Hearing this sentence, Luo Qiang and Ling Chenye were both physically and mentally tight!

Although Luo Qiang and Zhang Ye have already received Wu Tian’s reply, they still can’t help worrying at this moment!

Not to mention Mozun, my heart is 7 up and 8 down, my hands are tight, and my palms are sweaty!

Even people who have nothing to do with it show nervousness.

The reason is that Xuanyuan Ao’s eyes were very terrifying at this time, everyone was afraid, and naturally a little nervous.

On the other hand, Wu Tian was calm, unsurprising, and not worried at all.

But secretly, he sunk the sense of divide into the space bracelet, directly inside the space bracelet, shattering an original heart!

“Finally, it’s time for me to act.”

In the place of origin, the youth in white clothes sits in the void, eyes opened, eyes glow with bright glow ten thousand zhang!

Immediately, he waved his hand, the void in front of him shook, and a picture emerged.

The scene in the picture is exactly Holy Land!

“There are so many spirit materials. No wonder Wu Tian would say that as long as the spirit materials of the medicine field are taken away, Xuanyuan Ao will get angry.”

The corner of white’s youth mouth slightly lifted, and his big hand volleyed.

Suddenly, within the medicine field, 10000 strains of divide medicine were uprooted and disappeared instantly. Next moment, appeared next to the white youth!

In the astral world, he has half of the control. He doesn’t need to go to Holy Land in person. He can just hold everything in Holy Land to his side!

“Yes, come back!”

Glancing at the side divine medicine, the youth in white licked his mouth, and his hands frequently found out that the spirit materials in the medicine field disappeared one by one.

With less than 5 breaths, the dive medicine around him piled up like a mountain, exuberant vital energy, and divine essence, drowning the place!

The mutation of the medicine field quickly caught someone’s attention.

This person is Holy Lord!

He was closing his eyes and meditating, but suddenly felt that the spirit materials in the air had diminished sharply.

When he noticed this anomaly, he immediately rushed out of the retreat and stood over Tian City, looking at the medicine field.

Immediately, he saw a large piece of dive medicine uprooted, and disappeared just out of thin air!

“How is this going?”

Seeing this scene, Holy Lord suddenly changed color, took a step, and immediately descended over the medicine field.

At this time, there was another large piece of dive medicine rising from the ground, his eyes were gloomy, and the coercion of Heavenly Venerate roared out, covering the large piece of divide medicine.

He wanted to confine these divide medicine in the void, but as a result, the divide medicine that was clearly in front of him disappeared out of thin air, and no one was left!

The Holy Lord was so angry and growled, “Whoever is acting in secret, get out of this Eminence!”

This roar, all the others in Holy Land were awakened and rushed into the sky, looking towards medicine field.

Don’t look at it, look at it!

what the fuck?

Xuanyuan God quickly shouted: “Holy Lord, please inform the ancestors!”

Holy Lord immediately gave Xuanyuan Ao sound transmission.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Xuanyuan Ao divine sense gushing over the square of the Court of Adjudication, covering the audience, is preparing to search the soul of everyone.

“War God, Holy Land has changed, come on!”

But at this moment, Holy Lord’s voice sounded in his mind!

Hearing, Xuanyuan Ao’s gaze dropped, and he disappeared suddenly without a trace.

“what happened?”

“Don’t you want to read our memory?”

Xuanyuan Ao’s sudden move immediately caused a commotion here.

Everyone got a little doubt in their eyes.

Wu Tian alone, there is no slight accident, because all this is designed by him, what are the surprises?

He sank the divine sense into the space bracelet and shattered an original heart.

At the same time as the heart of the source was broken, the young man in white in the place of the source waved his hand and broke the picture of in the sky, and then took out a drop of purple blood, pressed it on the seal, and a portal quickly opened.

Then, he rolled up all of the divine medicine, and incorporated all the spirit materials and vital energy in this void into the inside of the body in one breath, and then swept into the seal space.

Immediately, the portal quickly closed.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Ao descends above the medicine field!

Although the time is very short, the youth in white has taken away 10% of the medicine medicine in the medicine field!

And, the most valuable immortal spirit flower, heaven soul grass, heavenly spirit grass, earth soul grass, earth origin spirit grass, all are left, all looted!

Looking down at the medicine field below, Xuanyuan Ao’s hands clenched, his eyes gloomed to the extreme!

“Who, who is acting in secret, get out of the true body!”

He was completely angry. Divine sense hiding the sky and covering the earth, blood-red eyes glanced at the 8 sides, and an erupting murderous intention broke out!

However, he searched the entire Holy Land, including Primal Chaos Zone, including the second space, and found nothing.


Immediately afterwards, he rose into the sky, entered the scorching sun, appeared in the place of origin, and glanced directly at the seal space.

“The seal has not changed or loosened. It does not seem that the original heart is making a ghost.”

He muttered, and returned to Holy Land.

The origin of the place, apart from the heart of the origin, only he can enter.

The heart of the source is sealed and he cannot contact the outside world, so he naturally will not doubt the heart of the source.

But who will it be?

Holy Land all around, he put a seal, and the Primal Chaos Zone, and the oppression of great perfection Heavenly Venerate, the star continent Who has this ability, top secret breaks in, and top secret slips away?

