Over the years, Wu Tian has been retreating in the sealed space.

Six people of Qilin have never been to the seal space, so they suspect that Supreme Treasure may be hidden in the seal space.

But when they put down their attitudes and humbly asked Bird St. for advice, they learned that it was all thanks to Swallowing Heaven Beast.

Knowing this, they all began to figure it out.

Essence Origin refined by Swallowing Heaven Beast is the purest flesh essence. As long as there is no Elemental Spirit Body, anyone, any beast, can absorb refining.

They are wild animals, so naturally.

But they are also clear that Swallowing Heaven Beast and Wu Tian cannot help them, because they have not contributed at all since becoming captives.

Therefore, in my heart, how to convince Wu Tian and Little Brat?

In fact, they don’t know, no matter how they calculate, they are destined to just hope, because Little Brat will not agree to give them Essence Origin.

For Little Brat, they will only pay in front of real friends, such as Wu Tian, ​​Bird Saints, Han Tian and others.

As for the others, other beasts, no matter who you are, give Master Frog a step back.

Sure enough, when the six people of Qilin were cheeky and pleaded with Little Brat, they were directly rejected by them, threatening that they would not be given to them even if they were thrown away, and they were humiliated fiercely.

Are you not very cattle?

Aren’t you eyes high above the top?

You are not arrogant and conceited, do you look down on us?

Now what does Master Frog do?

In the face of this ruthless humiliation, 6 people were extremely indignant, but they were helpless. In the face of the current Little Brat, they were helpless, and finally had to shut up and eliminate this impossible thought.

Next, Wu Tian took another 400 years to stabilize the cultivation base realm.

At the same time, the soul has finally stepped into Tier 6.

It was also on this day that Little Brat arrived at the 6th station.

Without waiting for Little Brat’s notice, Wu Tian walked out of the astral world, because as early as ten years ago, he had received a rumor from Huangfu Ming Zhu that he would be waiting for him at the 6th station.

However, when I walked out of the astral realm and saw the appearance of the 6th station, I was speechless half-shocked.

The 6th station is no longer an island, but a mirage floating in the sky!

Its volume is very huge. It is estimated that it can be 50-60 million miles in diameter. From a distance, it looks like a continent across the sky, a grand imposing manner is coming on, impacting the eyes and mind!

“Have you heard? Someone recently found a treasure left by 7 Spiritual God.”

“What is this? I also heard that someone found a treasure of the 8 Spiritual God.”

“I have also heard that it is said that there were 1000 people in, but the last one did not return, presumably they were all dead inside.”

“Well, although there are many treasures, it is just as if they do not have enough strength.”

“No, depending on our strength, we can only take advantage of the treasures of Spiritual God in the 7th robbery, but there is no doubt that we will die of the treasures of the Spiritual God in the 8th robbery.”


Such a conversation suddenly passed into Wu Tian’s ears and caught his attention.

Looking at the sound, I saw 5 middle-aged men and women, all of whom possessed the strength of 6 Spiritual Gods. They talked about their strengths and flew towards the sky while disappearing into the city.

Wu Tian looked back, full of doubts.

From the conversation of 5 people, the treasure of this Sea Territory looks a lot?

Little Brat asked, “What do you want?”


Wu Tian shook the head, taking Little Brat towards the city.

“Haha, didn’t expect to meet two 2-Spirit Spiritual God’s treasures, and all the treasures in it have been grabbed. Today’s luck is really good!”

“It’s really good. With these treasures, we have been cultivation for thousands of years.”

Two more middle-aged big men rushed out of the sea, rushing towards the city with joyful laughter.

“2 treasures?”

Wu Tian froze slightly, couldn’t help but stay in the void and looked down at the sea, muttering secretly. Is there really a lot of treasure in this Sea Territory?

Little Brat pouted, “Nothing to curious about the treasure left by the Spiritual God.”

“Not the reason.”

Wu Tian shook the head, saying: “Why do you think, why did the second station to the fifth station not have this phenomenon?”

“Yeah, in the first few stations, you can’t hear the topic of the treasure at all, but here, just a short while ago, we heard two people talking, which is really abnormal.” Little Brat said.

“There are a lot of treasures, and a mirage. What is really different about this 6th station?”

Wu Tian grunted and was about to leave for city.

However, at this time, a clear, anxious voice came from a distance.

“Wu Tian, ​​wait!”

I heard that Wu Tian froze slightly, turned around and looked away, but saw a wonderful young woman wearing a purple dress, bursting into the air with the sound of wind.

This woman is tall and looks out of the ordinary, she can be called a stunning beauty, but there is no slight impression in his memory, that is, he does not know this person at all.

Little Brat sound transmission: “Little Tian, ​​do you think she came for Paragon Divine Spark?”

