Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1611: Revelation and Rebirth

"I don't believe what you said."

It was not Vita beside her who answered Tamick's words, but Rowling who was waiting in the castle.

Waiting for the arrival of the midwife, Rowling looked very anxious, and took the initiative to come to the outside of the castle and see everything nearby. After hearing Tamick's words, Rowling's anxiety calmed down instantly, and her face instantly cooled down.

"Master Rowling." Looking at Rowling's figure, Vita bent down and said respectfully, "This death knight is here to find Lord Rhodes. Do you know where he is?"

"He's not on the island, just tell me what you want." Rowling said with her arms around her.

Tamick nodded: "Master Lord once asked me to find the death knight for him. I found two other death knights willing to follow him from the hands of the dead lich."

"I see. When he comes back, I will let him find you." Rowling replied.

"Other than that, North seems to have something new. He recalled some terrifying things and clamored to see Lord Rhodes. Do you know who North is?" Tamick added, while Asked Rowling.

"Of course I know." When the name was mentioned, Rowling's face instantly sank, "He gained the power that belongs to the Lich, and then turned his back on everything in the past."

"If you want to say that, it doesn't seem to be a problem." Tamick shrugged. "This is all the message I want to convey. I still want to meet Lord Rod and feel the charming eyes. Now It seems that there should be no chance."

After speaking, Tamick waved his hand and left towards the teleportation monument when he came.

Until Tamick's figure disappeared completely and no traces of her were seen anymore, Rowling exhaled deeply, her tense emotions could no longer be maintained, and her face was full of deep worries.

"Lord Rowling..." Vita took the initiative to comfort her.

"Have you found a midwife from the city?" Rowling asked eagerly.

"No, it seems that there are no midwives in the city. I asked the freelance chamber of commerce for help and asked people in the chamber to bring midwives from other towns, but no reply came." Weita quickly replied.

"How could this be..." Rowling's face was more worried.

"Is Leah better?" Weita asked. As the lord responsible for the connection between the island and the city of Sao? She naturally knew who Rowling was looking for a midwife.

"She is suffering, I don't know what to do..."

"She will get better." Wei Ta said? "I'm going back to Sao City first? Continue to supervise the necromancers to find the midwives? lest the midwives are found, but the necromancers cannot find me."

Rowling nodded: "Thank you, Vita."

"It's an honor to work for Lord Rowling?"

Soon? When Vita left, Rowling sighed deeply, then returned to the upper level of the castle.

Come to a quiet room? Haven't entered yet? A burst of pain mixed with? A roar that seemed weak? It was conveyed to Rowling's ears.

How pale her face instantly? Want to push the door to enter? Raised her hand halfway, but then put it down again, just standing outside the quiet room.

She really couldn't imagine the kind of situation that Tamick said, and even the courage to enter the quiet room was completely lost at this moment.

At this moment? The door of the quiet room suddenly opened? A girl with long purple hair came out of it? I saw Rowling outside the door at a glance.

"Rowling, it turns out that you are here and I feel your breath? So I came out and took a look. Where did you go?"

Rowling shook her head: "I just went to take a look under the castle. Inota, how is Leah's situation?"

"She seems to be very painful...I didn't expect human reproduction to be so troublesome." Inota, who maintained a human form, replied helplessly.

"Don't you multiply like this? I mean those dragons." Rowling asked her after a glance.

"Of course we are not like this." Inota replied somewhat unexpectedly, "We were all hatched from eggs... If I hadn't seen this process with my own eyes this time, I would have thought that humans are like this too."

Rowling shook her head. She knew that the purple-haired girl in front of her looked like a human, but she was actually a real dragon.

With a sigh, Rowling took out a set of cards with gold rim and red background.

"I want to ask destiny for enlightenment." Rowling said slowly.

Red cards flew at her fingertips, and soon one of them was taken out by her.

Looking at the content on the card, Rowling finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the worry in her eyes faded a lot.

Rowling's move naturally attracted Inota's attention. She poked her head over and looked at the card in Rowling's hand. She seemed to have discovered something, and said somewhat unexpectedly.

"It's a baby... I seem to have seen this card somewhere."

The prophecy card in Rowling’s hand is painted on it is a young baby in the swaddling clothes.

"Have you really seen this card?" Rowling asked with some surprise. "There are many interpretations contained in babies. Depending on the situation, the interpretation of this card may even appear completely opposite. You are Oh, this card I saw."

"Let me think about it..." Inota looked up and made a look of hard thinking. Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something and said in surprise, "I remember, that was me and Rod , When the prophet draws the prophecy card, he draws this card."

Recalling those words of the Prophet, Inota's mouth pursed with dissatisfaction, but when she thought of Rhode's actions, she laughed happily.

"Baby..." Rowling seemed to realize something, and looked at the sky in the distance with some doubts.

According to Rowling's mastery of the prophecy card during this period, it may not be an accident that Rhode was able to draw the baby card. Prophet Mesica seemed to want to convey some enlightenment to him in this way. But what exactly is this revelation, Rowling doesn't know, maybe only Rod himself knows.

I don't know when, Rowling had a bad feeling in her heart: "Where is Rod now?"

Inota showed doubts in his eyes: "He said he was going to the Thieves Guild to see, but he hasn't come back yet."

Rowling's complexion changed. She looked at the prophecy card in her hand again. The baby's face was wrinkled, and her facial features were crowded together, as if she was crying.

The cries reached Rowling, not from the baby on the card, but from Leah in the quiet room.

Putting the prophecy card away again, Rowling no longer hesitated, pushed open the door of the quiet room, and entered it with Inota.

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