Wu Tian carefully weighed for a moment, turned his head and looked towards 2 great hall, and said, “We do n’t even know the abilities of the three people, so I will let them learn with me for a while, and watch them by the way.”

The great hall frowned, “Can you do it alone? Or should we observe each of us?”

Wu Tian indifferently said: “Rest assured, I can do it.”

3 people are by his side. At that time, who inherits Palace Lord and who inherits Palace Lord of resources is not a matter of one sentence?

However, if two people in the great hall are observing, there may be changes in the end.

The factor of this change is the demon, as the controller of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, the management ability is definitely stronger than 3 Palace Lord 2 people, when it is observed, 2 great hall Lord let the deities inherit the Palace Hall of Resources, or Palace Lord, isn’t his plan tantamount to ruining?

Because he has to hold control!

In fact, Zhang Huan was not very worried, because Zhang Huan was usually stable and reliable.

Only Luo Qiang made him quite worried.

Luo Qiang is a Cangxue Ba. Although the innate talent is good, he likes hehe haha ​​normally. He is not serious, and in terms of management, he is only a layman. If he is allowed to follow the 2 great hall master, maybe he will Will be eliminated.

Although it may just be eliminated, he has to kill these possibilities in the cradle in advance!

great hall Lord said with a smile: “Now that you’ve made up your mind, 3 Palace Lord and I will wait for your good news.”

3 Palace Lord also said with a smile: “You have to be serious!”

Wu Tian said: “That’s for sure, but we have to bother with 3 Palace Lord and arrange them for Cave Mansion.”

“no problem.”

3 Palace Lord slightly smiled, got up and looked towards Luo Qiang 3 people, said, “Follow me.”

“and many more!”

Wu Tian took out the land elephant, differently said: “Swap the sense of the divine sense first.”

After exchanging the seal of divine sense, the three of Luo Qiang left with 3 Palace Lord.

The great hall drew his gaze, said with a smile: “You guys, this is a great achievement.”

“great merit?”

Wu Tian hesitated for a moment, wondering, “What do you mean?”

Great hall said: “You can see the true identity of those 5 people. Palace Lord has already written down the merit for you. Maybe there is still a chance to get personal guidance from Lord Xuanyuan Ao.”

“Xuanyuan Ao directs himself?”

Wu Tian chuckled in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be flattered.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao!

At this time, Xuanyuan Ao descended on the square, his face was rather gloomy!

Holy Lord, Palace Lord, also appeared one after another, and their looks were very ugly!

Wu Tian and the great hall looked at each other, quickly got up, and asked, “Master War God, what happened?”

Xuanyuan Ao did not answer the question: “Where were you just now?”

Great hall mainline: “I and Fu Qiu, and 3 Palace Lord, have always been here to review the person who should choose Palace Lord 3, Lord War God, what happened?”

“I have no time to explain, Holy Lord, you arrange it!”

Xuanyuan Ao put aside a sentence, and then disappeared again without a trace.

Seeing this, Wu Tian muttered in his heart, “Did they succeed?”

At this time, Holy Lord sighed, “This major event is not good!”

Wu Tian was puzzled: “Holy Lord, what happened?”

Holy Lord said solemnly: “The Reincarnation Body of the first-generation War God of the 8 great battle family, including their previous life Divine Spark and Divine Physique, and the Old Antique guarding them, all disappeared before.”

The inner palace Palace Lord continued: “And there is no trace left, as the world evaporates.”

The great hall exclaimed, “How is that possible?”

“It really seems to be working.”

Wu Tian defamated secretly, and was quite agitated, but he looked puzzled and asked, “What do you mean? How can I not understand?”

Holy Lord said: “This is a long story. Let the Great Hall slowly explain it to you. Now you immediately order the owner of the temple to let go of the matter for the time being and hunt down Divine Spark and Divine. The thief of Physique. “

Wu Tian asked, “What do they look like?”

Holy Lord shook his head. “No one knows what they look like.”

“How can I find it?”

Both Wu Tian and great hall frowned.

Holy Lord said with a bitter smile: “Honestly, I do n’t know how to find it. I can only try one’s luck. You are instructed to let everyone start a carpet-like search on the continent of the stars, especially people of all races. If someone does n’t cooperate, kill without mercy! ”


great hall The Lord took out ground whimpers and issued them one by one.

The inner palace Palace Lord also entered the Qiankun Tower, convening all Heavenly Venerate and Paragon.

Wu Tian also spoke to 3 Palace Lord.

3 Palace Lord is back here soon, with 3 Luo Qiangs behind her.

Holy Lord glanced at 3 people and asked, “They are the ones to come this time?”

Wu Tian nodded and said: “It is still under review.”

Holy Lord said, “Have they found out their origin? Is it related to this?”

Wu Tian jumped in his heart, calmly saying: “Their history, their subordinates are investigating, but the subordinates are sure that this matter has nothing to do with them, because when they happen, they are with us.

Great hall Lord and 3 Palace Lord nodded.

