Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 582: : He is like a **** in the sky

The Principality of Love, located in the southeast of the Silvermoon Kingdom, is one of the countries directly bordering the Silvermoon Kingdom, and also has part of the coastline.

Going around, Simon and others came here. This is the last stop of their visit to the coastal countries.

In order to welcome the envoys of the Silvermoon Kingdom, Grand Duke Love held a grand banquet, and Simon, Irina and others were all invited to attend.

During the banquet, Irina met Loyal, who was Princess Silver Moon who married into the Duchy of Love not long ago.

"Long time no see." Loyal looked at Irina with complicated eyes, a little envious.

She is also the great-granddaughter of King Silvermoon, but unfortunately, her grandfather is not the king's eldest son, since her father's generation, they have become a collateral line of the royal family.

Therefore, she and Shanina, who were also from the collateral lineage, could only be married off, and no one even asked them if they agreed.

However, Erina, who was born in the main line, retained a sliver of autonomy, waiting for her beloved to show her value.

Different backgrounds lead to different fates after all!

"Long time no see!" Irina also sighed in her heart, and replied with a wry smile.

Like Shanina who married into the Blue Kingdom, this Princess Loyal was not very familiar with her at first, but she was recruited into the main department by her father later, and the two gradually became acquainted.

Seeing you now, I will inevitably feel a little sad in my heart. Fortunately, I was born in the main department!

"Shall we talk?" Loyal asked with a smile.

In a foreign country, when I meet people from my home country again, I always feel a little lost if I don’t talk a few words.

"Then let's chat!" Erina picked up the wine glass, and Loyal walked to a secluded balcony of the castle, where the banquet below had a panoramic view.

"How is Sanina doing recently?" The two were silent for a moment, and Loyal was the first to ask.

Irina thought for a while, nodded and said: "Not bad, and Prince Bilan is quite affectionate."

"Oh." Loyal sneered, and said with emotion: "That stupid woman is really a fool!"

As a woman from the collateral line of the royal family, she had long been prepared in her heart to be married off into marriage.

But even if it is a marriage, it also depends on who the marriage partner is!

The Blue Kingdom is an old powerful country whose national strength is second only to the Holy Empire. Even though the Blue Royal Family is weak, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses, and their strength should not be underestimated.

But what about the Duchy of Love? It is just a small principality. I am afraid that many people in the mainland have never heard of the name of this country.

If it weren't for the border with the Silver Moon Kingdom, the Silver Moon royal family would never have married into such a country.

Loyal thinks that she is definitely smarter than Shannina, after all, that stupid woman can do nothing but be cute.

But in the end, it was she who married into the weak Principality of Love, and Shanina married into the powerful Blue Kingdom.

She didn't understand why, and even hated it in her heart.

But this does not change the powerlessness of reality, as a member of the royal family, she cannot defy the will of the royal family!

Today, Loyal is also a little relieved. Anyway, everything has become settled and can no longer be changed.

Irina remained silent, she didn't know what to say, and finally she could only pouted and asked, "How about you? How are you doing recently?"

Loyal looked at the banquet below, laughed at himself, and said leisurely: "What else can I do? A husband who is stern and introverted, and a court that is lifeless... What can I do?"

Irina fell into silence again. She had also heard a little about the situation in the Principality of Love. A group of drunken idiots controlled the court, fighting each other for trivial matters every day.

For a woman like Loyal, whose heart is as high as the sky, there is nothing more tormenting than this.

"Let's not talk about this, that kind of thing happened, why didn't you go back to Silvermoon Kingdom directly?" Loyal didn't want to talk more about the situation in the Principality of Love, so he took the initiative to change the topic.

Irina knew that what she was talking about was that the Dreadnought Fleet was intercepted and killed by the Holy Empire. Logically speaking, most of the Dreadnought Fleet sank, and they should indeed return to the Silver Moon Kingdom as soon as possible.

Moreover, there was a conflict with the Holy Empire, and countermeasures had to be discussed this morning.

However, Simon and Crown Prince Jona agreed that the Dreadnought Fleet cannot just return without success. If the fleet built by the whole country does not get any benefits, then the Silver Moon Kingdom will suffer a lot this time.

It is better to take advantage of the power of defeating the overlord fleet of the Holy Empire and continue this coastal visit.

Only by signing commercial and trade treaties with various countries can the losses be made up for.

After briefly talking about the situation, Loyal also nodded frequently. Obviously, she also approved of such a choice.

"That, is the man you fancy?" Looking down at the banquet, Loyal saw Simon who was following Crown Prince Jona with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Talking nonsense with a group of aristocrats he didn't know at all, he wasn't very used to such a large social place.

Sensing a curious peek, Simon looked up, just in line with Loyal on the balcony of the castle, and also saw Irina beside her.

Although he didn't know each other, out of politeness, Simon raised his glass to Loyal and smiled friendly.

"Oh, interesting..." Loyal also raised his glass to greet him, and then took a sip of the glass.

"What do you think of him?" Irina also looked at Simon and asked in confusion.

"How about what?" Loyal asked lazily ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Irina struggled a bit, and gritted her teeth: "When I was in the Blue Kingdom, Shannina once told me that the reason why Simon Love me, it seems just because I love him!"

Loyal was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly and shook his head: "Oh, there are indeed such people in this world!"

I love you only because you love me. If one day you don't love me anymore, then I won't be too entangled.

Erina's face turned pale, her lips trembled and she asked, "That means, you also have this feeling?"

The authorities are obsessed, the bystanders are clear, and she only feels extremely at ease when she gets along with Simon, but she never thinks about it.

Loyal shook his head and said, "I don't feel that way. Although Shanina is stupid, I have to say that she does have extraordinary intuition in terms of emotions."

"Then how do you feel?" Irina asked impatiently.

"Well... how should I put it?" Loyal thought for a moment, frowned and said, "This guy always gives me a sense of elusive nothingness!"

"What do you mean?" Irina didn't understand at all.

"That is to say, he is too lonely, like a **** in the sky, looking down on all living beings on the ground, without a lot of fireworks, giving people a sense of unreality and falsehood!" Loyal tried hard to express.

"This...Simon, isn't he very gregarious?" Irina hesitated, is that really the case?

Looking at Irina, Loyal suddenly felt pity, and sighed: "Okay! I believe Shanina's judgment a little bit, but I don't even see through my own man. The problem between you two is indeed a bit serious!"

Erina frowned tightly, her mind full of thoughts...

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