Wu Tian thought about it, and figured out what happened.

When he extracted the blood essence, he was still only a pseudo-god, of course, it could not be compared with the Xuanyuan God who had already fame shocked, and the Demon Lord at the time of the cultivation base was not as many realm as the heaven, and the combination of two factors, heaven The speed of fusion is naturally faster than Frost Demon Lord.

Wu Tian asked: “To what extent has Tianhua’s current strength reached?”

Xiao Wuhao said: “It should be possible to break through to 4 Spiritual God soon.”

I heard that Wu Tian didn’t have many accidents.

To make it awful, cultivation in such a good environment of the stars world, if you can’t surpass the so-called geniuses of Heaven Realm, then it is really a waste.

Wu Tian said: “Do me a favor and take me to the residence of Li Tian and Ouyang Chengjun. I want to see what they are planning.”

Xiao Wuhao was surprised: “Li Tian is here too?”

He has been retreating for years, so many things are still unknown.

Wu Tian nodded and said: “Yes, and coincidentally, Li Tianhe swallowed the python, 3 people from Ouyang Chengjun, 2 people from Ye Xiuling, and they are all neighbors.”

“Neighbor? Hehe, it seems that this is indeed Interesting.” Xiao Wuhao smiled, got up to control the astral world, and after a dozen breaths, he appeared outside Li Tian’s courtyard.

Xiao Wuhao asked: “Where to go first?”

Wu Tian thought for a while and said, “Go and see Li Tian first.”

Xiao Wuhao drove the stars and sneaked into Li Tian’s courtyard. He searched in the attic for a while, and finally found Li Tian and Swallowing Python in the Third Layer. Both of them were meditating with their eyes closed.

Observing for a moment, Wu Tian shook his head and said, “They are all cultivation, and they will definitely not find out in a short time. Let’s go to Ouyang Chengjun’s other hospital.”

However, after sneaking into Ouyang Chengjun’s courtyard, he not found all 3 people.

Xiao Wuhao frowned. “Did they leave?”

Wu Tian said categorically: “Impossible, I have been monitoring them for the past six months. They cannot be ignorant, and ghosts can slip away from my eyelids.”

Xiao Wuhao said: “Not necessarily, don’t forget, they are sometimes empty.

Wu Tian heart shivered with cold, walked out of the star world directly, and stood in the reception hall of the First Layer, loudly said: “Ouyang Chengjun, I promise your transaction, come out quickly.”

But after waiting for a while, there was no response.

Wu Tian’s brows were tightened. Divine sense hiding the sky and covering the earth went away. When the search of this other courtyard was complete, nothing was found. Without continuing to stay, she entered the astral realm and sighed on the top of divine wood. , Said: “It seems they have really left, but where are they going?”

Xiao Wuhao said: “Will you go to the tenth station? 5 Primordial Spirits, Going Through Heaven Sect, Nie Caixue, are they also in the tenth station?”

“The source of Going Through Heaven Sect and Heavenly Flame is possible, but the five Primordial Spirits and Nie Caixue, as well as the three of Ouyang Chengjun, cannot enter the Spiritual God of Ten So Fast.” Wu Tian shook his head.

He actually thought about this problem, but he rejected it on the spot, because he would rather believe that the 5 Primordial Spirits are now training in a certain Sea Territory rather than believe that they have already gone to the tenth station.

You know, the tenth station is the core area, and even the Spiritual God will fall, not to mention them?

Hearing Wu Tian’s analysis, Xiao Wuhao is also nodded, and it feels reasonable.

Wu Tian went to monitor Li Tian again, seeing that Li Tian and Swallowing God Python were not awake, they would not waste time and return to the exchange.

Inside the hall.

Ye Xiuling had already laughed so tightly that her gain was pretty good.

Wu Tian quietly returned to his seat and said to Ni Yeye’s sound transmission: “Where do you live now?”

Ni Yeye responded, “No. 115, are you busy with your business? If you are busy, follow me to see Sister Mingzhu.”

115 is the number of the other hospital.

Wu Tian rubbed the rubbed the temple, shook his head and said, “Not for the time being, I still have a lot of doubts in my heart.”

Ni Yeye carefully looked at him a little, seeing Wu Tian not at all lying, secretly thought: “If you have any doubts, you can say it. After all, there are many ideas and we can help you analyze and come up with ideas.”

Wu Tian secretly thought: “I tell you the truth, God World is my destruction. Xianzhoushan is a Divine Race man, and his son died indirectly because of me. He will certainly not let me go. You are with me. There wo n’t be a good end together, do n’t tell me that you have a powerful backstage. Once some people go crazy, they do n’t even recognize their loved ones, let alone you. ”

Ni Yeye frowned: “In your eyes, are we so unbearable?”

Wu Tian said, “It’s not unbearable. I grew up before you. Some of the burdens must be carried by me. You protect yourself as much as possible now, which is the best help for me. Go back and tell Mingzhu that I will kill Xianzhoushan 2 people, I’ll go to her. “

Ni Yeye looked at him deeply, his eyes were extremely complicated.

At the beginning, when he first met, his strength was better than Wu Tian. I do n’t know how many times, but now he has become a 5 Spiritual God, but he still ca n’t see through Wu Tian ’s cultivation base.

What kind of monster reincarnation is this guy?


