Wu Tian one after another glanced past, eyes bright light glittering.

Little Brat said with a smile: “How’s it? Satisfied?”

Wu Tian xin joyfully said: “Satisfied, very satisfied.”

With these 7 Divine Physiques and 8 Divine Sparks, his and Di Tian’s strengths will surely make rapid progress!

Wu Tian asked, “Who is the Old Antique of the Huafan Warriors?”

“This person.”

Di Tian pointed at an elderly man with white hair and white beard wearing white clothes.

Wu Tian glanced at the old man and looked up towards the 2 and 3 lords, arching: “Senior, can you help me read his memory, I want to know if the breath of God is Huafan God Reincarnation Body. “

3 Jie Zhu shook his head and said, “We can’t promise this.”

“Why?” Wu Tian frowned.

3 Jie said, “Because if I read his memory forcibly, he would become an idiot.”

Wu Tian said: “Junior naturally knows this, but it doesn’t matter if Junior didn’t want to keep them alive or not.

3 The master of the world frowned, “You want to kill them?”

2 The owner of the world raised his eyebrows.

Wu Tian asked, “Why not?”

3 The master of the world shook his head and said, “If it is peace time, I will not stop you, but now, you cannot kill them.”

“Why cannot kill?” Wu Tian was puzzled.

3 The master sighed: “Wu Tian, ​​I know what you think in your heart, and I know what happened to you, but I have to tell you that for the sake of the little master, we can help you do anything but kill Xuanyuan Ao and the others, we can’t do it. “

“Is it because of mysterious person?” Wu Tian asked.


3 Lord nodded, explaining: “Although from the ancient to the ancient times, mysterious person has not shot against our family, but we know that he will point the butcher knife to us sooner or later. In other words, we will sooner or later confront mysterious person. , Including swallowing pythons, ca n’t stay out. ”

2 Jie Dao said: “I will tell you straight away that one day, we will join forces with the Holy Realm, and these people are either the Old Antique of Perfection Heavenly Venerate or the Reincarnation Body of the first generation War God. They will be the main force against mysterious person in the future, so they cannot be killed. “

“I see. As long as you are not afraid of the incident, I don’t care.” Wu Tian said.

2 The Lord of the World dismissed: “In the eyes of the world, several anti-Sky war clan are the gods of aloof and remote, but in the presence of our Swallowing Heaven Beast clan, they still dare not do anything, even if they let them know today , At most they come to us for theory. “

“Well then, just let them go, as you mean.” Wu Tian finished, looking towards white, lightly said with a smile: “It’s up to you to handle this.”

“Then I’ll send them to a place where there are no humans.”

You were slightly smiled in white, with big sleeves, 7 people in the big biton, and 8 Old Antiques disappeared immediately, then pats hands, said with a smile: “Come on, come on, let’s assign spoils of war!”

Wu Tian surprisedly said: “Do you want it too?”

Youth in white clothes rolled his eyes on the spot, and said, “Nonsense, I have worked so hard for so long that I naturally have to share a piece of cake.”

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “Do you take it useful?”

Youth in white said: “Divine Spark has little effect, but the blood of Divine Physique can help me quickly improve my strength. In this way, I can also regain the original soul as soon as possible.”

“This way!”

Wu Tian suddenly realized, lightly said with a smile: “Then give you a Divine Physique.”

Then, he looked up towards Di Tian, ​​and said, “I have no plans for the time being. You might as well leave the star continent and go to the time and space retreat with Little Brat?”

Di Tian groaned a little and asked, “What about you?”

Wu Tian said: “I stay in the heart of this source, and by the way monitor Xuanyuan Ao and the others.”

The 3 main path: “If you want to stay here, you cannot refining Divine Physique, because the blood contained in God within the body is too huge. Once taken out, Xuanyuan Ao and Divine Physique’s Reincarnation Body will immediately sense . “

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, I have an exclusive ancestor in the inner temple. The speed of cultivation will not be slower than the refining Divine Physique.”

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “So how do you plan to allocate these Divine Physique and Divine Spark?”

Wu Tian looked towards 3 Realm Masters and 2 Realm Masters.

3 Lord of the world shook his head said with a smile: “We don’t need it.”

“No need?”

Wu Tian froze for a moment, and then she was relieved when she thought about it.

The two are great perfection Heavenly Venerate. These Divine Physique and Divine Spark have no meaning to them. The only thing they have to do now is comprehend Profound Truth.

Only with Goto’s life and death Profound Truth, they can hope to enter Hengyu period.

Little Brat chuckled said: “Nor do Master Frog, because there is a lot of rare treasure in the space shuttle to Master Frog to devour.”

The 3 masters hurriedly said: “don’t, don’t, don’t, my little ancestor, these Divine Physique is enough for your cultivation, you don’t want to spoil those rare treasures, okay?”

2 The master of the world is also nodded, with a bitter face. It seems that Little Brat has lost a lot of treasure in these years of time and space.

