Chapter 698

Commander Ma Changsheng led the team to do scientific research. Political commissar Zhou Zuohai stayed behind at the military base in Changsha as a refuge. Most of the management team also stayed in the base.

Communication does not hinder.

From Brother Dao, Zhou Zuohai and others already knew that Shen Cong’s strength was very strong, at least at the same level as Brother Dao. And they are also very eager to communicate with the outside world, so they are very enthusiastic.

Shen Cong is still indifferent.

Will not change because of anything.

“You mean, the survivors in Wuhan have migrated here?” Shen Cong quickly grasped a clue in the polite Mandarin.

A high-level executive next to Zhou Zuohai said with a smile: “Hello boss Huang, my name is Wei Xiangxian. I am one of the survivors in Wuhan. We migrated all the way from Wuhan five months ago in order to escape. An upgraded locust.”

“How many people have you migrated?”

Wei Xiangxian said in a low tone: “Originally, we had about 120,000 survivors after long-term search and rescue in Wuhan. As a result, more than half of the victims were killed in the locust plague, and many people were left along the way. When we arrived in Changsha, only More than 40,000 people.”

Zhou Zuohai also introduced: “Our Changsha refuge military base originally only had more than 50,000 people. Later, some of them were moved from the surrounding areas. In addition, Brother Dao led a team to search the surrounding areas several times and gathered about 170,000 people. There are more than 228,000 survivors from the upper Wuhan area.”

Disasters are global. Basically, big cities do not exist in one hundred. The permanent population of Changsha city is more than 7 million. After a disaster, only more than 50,000 people are left.

The surrounding cities are similar, except that some humans have survived the disaster, but they can’t escape the extreme weather and harsh living environment after the disaster.

So the population is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, the human beings who survived were concentrated around some oasis. Changsha Oasis is basically the settlement of human survivors in Hunan Province, including some survivors in Hubei and Jiangxi.

“I don’t know how much information from outside the boss Huang brought?” Zhou Zuohai briefly introduced the situation of Changsha Oasis, and began to ask Shen Cong.

Shen Cong’s eyes flickered for a while.

Weigh the pros and cons, and feel that time should not be wasted here, and everything is better as soon as possible. He has been delayed for a lot of time, and has not even arrived in Guangzhou, let alone going abroad.

The new world changes every day, evolution is happening every day, and danger is like the sword of Damocles every moment.

“Time does not wait for me!”

This is the emotion Shen Cong often sends out.

Therefore, this time, Shen Cong did not continue to pretend to be Huang boss.

“From Chengde in the north, to Huzhou in the south, the sea in the east, and Luoyang in the west, two or three million human survivors have re-formed a new government. Well, these two or three million people are all evolutionaries. The danger in a large area has opened up 19 cities for living in.”

Shen Cong said this information.

Quickly made Zhou Zuohai and others hold their breath, doubting and expecting.

Shen Cong continued: “The new government is formed by the merger of several survivor organizations, and it continues to absorb new survivor organizations to join. In the process of integration, I myself play a certain role… The water covering potion can help ordinary people become evolving people. … Is fully developing technology.”

“Boss Huang, can you tell me more specifically, what kind of organization the new government is? We are also Chinese and survivors. If we can, we also hope to join the new government.”

“I can build a Super Thunderbo radio station for you and teach you how to use it. As a prerequisite, I need to collect a copy of your research information on evolution here, and understand your development in the new world… I have communicated with Brother Dao, but it speaks upside down.”

As soon as Shen Cong’s voice fell, Wukong Daoge let out a dissatisfied “Wang” and sent out emotional thinking: “Shen Cong boy, be careful when you speak!”

The response to Brother Dao was a particle-level coercion.

It didn’t hurt Brother Dao, but the warning meant that Brother Dao didn’t dare to move. He could only turn his head, not knowing where to pull out a gold core, and put it in his mouth to chew.

Looks like nothing has happened.

After the discussion, Zhou Zuohai agreed to Shen Cong’s request.

All the evolutionary progress of the Changsha Refuge Military Base was announced and handed over to Shen Cong for review. There is a lot of information, Shen Cong glanced at it, most of them didn’t help him much, and could only be said to be a reserve of knowledge.

However, the information about Blackstone made Shen Cong’s eyes bright.

The black stone is the kind of black stone excavated from the ground. The reason for it is not clear. It was discovered by the Changsha Refuge Military Base about half a year ago.

After a period of exploration, the nature and function of the black stone were solved.

Blackstone can store activity, divided into three levels, namely low level, intermediate level, and high level. The higher the level, the more activity is stored per unit area, and the speed of absorbing and releasing activity will be greatly accelerated. In fact, there is a very small number of the best black stone.

All the best black stones were given to Brother Dao in space as collections, because only brother Dao can freely absorb the activity in the best black stones.

“When the activity is exhausted, you can use Blackstone to accelerate the replenishment, allowing you to quickly recover in areas where activity is lacking, but now the concentration of activity in the air is very high, and you basically don’t need to rely on Blackstone to replenish it.”

“The biggest use of Blackstone is as the source of power for the tank. The fuel consumption is serious. For a while, almost all of our tanks were paralyzed. Finally, the Blackstone was designed as a battery to allow the tank to restart.”

Blackstone can convert chemical energy into electrical energy in a certain way to realize the battery function.

The low-level blackstone has a relatively weak discharge capacity and can be used for lighting and daily use; the intermediate-level blackstone has a good discharge capacity and can be used for tank energy; the high-level blackstone has a strong discharge capacity and can be used for industrial electricity.

“Moreover, Black Stone can also be detonated. It can be used as a weapon to deal with some ordinary evolutionary beasts. The effect is quite good.”

After reading the details of Blackstone.

Shen Cong only thinks that this kind of thing is a three-in-one product of battery + Spirit Stones + bomb: “According to the nature of Blackstone, perhaps it can really provide a continuous supply of activity for the four-armed Vajra, so that the locust and the mushroom sword can grow. Time battle… This is a project that needs to be focused on.”

Immediately, Shen Cong glanced at Brother Space Dao.

The best black stones have become Dao brother’s collections, and we need to find a time to exchange this batch of best black stones.

The cooperation went smoothly. After the base commander Ma Changsheng led the team back, there was no interference, and he was also actively involved in the cooperation.

Ma Changsheng was observed by Shen Cong, the only suspected iron man who had taken refuge in the military base in Changsha, with a talent of about 4.2H.

He is one of the Super Leibo students.

“Super Thunderwave is composed of three waves, Sky Eye, Cicada Language, Ultra Brain Wave…After the establishment of the Super Thunderwave radio station, you can negotiate with the new government on how to incorporate and exchange information resources, and allocate R&D projects. In addition, , You will also know my true identity, and you need to remember a little at that time, and report the progress of scientific research to me on a regular basis.”

Shen Cong was summing up the ultimate goal of the cooperation with Ma Changsheng and others, and suddenly heard a crackling noise outside.

When I glanced at the sky, I saw many men, women and children in the settlement, setting off “firecrackers” made of small black stones. It suddenly occurred to me that today is the Lunar New Year’s Eve.

Year by year.

Time does not stop.

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