her breathing was no longer even, and she gasped slightly.

In the field, Lord watched this scene silently, chaos appeared, undoubtedly his opportunity. After obtaining the body of the little monster, Rod needs to make some attempts to confirm certain thoughts in his mind.

Rod's sight kept searching the field, and soon he found a suitable target.

The little monsters who had undergone the slaughter shrank together in fear, not daring to face the terrible enemy alone. The target that Rod chose was a little monster beside him.

He stretched out his hand and pinched it on the neck of the little monster, slowly exerting force with both hands, and gradually, the little monster no longer breathed out.

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