Xuanyuan Divine Dao: “The ancestors, the situation just now, it’s like someone hiding in a space divide object and looting the spiritual materials of the medicine field, I suspect …”

Xuanyuan Ao asked, “What do you suspect?”

Xuanyuan Divine Dao: “I suspect it is likely that Li Tian and Shen Mang Heavenly Venerate.”

Holy Lord nodded and said: “Yes, only the space-time mirror can make it come and go freely, and only the god python Heavenly Venerate has 5 space Heaven object of Heavenly Venerate Divine Armament. The only thing that puzzles me is that they How did it get into the continent of the stars? We all know that the space-time mirror must have coordinates to transmit, and Li Tian doesn’t seem to have come to the stars?

“No, he came!” Xuanyuan Ao said.

“When?” Holy Lord was surprised.

Xuanyuan Ao said solemnly: “In the beginning, Li Tian hid in the realm of the stars, and successfully sneaked into Heaven Realm.”

Holy Lord said: “So, all this is really what Li Tian and God Python Heavenly Venerate did, and I’m sure they are the ones who took away Divine Spark and the god bones!”

“It’s too much, this Eminence has to ask God Heavenly Venerate today, explain it to me. Holy Lord, you go and tell Fu Qiu them, they have nothing to do with them, what to do.”

Having said that, Xuanyuan Ao left the Astral Realm and headed to Shen Mang Realm.

Holy Lord also came over the judgment hall, shouted: “Master War God has orders, this matter has ended, you immediately return to your original post and maintain the order of the stars continent!”


“No more soul hunting?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, I really don’t understand what these big shots are doing.

But this is a good thing that makes people happy.

Because no matter who is, there will be privacy in my heart.

Privacy, who wants to be known? No one hopes.

Therefore, after hearing the Holy Lord’s order, they did not make any delay. After four dispersal, some people rushed to Holy City and some people flew towards Spirit Peak. The fire looked anxious, for fear that Holy Lord would repent.

Soon, only Wu Tian and 2 great hall owners remain.

Three people rose into the air and landed next to Holy Lord.

The great hall asked, “Holy Lord, has the real murder been found?”


Holy Lord nodded, said solemnly: “It is Li Tian and God Python Heavenly Venerate.”

“How could it be them?”

Great hall Lord and 3 Palace Lord turn pale with fright.

Wu Tian was also surprised on the surface, but was puzzled in her heart. How did she get involved with Li Tian 2?

However, when Holy Lord told everything that happened in Holy Land, one after another, Wu Tian suddenly realized, and couldn’t help bitterly laughed in his heart.

In fact, this is the plan of his heart.

When Xuanyuan Ao was about to read their memory, the original heart shot and ransacked the spirit materials of the medicine field.

Once the medicine field changes, Holy Lord and the others will surely notify Xuanyuan Ao immediately.

Upon hearing the news, Xuanyuan Ao will rush back to Holy Land immediately.

After learning from Holy Lord and the others, Xuanyuan Ao will suspect that the person who looted the medicine field may be the same person who robbed Divine Physique and Divine Spark.

In this way, when these incidents occurred, those who were adjudicating the temple were naturally not suspicious.

Without suspicion, Xuanyuan Ao would not repeat this action and continue to read their memory.

And this plan, not only can avoid this catastrophe, clear the suspicion, but also get a lot of divinine medicine, can be described as kill two birds with one stone.

It turned out that the plan was perfect.

But the only thing that surprised Wu Tian was that he actually pitted Li Tian and Shen Mang Heavenly Venerate.

Speaking from the heart, he really just wanted to create confusion, confuse audio-visual, and achieve the purpose of getting away. He never wanted to harm Li Tian and the two in the past.

But absolutely didn’t expect, the combination of various factors, the combination of various factors, Li Tian and the two people are the most disgusting!

This is really a response to the saying, unintentional positive outcomes!

It seems that this time, this black pot, Li Tian and Shen Mang Heavenly Venerate 2 are destined to help them carry it.

After Li Tian returns, he will certainly find him for accounting, but that is a matter of several thousand years later, and it is completely unnecessary to consider it now.

Holy Lord explained and went to Holy Land again.

2 great hall The Lord and Wu Tian talked for a while, and they also dispersed and went to do their own business.

Wu Tian glanced at all around, found a place where nobody was, crushed a heart of the origin, and after a few breaths, his vision changed and appeared in the origin.

“Haha, what a pleasure …”

At the moment, Wu Tian heard the proud laughter of white youth.

When Wu Tian looked, she saw that the white-dressed youth was standing in the air, and Yang Tian laughed and happily.

Shaking his head laughed, Wu Tian asked, “What about those spirit materials?”

Youth in white laughed, waved, and a pile of hill-like spirit materials appeared in front of Wu Tian.

“I calculated that there are ten immortal spirit flowers, ten soul grasses, 600 Earth Origin Spirit Grasses, Heavenly Spirit Grass and soul grasses. Together, they can have more than ten thousand, and they are all divine medicine. These are the most precious Spirit materials, ransacked by us, Xuanyuan Ao will surely vomit blood, haha ​​… “

Young chuckled in white said, at the end, he couldn’t help laughing.

“Is there ten flowers of immortal spirit and heaven grass?”

Wu Tian was surprised.

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