Wu Tian shook his head said with a smile: “I have already thought about it, Cut God, Cut Demon, Hand of Tenjin, Emperor Tian, ​​and Little Brat. You each have a Divine Physique.

Aunt Ye, Jiang Mengqiu, Ai Qingyou, Shan Youde, Zhang Ting, Lan Miaomiao, and Celestial Demon, they each have a Divine Spark.

The remaining one is a Divine Physique and a Divine Spark, Di Tian, ​​you keep it, and then later go to Heaven Realm, and refining Teana and Shadows. “

Di Tian jokingly said: “Refining them is not enough.”

Wu Tian said with a sneer: “Isn’t there still the rogue War God and the ancient gods, as well as the Divine Spark and Divine Physique of the other ancient war gods? Wait for a chance and grab them all!”

Di Tian shook his head and said, “This is difficult, because these Divine Spark and Divine Physique should be kept by Xuanyuan Ao in person.”

Wu Tian said: “In the past, Divine Spark and Divine Physique, which robbed the 8 great battle clan, were not difficult for us? Are they still in our hands?”

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “Well, when you find an opportunity, try to inform us.”

Wu Tian nodded.

Little Brat said at this time: “Little Tian, ​​you are not already born and found Profound Truth. It stands to reason that you can also refining Divine Spark?”

Wu Tian said: “The things of others are always others. Only the results of my own efforts can truly belong to myself. Besides, I don’t know what will happen after refining Divine Spark, so try not to take risks. “

Little Brat said: “It makes sense, too.”

3 The master asked seriously: “Wu Tian, ​​you answer me seriously, do you really have realized Profound Truth?”

Wu Tian said with a smile: “Really.”

The 3 lords and the 2 lords looked at each other and still couldn’t believe it.

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “For the sake of 2 Seniors helping Junior, Junior may wish to give 2 Seniors some tips.

Health, represents alive, represents hope, represents beginning.

Death means death, hopelessness, and end.

This is the appearance of Profound Truth in life and death. When you see through the appearance and realize it, you will naturally understand the true Profound Truth in life and death. “

3 Jiezhu 2 people immediately pondered.

Wu Tian is nodded to Emperor Tian.

Emperor Tianxin understood, and took away 8 Divine Sparks and 6 Divine Physiques. The remaining one was naturally left to the heart of the origin.

Wu Tian said: “Help me tell Qingyou them, don’t worry about me, I will be fine.”


Emperor Tian is nodded and erases the Soul Seal of the space divide object.

Wu Tian said, “Yes, take that sarcophagus away too. I am afraid that one day, I will really take a selfie object in the Self-destruction space. As for the ultimate divide force inside, you help me save it.”


Emperor Tian responded, turned and strode into the stone chamber, took away the sarcophagus, and came to Wu Tian again.

Wu Tian took a deep look at Di Tian and Little Brat, with a bit of perseverance in the end, and finally exhaled long, turning his head and looking towards the heart of the origin, saying: “Send them away!”

With a wave of youth in white clothes, Emperor Tian and the others disappeared immediately without a trace.

In fact, Wu Tian has one of the most critical words that he didn’t say. This sentence is that he doesn’t know how to die.

This is also the last hurdle for Profound Truth!

As for the reason why he didn’t say it, if the two masters of the Three Realms couldn’t even see through the appearance, it would be a shock to learn that this sentence might even mislead them to perish.

Imagine what they would do if they did not realize the truth?

They will think that as long as they die, they can see Profound Truth, and maybe they will take extreme means, such as suicide and self-destruction.

In this way, it is tantamount to self-destruction!

All in all, before you can see the real life and death of Profound Truth, death is dead, and it is impossible to Nirvana Rebirth.

Wu Tian glanced at the divide object in the space. Over 500 years ago, the fissures that were caused in the past are now self-repairing and intact.

He bit his finger, bleed the Recognizing Master, and then took the Divine Physique and the youth in white and appeared over the origin.

Youth in white said: “Wu Tian, ​​I am confident that with this Divine Physique, it only takes three thousand years to regain the astral realm. You also need to hold on to cultivation, and do n’t drag my hind legs.”

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “I’m always ready, don’t drop the chain at a critical moment.”

In white, you laughed suddenly, waved your hands, and condensed the heart of a big finger, and put it into Wu Tian’s hands, Wu Tian put it away.

After a few words from youth in white, Wu Tian was sent to the square of the Palace of Adjudication.

“Where did you go?”

At the moment, a suspicious voice passed into Wu Tian’s ears.

“Xuanyuan Ao!”

Wu Tian was startled.

That’s right, this is the voice of Xuanyuan Ao!

Wu Tian turned around and looked, and saw Xuanyuan Ao staring straight at her, her face gloomy, her eyes gloomy and uncertain.

Wu Tian heart shivered with cold, was it found?

Suddenly, in his mind, he passed countless thoughts and forced the calm way: “Back to Lord War God, the subordinates just went all around and wanted to see if there were any suspicious people.”

Xuanyuan Ao still stared at him and asked, “Did you find anything?”

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