Holy Lord said, “That’s good, no matter who will enter the temple in the future, you must check the details, you know?”

“I understand it.”

Wu Tian 3 people bowed.

At this time, the Palace Lord, with dozens of people, descended on the square.

Holy Lord instructed: “All Heavenly Venerate, immediately follow this Eminence to the 8 great battle clan support, the rest remain, obey Fu Qiu’s orders.”


Everyone should answer.

“Shua !!!!”

Holy Lord, Palace Lord of the inner palace, and 21 Heavenly Venerate of Heavenly Venerate Secret Realm turned into a stream of light, cut through the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sight of Wu Tian and the others.

Great hall Lord looked towards Wu Tian, ​​said solemnly: “Fu Qiu, this matter is of great importance. There can be no delay, please give orders!”

Wu Tian frowned.

Ditian and the others have clearly succeeded, but where are they now? Has it been sent out of the astral world by the heart of the origin?

Seeing Wu Tian’s slow response, the great hall asked, “Fu Qiu, what are you thinking?”

Wu Tian returned to God, looked towards great hall Lord, saying: “I just think about where those thieves will hide, but the stars are so vast that I can’t think of them.”

But my heart was muttering. Regardless of whether Emperor Tiantian left the Astral Realm, as long as there were 3 Realm Lords and 2 Realm Lords, there would be no accidents.

Great hall mainline: “Since you can’t think of it, don’t think about it, everyone is waiting for your order!”

Wu Tian nodded, glanced at the members of the inner temple all around, and looked towards Mozun, and asked, “What’s your name?”

Mozun said: “Luo Fang.”

Wu Tian said coldly: “Take ten members of the inner hall, go to the races of the kings, and question each one clearly. If anyone doesn’t cooperate, directly destroy the tribe!”

“it is good.”

Mozun nodded, turned to look at the 52 members of the inner temple, and asked, “Who wants to go with me?”

Ten Small Accomplishment Paragon stood out.

With a wave of jade hand, ten people were rolled up, and disappeared without disappear without a trace.

She is a great perfection Paragon, and it is more than enough for her to deal with those king races!

Wu Tian looked towards the remaining members of the inner temple, instructed: “You are divided into 4 teams, search for Eastern Ridge, West Ridge, North Ridge, South Mountain Range. Remember, you would rather kill 1000 by mistake than let one go!”


Forty people responded respectfully, four times spread out and disappeared quickly.

Great hall slightly surprised, said with a bitter smile: “Holy Lord only lets you kill those who don’t cooperate, but you let them destroy the tribe. Now he even threatens to kill 1000 by mistake, not let one go, you It’s really cruel. “

“Holy Lord is too merciful. At this time, the iron blood method is effective.” Wu Tian serene said.

great hall Lord helplessly said: “Well, what about us? What are we going to do?”

Wu Tian said very irresponsibly: “I dare not order you, lest you be described as someone who forgets favors and violate justice, you can take care of yourself!”

2 great hall The main faces looked at each other, and there was a bitter smile in their eyes.

Great hall mainline: “didn’t expect you to be quite careful, despite the orders, I will never say anything to you this time.”

“That’s what you said, don’t blame me in the future. You and the 3 Palace Lord will lead the members of the 3 great hall and question other races and people in major cities. A fly can’t let go.

Wu Tian finished, and then looked towards Luo Qiang, and said, “There are you two, and I will help you.”

“it is good.”

2 people are nodded.

Wu Tian waved: “Go!”

Four people acted immediately.

Soon, Wu Tian was the only one left in the huge temple.

Originally, he wanted to leave Luo Qiang and take the opportunity to ask them about their situation, but when he thought that it was an eventful season, he was overwhelmed by the idea.

After all, as long as 2 people stay in the temple, they can recognize each other at any time.

Later, he sat on his seat, took out the ground elephant, and sent a message to Di Tian.

But next moment, he just saw a flash, appearing over a white cloud.

That’s right, this is where it comes from!

In front of him, Di Tian and youth in white clothes stood side by side.

Wu Tian glanced at 2 people and frowned, “You are hiding here?”

Di Tian said with a smile: “The most dangerous place is the safest place. Xuanyuan Ao will not think that we will be in the place of origin.”

Wu Tian thinks and feels reasonable, saying: “Take me to the space divide object.”

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Tian took Wu Tian and youth in white to enter the space divide object.

Wu Tian immediately saw ten or five people lying quietly on the ground with their eyes closed, apparently all in a deep sleep.

Seven of them are Xian Bitong, Gongsun Haoshu, Lin Yichen, Ou Xiaomu, Feng Yihui, Yun Feiyu, Yun Yuting.

The other 8 people are all old, which is the Old Antique of the 8 great battle clan.

The 3 lords, 2 the lords, Little Brat, stood aside.

But in the sky in front of Little Brat, there are 7 Divine Physiques and 8 Divine Sparks floating!

The 7 Divine Physiques are all men. They are middle-aged. Although there is no slight fluctuation in life, they are surrounded by monstrous fighting intent, and the eyebrows are breathtaking!

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