Wu Tian indifferently said: “Don’t be so impatient, listen to me, you know, it’s not just my business.”

At the moment, Wu Tian simply said what Xuanyuan Ao wants to read.

Youth eyebrow raised in white, annoyed Fire Dao: “This Xuanyuan Ao is really annoying.”

Wu Tian said: “I don’t know if it hurts. I just know that we are people on the same boat. Come and think of a way with me, otherwise we will finish it.”

Youth in white said irritably: “He has to read everyone’s memory. What can I think of?”

Wu Tian frowned.

It seemed that he had to figure it out by himself.

But what can I do?

Inside the castle, fall into the silence of death!

Wu Tian thought of all possibilities, but was finally ruled out by him one after another.

Has it really reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted?


Can not give up!

I can think of a way to get away!

He thought desperately, one thought head after another, and kept wading through his mind, it was a rack of brains!


His eyes flashed!

He looked up towards white youth, saying, “I have an idea.”

White joy youth said: “What’s the idea?”

Wu Tian beckoned him, and youth in white was attached to his ears.

Immediately, Wu Tian began to whisper, and the youth in white clothes gradually showed glory.

After a while, Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “How is my plan?”

Youth in white clothes gave a thumbs up and praised: “High, it is really high. How can you be so flexible, your head? You can think of this kind of idea? No, no, this is not a idea, but kill two birds with one Stone’s coup! “


Wu Tian laughed without saying a word.

Seeing Wu Tian’s stinky ass, youth in white could not help but roll his eyes straight, spread his hands wide, Source Strength sprayed thin, dozens of fingers with large roots of heart, condensed out one after another.

Wu Tian wondered, “What are you doing so much out of?”

Youth in white said, “Lest I have to give you cohesion every time, trouble.”

Wu Tian showed a sorrowful color, and with a wave of his hand, he collected dozens of original hearts into the space bracelet.

“Then we will proceed as planned.”

In white, you are ready to leave.

“Wait.” Wu Tian summoned him, indifferently said: “All the treasures I got belong to me.”

“No problem, anyway, I don’t have any practical effect.”

Young in white agreed quickly, then disappeared without disappear without a trace.

Thinking of getting away, Wu Tian felt relieved and got up to walk to the door, but at this time, a familiar voice sounded from the closed door: “Fujiu big brother, I have something to discuss with you, May I come in?”

“Ling Chen Ye?”

Wu Tian frowned, returned to the seat, flicked the big sleeves, and the door opened quickly. Immediately, he saw Ling Chen Ye standing outside the door, like an ant on a hot pan, looking anxious.

Wu Tian glanced at doubts, and said differently: “Come in!”

As soon as Ling Chen Ye smoked, she came to Wu Tian and said, “Fujiu big brother, please close the door.”

With a wave of Wu Tian’s hand, the door closed quickly, and then asked, “What’s the matter?”

Ling Chenye hesitated for a while, finally biting her teeth, looked up at Wu Tian, ​​and said, “Fujiu big brother, I want to tell you a secret, but you have to promise me first, you can’t tell others.”


Wu Tian froze slightly, wondering: “What secret?”

Ling Chen said: “You promise first.”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “Except for my friends and brother, I never make any guarantees to anyone. In fact, I don’t need you to say, I also know what you want to tell me.”

“you know?”

Ling Chen Ye was surprised.

Wu Tian said: “If I guessed correctly, you want to tell me that you are a woman, aren’t you?”

“how do you know?”

Ling Chen was surprised.

Wu Tian did not answer, and said: “This time, Lord Xuanyuan Ao, in order to find the thief, he decided to read everyone’s memory. You are afraid of your identity, and you just want to tell me this. I hope I can help you through this It’s a difficult time, right? “

“How do you know everything?”

Ling Chen Ye was stupefied, eyes were incredible.

Wu Tian said: “Because I already saw that you are a daughter.”

Ling Chenye was incredible to the extreme.

She asked herself that her hiding was in place, and this was confirmed by many people.

Like 3 Palace Lord, she hasn’t seen her as a daughter for so many years.

However, the masked man in front of her not only saw her through, but also figured out the purpose of her visit this time. This IQ and this insight are too amazing!

It is no wonder that such terrifying characters will be valued so much by Holy Lord and Palace Lord.

Ling Chen Ye steadily, begging: “Fu Qiu big brother, since you already know, then I will not say more, please must help me.”

Wu Tian indifferently said: “If you can solve my doubts, I can consider helping you.”

Ling Chenye asked: “What doubt?”

Wu Tian said: “Why do you cross-dresser? What is your identity?”

Ling Chen Ye said, “I haven’t said it before, I am a 7 killer, but for some reason, I and the clansman have an indisputable vengeance. It is because of this that I cross-dresser. “

Wu Tian said, “Don’t fool me with these lies, you have one last chance.”

Ling Chen Ye said anxiously, “I really didn’t lie.”

“You have lost your last chance.” Wu Tian got up, passed Ling Chenye by the side, and walked towards the door.

Ling Chenye didn’t seem to see her head, her face and eyes were struggling.

