Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 583: :return

"What's the matter, dear?" In the swaying cabin, Simon hugged Irina from behind.

It didn't take too long to sign a trade treaty with the Principality of Love. After all, the two countries have been friends for generations, and at this moment, they still have the power to defeat the overlord fleet.

Now, the group of them is on their way back to the Silvermoon Kingdom. The Principality of Love borders the Silvermoon Kingdom. If they take the sea route, they can reach King's Harbor in less than three days.

Simon is a very sensitive person. Ever since he left the Azure Kingdom, he felt that Erina had something on her mind, and after visiting the Duchy of Love, it became more and more obvious.

Originally, Simon didn't want to pry into other people's minds too much, but Irina's absence really worried him.

Being hugged by Simon from behind, Irina's heart trembled, she bit her lips lightly, not knowing how to speak.

"What are you afraid of?" Simon asked with some doubts, he felt Irina's fear.

But at this moment, they are very safe around, there is nothing to fear?

"I'm afraid!" Irina's heart swayed, and she gritted her teeth with complicated eyes: "Simon, if you treat me as a lover just to cater to my love, then there's no need, I'm not the kind of person who can't let go !"

Simon was stunned for a moment, what is this all about? What provoked Her Royal Highness?

"Well, it's nothing, I really love you, that's why I regard you as a lover." Simon replied embarrassingly.

Erina turned her head back with a cold expression, with a little scrutiny in her eyes.

"Don't think too much, okay?" Simon sighed in his heart, and hugged Irina tightly with both hands.

Her Royal Highness did not struggle, and her cold face gradually softened.

That's right, it doesn't matter, if the time comes, this guy is not sincere to me, then at worst, beat him to death......

Simon has been holding Irina like this all the time, and Irina has not struggled. In the silent single cabin, an ambiguous atmosphere gradually rises.

Suddenly, Simon's heart skipped a beat, he took a few steps back, hugged the princess and fell on the bed.

"You, you, what are you doing!" Irina's face was so red that it was hot, her heart was beating uncontrollably, and she was completely in a panic.

Although the name has been set, she is obviously not ready to do that kind of thing with Simon.

Simon didn't say a word, and gently blew hot air towards the ears of Her Highness the Princess.

A numbness spread all over her body, and Irina felt powerless, as if she was about to fall, but she still struggled and moaned: "No, no, we'll talk about it when we get married!"

Simon's body froze, and he let go of Her Royal Highness with some helplessness. He doesn't like to make things difficult for others.

Erina took the opportunity to stand up and ran out of her bedroom in a hurry. She had to go out to calm down, otherwise, it was very likely that Simon would actually take her down.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's still the same sentence, she is not ready at the moment!

"Oh, it's boring..." Simon lay on his side on the bed, propping his head with his hands, with regret and a little smile on his face.

It seems to be a good choice to let this feeling ferment for a while.


After several months, the Dreadnought Fleet of the coastal countries has finally returned to King's Harbor.

It is said that it is the Dreadnought Fleet, but there are only five battleships left at this moment, and the remaining eight battleships have sunk to the bottom of the sea forever.

Seeing the return of the Dreadnought Fleet, the people in King's Harbor talked a lot, but they didn't happily go to pick it up.

The news of the merchants is relatively well-informed, and the news of the battle between the Dreadnought Fleet and the Holy Empire has already spread throughout King's Harbor.

At this moment, most of the people looked sad, and they all knew what it meant to offend the empire.

"It's really realistic!" Looking at the silent port people, Yona couldn't help sighing.

In order for these people to live better, they have taken great pains. In all honesty, there are not many royal families in countries that can benefit the people like the Silver Moon Kingdom.

However, just by offending a holy empire, these people who should have surrounded them to return fell silent at this moment.

"Heh, don't care what they do, let's do what we should do and be ashamed of ourselves!" Simon sneered.

The public is the most realistic group of people, let them benefit, and they will praise you and support you. If their interests are harmed, they will immediately turn their faces and deny anyone, just like at this moment.

He didn't want to care about these people in the first place, but after experiencing some things, he began to think about trying his best to seek some benefits for these low-level people.

As for these people being ungrateful, what does it matter to Simon? He just does what he has to do! Those who can help will naturally help, and those who cannot, just let them fend for themselves.

"You can't say that. After all, we are provoking the Holy Empire. It's normal for the people to have worries. Also, don't be like that evil son of the Moonlight Church." Crown Prince Jona raised his eyebrows.

He didn't like it very much. Simon's attitude towards the people reminded him of the church's holy son.

It was the same in the Acropolis of the Royal Capital back then, purifying the people of the entire city without even blinking an eye.

Simon didn't speak anymore. This kind of thing itself is a different idea. Maybe it's because of the time traveler, he doesn't have such a high sense of responsibility.

And to be honest, how these people are really has little to do with him... He is not the ruler of this country.

If he stood in the position of the ruler, his attitude might change, just like how he treated the people of the new law.

And...the holy son of the church, what the **** is that? He didn't seem to offend this old man when he used the Shengzi vest?

That's right, it must be the substitute of the church, it must be the vile substitute who accidentally offended his father-in-law, Simon comforted himself in his heart.

"Ah Choo!"

A stand-in who was meditating at the base of the Moonlight Cathedral suddenly sneezed, and then thought helplessly in his heart: "I don't know when His Royal Highness will come back?"

Since His Royal Highness the Son left, he has never left here, nor has he contacted anyone other than the priest.

Occasionally, he showed up a few times, and never left the cathedral, but he was suffocated...

Although they failed to get cheers from the people, the old king had already arranged for people to take over, and Simon and others quickly returned to the capital.

After a short rest, Crown Prince Jonas entered the palace and began to report the visit to the old king.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Looking at the dozen or so trade treaties in front of him, the old king's wrinkled face almost burst into laughter. With these trade treaties~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Silvermoon Kingdom will soon usher in a period of rapid development .

"Your Majesty, where is the Holy Empire?" Crown Prince Yona asked with a frown.

Although this visit to the coastal countries has benefited a lot, it also offended the Holy Empire on the way. If it is not handled properly...

"Well, that's a problem too."

The joy on the old king's face faded away, and he touched his chin and said, "But don't worry too much, this time the Holy Empire took the initiative to attack us, morality is with us, and I will unite with other countries to jointly protest against the Holy Empire! "

Although the Holy Alliance of Humanity is the voice of the Holy Empire, if it does not abide by any rules, how can the rest of the human nations be let go.

After all, if you can oppress the Silver Moon Kingdom at will today, you may oppress them tomorrow!

"In this case, there is really no need to worry too much." Crown Prince Yona nodded knowingly.

The study fell into silence. The old king hesitated for a long time, and finally asked a question: "What do you think of Simon?"

"What about it?" Crown Prince Yona was a little puzzled.

"It includes a comprehensive evaluation of people, behaviors, values ​​and achievements." The old king explained in detail.

"This... is a gentle person, but he can be considered decisive and decisive, and he handles most things with ease. He is a pretty good talent." Yona commented.

The old king frowned, shook his head and said, "You still haven't understood him. If he is used well, he will be the first-class virtuous official in the world, but if he is not used well, he can also become the first-class minister in the world." Wait for the hero!"

"Ah?" Yona's eyelids twitched. Can this kid deserve such a high evaluation?

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