Taking a deep breath, Ni Yeye nodded and said: “Okay, 2 people in Xianzhou will leave it to you to deal with it, but remember, 10000000 to protect yourself. Do n’t think too much, say these things not because I care about you, I I don’t want to see Sister Mingzhu sad. “

Wu Tian said with a smile: “Rest assured, the two people in Fiber Zhoushan can’t help me anymore, after all, Little Brat is now an 2-Spiritual Spiritual God, and soon after, he can step into 8-Spiritual Spiritual God.”

Ni Yeye was startled: “I am grass, so fast!”

Wu Tian said: “Soon? Okay!”

“I tell you, don’t force me to turn my face.” Ni Yeye’s face turned black, so he quickly stepped into 8 God Spiritual God, but he was said to be OK? Isn’t this obviously exciting him?

Wu Tian faintly smiled, Ye Xiuling looked aside, and said, “When are you going to play?”

Ye Xiuling said without looking back: “Don’t bother me, let me play for a while.”

Zhou Shu said with a smile: “Miss Ye, take it when you see it, so as not to attract the attention of others.”

Ye Xiuling glanced slightly, glanced at the crowd in front of her, and looked towards the old man in white on the stage, and found that their looks were somewhat unusual.

The old man in white was very gloomy, and even deep in his eyes, there was a ray of cold light lurking. As for other people, his eyes were also flashing intriguing rays of light.

Seeing this scene, she suddenly thought of a sentence, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime!

“Aiya, after playing for so long, this Young Lady is also a bit tired, it is time to go back to rest, everyone, let’s see you later.” Ye Xiuling stood up and waved to everyone, then slipped out of the exchange.

Wu Tian 3 people follow closely from behind.

After the four people left, a staff member held a mysterious soul stone, walked up the high platform, and passed by the old man in white. The old man in white whispered, “Send someone to investigate the details of that woman.”


The staff responded calmly, placed the Xuanhun Stone on the table, and turned away.

Inside the hall, the stone gamble continues.

On the street outside the exchange.

Ye Xiuling was in a good mood, walking forward in front of her, like a beautiful butterfly, which was particularly noticeable.

Wu Tian 3 people walked side by side, Zhou Shu glanced at Ye Xiuling, sound transmission said: “Wu Tian, ​​who is she? How do I feel that in her eyes, treasure is not a concept at all, but only happy and fun? “

Wu Tian shook her head and said, “I still want to ask you!”

“Ask us?”

Ni Yeye was stunned by two people.

Wu Tian said: “This woman is called Ye Xiuling, and there is a follower around me. According to my observation, it is a Spiritual God who has reached Peak’s realm, so I suspect that she may be the daughter of a giant in Tianyu.”

“Spiritual Spirit God? Or Peak?”

Ni Yeye and Zhou Shu looked at each other, their eyes were incredible.

Ni Yeye said solemnly: “Even the Xuelan sister who is Celestial Emperor daughter does not have a follower of Spiritual God. I conclude that this woman is definitely not a Celestial person.”

Zhou Shu nodded and said: “It really isn’t, otherwise I would never have heard her name.”

“Not from Tianyu, where does she come from?”

Wu Tian’s abdomen was also a doubt in Ni Yeye’s heart.

Ye Xiuling is not from Tianyu, and the three of Ouyang Chengjun don’t know about Tianyu. What does this mean?

With this doubt, Wu Tian and Ni Yeye separated from each other and walked towards their respective courtyards.

When she came to the gate of the other hospital, Ye Xiuling stopped, looked back at Wu Tian curiously, and asked, “Are you silent all the way, are you planning any unspeakable conspiracy?”

Wu Tian glanced at her and pushed in without a word.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Ye Xiuling stomped and quickly caught up.

When I walked into the lobby, I saw the black robe old woman standing in front of a slightly opened window, staring out.

Ye Xiuling stepped up, said curiously: “Aunt Ye, what are you looking at? So fascinated?”

The black robe old woman retracted her eyes and frowned, “Young Lady, you are so careless. Someone is following you, but you haven’t found it.”


Wu Tian and Ye Xiuling raised eyebrow. They walked to the window and looked through the gap. They found that a black clothed man passed by the front of the courtyard and looked intently at the other courtyard.

“It’s really a little overwhelming this time.”

Wu Tian secretly slandered, without a word, he went directly to the Second Layer.

The black robe old woman turned her head to look at his back. There was a hint of doubt in the old eyes, and asked, “Young Lady, did you go to the exchange, what major event happened?”

“No!” Ye Xiuling shook her head.

“Surprisingly, according to his cautious character, he should be able to find someone following him, but judging by his reaction just now, he didn’t notice it on the way, which was obviously unreasonable.” The black robe old woman was full of doubts.

“Oh, it turned out that it was fine on the exchange, but since leaving the exchange, he hasn’t said a word. He has a lot of thoughts. It is estimated that the thoughts may be related to those two people.” Ye Xiuling said.

“Who?” Said the black robe old woman.

Ye Xiuling briefly talked about the encounter with Ni Yeye.

After listening, the black robe old woman groaned a little and whispered, “Young Lady, you go to rest first, I’ll check the details of those 2 people.”

Ye Xiuling is nodded.

The black robe old woman silhouette flashed, and disappeared instantly without a trace, and Ye Xiuling turned to walk towards the Third Layer. This courtyard was caught in a short period of tranquility.

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