Eventually, her heart fell, and she turned to look at Wu Tian’s back, saying, “Okay, I’ll tell you.”

Wu Tian asked without looking back: “The truth?”

At this point, he had come to the gate.

Ling Chen Ye quickly nodded, and said, “This time, I’m absolutely telling the truth!”

Wu Tian finally stopped, turned and looked towards her, and said, “Say it!”

Ling Chen Ye said: “I am from Pacific Continent.”

“Swire continent?” Wu Tian frowned.

Ling Chen Ye explained: “The ancient continent is the continent of life in the ancient times.”

“It turned out to be the case.”

Wu Tian suddenly realized, and asked, “What are you doing in the holy realm?”

Ling Chenye shook her head and said, “There is no special purpose, just to be curious about the legendary holy realm, and I want to take a look.”

Wu Tian eyebrow raised, saying: “Is that so?”

Ling Chenye was nodded, anxiously said: “Fu Qiu big brother, you have to believe me, I really have no purpose.”

Wu Tian looked at her carefully. Except for her anxiety, she didn’t find anything else.

Wu Tian said with interest: “Tell me, what kind of World is Swire Continent?”

Ling Chen Ye said: “Swire continent is no different from the holy realm. The only difference is that Taikoo continent is not as big as the holy realm, and powerhouse is not as holy as the real realm.

Wu Tian asked, “What is your status in Swire?”

Ling Chen Ye said with a bitter smile: “Fu Qiu big brother, you are too high on me, I am a little 8 robber Spiritual God, what status can I have?”

“I’m a little curious about Swire Continent. When this thing passes, tell me the details of Swire Continent.” Wu Tian said with a wave of his hand, and the gate of the castle opened quickly.

Ling Chen Ye Jing was joyfully said: “So, Fu Qiu big brother, did you agree to help me?”

Wu Tian nodded, strode out of the castle and came to the square.

A lot of people have gathered in the square, and the noise is four.

They were all members of the 3 great hall. After getting the sound transmission from the 2 great hall master, they immediately dropped their affairs and hurried back to the temple.

And, there are still many people, intermittently looting from Holy City.

However, when Wu Tian came out of the castle, everyone was unanimously silent.

Wu Tian glanced at the audience and sat in the seat on the square with her eyes closed.

“Master, do you think of a way?”

Luo Qiang’s voice sounded in his mind.

“Relax, it will be fine.”

After hearing Wu Tian’s response, Luo Qiang and Zhang Huan finally relaxed.

Time flies, 3 days pass!

The members of the 3 great hall have all returned, with a total of more than 4000 people.

In the morning, 3 Palace Lord and Great Hall also returned.

The two went straight to Wu Tian and sat on the side seat.

However, the face of the Great Hall Lord was a bit ugly.

Wu Tian eyes opened, glanced at the eye 2 great hall Lord, wondering: “What happened again?”

great hall said angrily, “I don’t know what happened, Confucianism is dead!”


Wu Tian froze slightly and asked, “How do you know?”

great hall sole solemnly: “I and him exchanged the seal of the sense of divine sense, but just 3 days ago, when I was going to send him a message, I found out that his mark of the sense of divine sense has actually disappeared!”

Wu Tian hastily sunk the Divine Sense into the earth order, and sure enough, he did not find the Divine Sense Mark of Di Tian.

what happened?

He’s eyebrow raised.

But in a flash, he figured it out.

Want to come must be the emperor himself crushed the earth order.

When a person is killed, the mark of the sense of divine will disappear, and the mark of the sense of divine will also collapse if the geomagic is destroyed.

As for the purpose of Emperor Tian doing this, it is estimated to create an illusion of death.

In this way, the identity of Confucianism, dust returns to dust, Earth returns to Earth, no longer exists.

However, the great hall Lord took the Emperor’s heaven so seriously, it was somewhat unexpected.

Wu Tian looked towards the angered Great Hall Lord, and sighed: “If you die, you cannot be resurrected, but the Great Hall Lord also asks the Festival to change.”

The great hall was nodded, but the more he thought about it, the more he became angry, and said indignantly, “It was so easy to find a good seed that was actually brutalized. It is really impossible. Don’t let me know who it is, otherwise the temple will kill him!”

Wu Tian laughed secretly, not knowing how Emperor Tian would feel when he heard these words, and asked, “You know, when is Xuanyuan Ao coming back?”

3 Palace Lord said: “Master War God is so powerful that there is no need for each and everyone to search for the soul. Now 3 days have passed and it should be back soon!”

In the evening, Xuanyuan Ao descended over the square, looking rather gloomy.

“Have met Lord War God!”

Everyone got up saluted.


Xuanyuan Ao answered and landed in front of Wu Tian 3.

The great hall asked, “Master War God, what happened?”

Xuanyuan Ao said solemnly: “I have read everyone’s memory, not even the ferocious beast, but the result was nothing. Now I start to suspect that this secret person is most likely to be in the inner temple and the temple! “

Xuanyuan Ao glanced at the more than 4000 people present, and cold light blinked.

[Chapter 3 is being written and will be released later]

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