Chapter 699: The Earth’s Community of Destiny

Firecrackers sounded from time to time, and fireworks were sent to the sky.

Super Leibo Radio is still under construction. During the lively night, Shen Cong did not accept the invitation of the base high-level officials to celebrate New Year’s Eve with the residents of the settlement.

He and Dao Ge, Ma Changsheng, Zhou Zuohai and others are discussing the Gate of Cybertron.

The projector projected a sketch on the background board, on which was a dark starry sky background. The blue arc formed a circular wormhole portal, and an irregular star was flying out of the portal.


Switch to the next pair.

The star shows a close-up view, one side is very smooth and brilliance, the other side is uneven.

“This is the extinct comet drawn by our painter based on Brother Dao’s description after careful correction. Mr. Huang, look at the smooth side. From our judgment, this side is definitely not formed naturally.” Scientific research personnel, operating the projector to introduce.

Shen Cong looked at the full picture of the comet, frowning: “Do you think this is man-made?”

“There is no way to judge. After all, Brother Dao only saw an extinct comet. How the cut on the smooth side was formed is difficult to judge. It can only be defined as an unnatural formation. Especially the details of the smooth surface and the uneven surface, the star. There is a very obvious transition in structure.”

Zhou Zuohai added: “It’s like a knife cutting through the middle.”

The researcher said: “The size of the extinct comet is impossible to judge. It can only be estimated from a small amount of data provided by Brother Dao. The diameter is about one kilometer to two kilometers. But the energy it carries exceeds that in the theory of extinct dinosaurs. Tens or hundreds of times the size of a small Planet.”

Sixty-five million years ago, the earth’s overlord dinosaurs suddenly became extinct.

Some experts speculate that it was caused by the impact of the little Planet on the earth, and a high concentration of iridium was found in the sedimentary rocks in the era of the extinction of the dinosaurs. This metal is very low on the earth and is thought to be carried by meteorites from outer space. By analyzing the iridium content in the stratum, it is inferred that the little Planet that extinct dinosaurs is about 10 kilometers in diameter.

A small planet with a diameter of ten kilometers has wiped out the overlord dinosaur.

Now a comet with a diameter of one or two kilometers has overturned most species on the earth.

“Our earth is a treasure in the universe. Although it is magnificent and even difficult to replicate, it is the only one. It is also very fragile. Perhaps a humble star movement can destroy this treasure.”

An older scientific researcher shook his head with emotion.


Regarding Cybertron’s Gate and Fire Comet, the base only knows these, and they are all obtained through communication with Brother Dao.

In addition, there are speculations about the appearance of Cybertron’s Gate and Fire Comet.

One guess is: the aliens’ conspiracy may be that the aliens discovered the earth, but found that the earth’s environment is not suitable for them to survive, so they took the effort to send the fire to transform the earth and become a planet suitable for the alien’s life.

Another guess is that some kind of black hole, white hole and other astronomical phenomena have caused a special star to be cut off and fly to the edge of the earth, forming all kinds of coincidences.

There is also a particularly unreliable speculation: perhaps it was a certain high-level metal life. During the war, a piece of “meat” on the body fell over, and then because the life form was too advanced, it transformed and polluted life on the earth.

This kind of speculation is similar to the movie “Prometheus”, where the giant drank poison and disintegrated itself, and its life genes were reorganized to form life on earth.

For these speculations, Shen Cong refers to one or two.

Summarize the own guess.

“It should be the fire of irregular stars, but there are traces of man-made cutting; the position of Cybertron’s Gate appears to be accurately calculated and can pollute the earth; the moon has been emitting regular radiation fluctuations, attracting people to go. ; Organic matter begins to transition to metal, and the earth changes…”

Everything is like a conspiracy, but I don’t know where the conspiracy comes from.

“It must be an alien!”

“Aliens want to harm me!”

Although he can’t clearly see the meaning behind these clue combinations, it does not prevent him from drawing such a conclusion. At one time he suspected that there would always be a spoiler who wanted to harm him, but now that he is powerful, he cannot be harmed by a spoiler. However, the aliens came to make a kick again, so Shen Cong had to be more vigilant again.

“The spirit of the fire seed may be the seed of the aliens. You must see one and kill one!”

“Once aliens really exist, I am alone, with two fists hard to beat four hands, human technology must be integrated and exploded, and the construction of intelligent races must also be accelerated.”

Shen Cong thought a lot on this New Year’s Eve.

He thought that the earth needs a new order, a new system dominated by intelligent creatures.

“Perhaps, we should let those political experts carefully study and study, and use human beings as the lead to jointly build a community with a shared future for the planet.”

Shen Cong took refuge in the military base in Changsha and stayed there for three days.

In the past three days, he has helped the base build the Super Thunderbo radio station, and has started contacting the new government, and is negotiating the matter of merging into the new government.

On the whole, it has been determined that the twentieth city of the new government in Changsha-Changsha City.

During the communication, Shen Cong rarely participated in politics and explained to the leadership of the new government the “community with a shared future for the earth” he had conceived. Shen Cong felt that in the current situation of the earth, there is no need for such a system of the country. Especially when there are “aliens” eyeing them.

What’s more, the number of human beings has decreased sharply, other intelligent races have continued to develop, and powerful evolutionary individuals are almost no longer restricted by any nationality or national body.

Just like Shen Cong himself, wherever he wants to go, who can stop him.

The particle level is the level of life standing at different heights.

Moreover, the disasters on the earth have not stopped. Most of the researchers believe that there is still a huge plate movement waiting, which will be more intense and huge than the last disaster that caused the Great Rift Valley.

Under such circumstances, if the scarce humans do not unite and work hard to restore technological civilization, I am afraid there is a real crisis of extinction.

Therefore, the community with a shared future for the Earth proposed by Shen Cong quickly became a focus of discussion by the new government, but no results were discussed for a while. Now only a part of the survivors in China can contact each other. What kind of community is the Earth? Broad.

But without prejudice to this issue, make some preparations first.

After Shen Cong put forward the suggestion, he quickly put the matter behind. He had no interest in participating in the political construction of mankind at all. There are three things he cares about most, all about his own.

Lv5-The evolution of the fire age, the development of the fire cloud totem, and the application of black stone energy supply.

On February 14, there is no love. Human love. People’s Day.

Shen Cong left Changsha City and rushed to a new journey with the Blackstone Energy Treasure that was quickly researched out.

Head south and go to Guangzhou.


It’s a small year~

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