Night falls!

In a secret room of the exchange, the old man in white was sitting cross-legged, kneeling in front of a black clothed man.

The old man in white asked: “How is the inquiry?”

The black clothed man said: “The woman lives in No. 1300, and the subordinate deputy hall checked the register. The owner is a woman named Ye Zhenfeng. As for the strength, because the time is too short, the subordinates have not yet found out.”

“Ye Zhenfeng?”

The old man in white squinted his eyes, groaned a little, and shook his head: “I haven’t heard of this name, it should not be particularly powerful. You take someone to watch in secret. As soon as she leaves the city, she will kill her, and the man.


The black clothed man answered respectfully and bowed back.

“Hehe, the treasure of my exchange is not so easy to get a hand, I’m afraid you have the life to take it, but you have no life to spend!”

The old man in white was coldly smiled, then closed his eyes and went into a state of meditation.

In the middle of the night!

The black robe old woman who went out finally returned.

On the third floor, she set up a dive force formation, saying: “Young Lady, I checked. It turned out that they were the sons of Thunder God and Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Pavilion Lord.”

“It was them.”

Ye Xiuling was surprised and then said, “So, how many people in Huangfu Ming Zhu have already entered the 9th station?”

The black robe old woman said, “Yes, they live in the 115th courtyard now.”

After thinking for a while, Ye Xiuling said, “Aunt Ye, please go there again, look up that Xuelan, and see what purpose she came to the Central Sea Territory.”

The black robe old woman said: “I’m afraid I won’t be able to find out at this time. During the time I’m not here, the Young Lady should be careful. If something happens, remember to send me an immediate message.

Ye Xiuling Yingying said with a smile: “Isn’t it clear that Aunt Ye is my strength? At this 9th station, no one has the ability to hurt me, you can rest assured!”

be that as it may, but the black robe old woman couldn’t help worrying, and solemnly stung a few words before turning away.

“It’s really troublesome with people around me, especially Aunt Ye, hey, no matter how much it is, I’m almost annoying, hey, I want to go shopping alone.”

Ye Xiuling was lying on the bed with a lack of interest, looking at the ceiling, muttering her mouth, murmuring dissatisfied, and suddenly her eyes were bright and excited: “Now that Aunt Ye leaves, is not the best chance to escape?”

With that said, she got up and got out of bed, heading straight for the second floor.

On the terrace, Wu Tian sat on the floor, looking steadily forward, looking at the next door.

He really couldn’t see whether the three of Ouyang Chengjun had left, so he had to monitor them until the new one lived in.

A scent of incense suddenly came, Ye Xiuling ran to his side, excitedly said: “Gu Yi, let’s go to the tenth station.”

Wu Tian turned her head and glanced at her, eyebrows slightly frowned, differently said: “Don’t go.”

Ye Xiuling said with a smile: “Stay here all day, aren’t you annoying? Go, maybe in the tenth station, what else is particularly fun!”

No matter what she said, Wu Tian didn’t let loose. In the end, Ye Xiuling mumbled and left.


Wu Tian shook the head with a little ridicule, and continued to watch the other courtyard.

one day!

2 days!

3 days!

Until the 4th day, four strange men came in and Wu Tian had to admit that 4 people from Ouyang Chengjun had really left.

But where did they go?

At the beginning of the 8th station, wasn’t it better to wait for him at the 9th station?

What’s the most urgent thing about them, can mysterious blood be put down first?


Wu Tian squatting for 3 days, finally got up and walked downstairs.

He was going to find Li Tian.

The situation is getting more and more complicated and bizarre, and he can no longer calm down.

“Where are you going?”

Seeing this, Ye Xiuling, who was on the terrace on the third floor, immediately ran downstairs to catch up with Wu Tian and asked, “Do you want to run? Tell you, there are no doors.”

Wu Tian, ​​how can I still bother her now? Walked to Li Tian’s other courtyard, and without knocking on the door, he opened the door and walked in.

“Bastard, you actually ran into the house privately, are you tired? Isn’t it fun?” Ye Xiuling followed in, but with a touch of strangeness deep in his eyes, Wu Tian walking in front did not notice .

Entering the attic, Wu Tian immediately released the sense of divide, but next moment he froze.

Searching the entire loft, I didn’t find Li Tianhe and Swallowing Python!

At the moment, Wu Tian’s face was gloomy and turned into a stream of light. After searching each room carefully, he couldn’t find 2 Li Tian people.

Needless to know, 2 people must have left too!

Ye Xiuling wondered: “Wu Tian, ​​what are you looking for?”

“Since I met you, nothing has gone smoothly.” Wu Tian glanced at her coldly, and took a cold sentence, and was about to leave, but at this moment, a word from Ye Xiuling let him The steps taken were closed again.

Ye Xiuling looked at him playfully and teased: “Are you looking for that man with a space-time mirror?”

Wu Tian turned back and stared at her, said solemnly: “How do you know?”

Ye Xiuling proudly said, “There is nothing in the sea of ​​stars that I don’t know.”

Wu Tian raised an eyebrow, held back and asked, “Do you know, where is he now?”

Ye Xiuling smiled, walked to the entrance of the hall, and looked at the sky. Bright light glittering in beautiful eyes said, “It’s not necessary to continue to play until now. To tell you the truth, I not only know that Li Tianhe swallowed the python. Whereabouts, and the whereabouts of 3 people from Ouyang Chengjun are also known. “

Having said that, Ye Xiuling looked back at him with a strange color in his eyes and said, “I can tell you all, but you have to promise me a request.”

“What’s required?” Wu Tian stared at him for a moment, until he found out that he still underestimated the woman, and now Ye Xiuling felt to him that 10000 things were under her control.

Ye Xiuling smiled and said, “First, admit that you are Wu Tian. Second, before I leave the Sea of ​​Stars, you must stay with me. Third, take me to visit your astral world.”

Hearing these three conditions, Wu Tian’s face suddenly became gloomy, hesitated a little, and went straight towards the courtyard door.

Seeing this, Ye Xiuling was not surprised at all. If it was so easy to compromise, then he would not be Wu Tian. Indifferently said: “Yes, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I know some secrets about Her Royal Highness Xuelan.”

Wu Tian eyebrow raised, stopped, struggling for a while, and finally turned down, and turned and looked towards Ye Xiuling, saying: “I admit that I am Wu Tian, ​​and I can stay inseparable from you, but to go to the astral world, that is absolutely impossible.”

“You finally admitted.”

Ye Xiuling smiled, and smiled very brightly. The flower garden with 100 flowers blooming next to it was overshadowed, and there was a touch of crafty in her eyes, but this touch was clear and clear, Wu Tian suddenly caught the cold light, said solemnly: “You’re lying to me!”

“No, no.”

Ye Xiuling quickly waved her hands and patted her tall chest, and said, “This Young Lady never lied, but you said it yourself, and you can’t take me to the astral world. Then I tell you now, isn’t it very bad?”

“What about you?” Wu Tian said, apparently getting impatient.

Ye Xiuling touched the chin, and considering the half-sound, the pump light suddenly lighted up and said, “Let’s go with me to the tenth station first, and after this Young Lady has finished shopping, I will tell you where Li Tian is.”

“Just Li Tian?” Wu Tian frowned.

“Otherwise?” Ye Xiuling asked in turn, and then said, “Of course, you have to make this Young Lady happy, this Young Lady will think about it and tell you everything.”

Wu Tian was silent, staring at her with staring eyes.

“Tell you, don’t make up my mind, I’m very difficult to deal with.”

Ye Xiuling looked at him with vigilance, it looked like a coloring wolf. In fact, it was nothing. The most important thing was her tone of speech. After Wu Tian heard it, she couldn’t help anger.

Suddenly, Ye Xiuling smiled again and said differently: “Wu Tian, ​​this Young Lady gives you a piece of advice, don’t try to search my soul, because it is not good for you.”

“Even Soul Searching Technique?”

Wu Tian heart startled, in the end is this woman? Why do you know so much?

He couldn’t help but look up at the mysterious woman in front of him. This was the first time he had observed this woman carefully, but it turned out that he couldn’t see through her cultivation base, as if covered by a force of mysterious.

“Unidentified, unknown strength, really a tricky woman.” Wu Tian secretly sulked, and then took a long breath, indifferently said: “Aren’t you going to the tenth station? Let’s go!”

“A better attitude, otherwise I’m happy that doesn’t raise.”

Ye Xiuling smiled proudly, walked out of the courtyard, and walked towards the deacon hall leisurely.

Wu Tian followed her, but her face was gloomy.

Never before has he been so embarrassed as this time, and the other party is still a woman.

He really couldn’t figure out why there were so many people in the major places, why did this woman look for him?

Suddenly he realized a problem and frowned, “What about your followers?”

Ye Xiuling joked: “Aren’t you my follower?”

Immediately, the cold light of Wu Tian’s eyes surged!

“Just kidding, don’t take it seriously!”

Ye Xiuling hehe smiled, and then said: “Aunt Ye has something to deal with and will not be back for the time being. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to go to the tenth station at all. By the way, let me tell you again, Aunt Ye is not my attendant, although It ’s a little bit. She always restrains me and controls me, but in my heart, she is my loved one. ”

“Is it bad for someone to manage? I long for someone to control me, but unfortunately they haven’t appeared.” Wu Tian sighed deeply and asked, “So how do you plan to go to the tenth station? You know, no At the Tenth Spiritual God, the Deacon Hall will not let us open the Transmission Gate. “

“You have the key to open the Transmission Gate, and I have a space to hide the divine object. Combine 2 2. Isn’t it easy to go to the tenth station?”

Ye Xiuling smiled with a smile, jade hand waved slightly, and Wu Tian appeared again in Ye Xiuling’s boudoir.

Immediately afterwards, her jade fingers were a little volleyed, and the void in front of them oscillated quickly, showing a picture quickly, and then she drove the space divide object toward the deacon hall.

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