Wu Tian said: “It’s impossible, she just robs Spiritual God. She shouldn’t be so stupid.”

Little Brat said: “You’re stupid, she looks so beautiful and can be used as a beauty, don’t all of you human men like this set?”

“go away.”

Wu Tian’s face is pitch-black. What do you like? When did he see his thoughts move? Don’t talk if you can’t speak, it’s a bad mouth.


After a few breaths, the Miaoling woman appeared in front of Wu Tian. Without saying a word, grabbed his arm and turned to leave.

Seeing this posture, a strange idea emerged in Wu Tian’s mind. Does this woman want the overlord to bow hard? Busy: “Girl, girl, wait a minute, can you say something first?”


Miaoling woman froze and looked back at Wu Tian with flustered expression. Pu chi couldn’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” Wu Tian was puzzled.

“I laugh at you stupid, I can’t even recognize it,” the woman said.


Wu Tian looked at her up and down. After 3 more confirmations, she had never seen it, and her breath was strange. She frowned, “I know you?”

Miaoling woman rolled the eyes, helplessly said: “I am the pearl.”


Wu Tian froze slightly, and a smile climbed on his face.

“and many more.”

Little Brat called out suddenly, glanced at the miuling woman, and said, “Little Tian Son, be careful. Your current identity has been exposed. Everyone knows that you and Mingzhu have had an affair. Some unscrupulous people impersonate her. It’s not impossible to approach you. “

“It makes sense.”

Wu Tian nodded.

In fact, if two friends have known each other for a long time, they can still catch some familiar traces.

But the point now is that the woman in front of her is very strange, so she has to guard against it.

Suddenly he realized a serious problem, looking towards Little Brat, frowning: “Wait, who and who do you say have an affair?”

“You and Mingzhu … uh! Master Frog is wrong, you two are 2 lovers, embarrassed … pei pei pei, and wrong again, you are in love, I wish you … Is this satisfactory? hehe …… “

Little Brat embarrased said with a smile.

Wu Tian glanced at it, turning her head and looking towards the miuling woman in front of her, she found that her cheeks had become flushed and coy, Wu Tian heart shivered with cold, is she really a Huangfu Ming bead?

“cough cough !”

Little Brat coughed and looked at Miaoling woman, “What evidence do you have that you are the Pearl Girl?”

“I don’t know what to say about you.”

The Miaoling woman stared at the two people with annoyance, and her appearance changed rapidly. Finally, the beauty who stood in front of Wu Tian was not Huangfu Ming Zhu.

Wu Tian hesitated for a moment, startled joyfully said: “It’s you!”

“Isn’t it me?” Huangfu Ming rolled her eyes and looked towards Little Brat. “Swallowing Heaven Beast, now you believe it!”

“Don’t believe it, because of your breath, it makes Master Frog strange.” Little Brat shook his head.

“I have changed the breath, it is not strange to be unfamiliar. These will be discussed later. Hurry up with me to rescue Ni Yeye.” Huangfu Ming Zhu hurried.

“What happened to them?” Wu Tian frowned.

“It’s a long story, wait for them to be rescued, and then tell you slowly.” Huangfu Ming said.

“Let’s go!” Wu Tian said.

Huangfu Ming Zhu immediately turned around and swept eastward.

Looking at the familiar back, Wu Tian pupil light flickered and suddenly asked, “Pearl, do you remember your other identity?”

“What identity?”

Huangfu Ming Zhu stopped and looked at him in puzzlement.

A little Murderous intention suddenly appeared in Little Brat’s golden eyes.

“don’t be impatient.”

Wu Tian held it, secretly transmitted sound, and immediately walked to the Huangfu Ming bead, lightly said with a smile: “Nothing, I just want to ask, do you have any other identity, such as the name you used to change your face and make up? . “

Huangfu Ming Zhu said with a smile: “It turned out to be the case. I did make a makeover once, but that is a thing of the past. There is no need to mention it, let’s go!”

Wu Tian said: “Lead the way.”

Led by Huangfu Ming Zhu, half an hour later, he paused over an island.

The diameter of the island can be about ten thousand li. There is no grass, trees, insects or beasts on the island. It is a dead island.

Wu Tian glanced at the island and asked, “Where are they, Ni Yeye?”

“Just in the piece of mountain valley below, follow me.”

After that, Huangfu Ming Zhu dived down and landed on a mountain around thousand zhang, then walked to the cliff, and after Wu Tian came to her, he put his finger under him and said, “They are there.”

Wu Tian probe looks down, below is a valley around hunted zhang, in the middle of the valley, there are 5 silhouettes lying quietly, it is Ni Yeye, Her Royal Highness Xue Zhou, Zhou Shu, Lu Yuan, Qu Sheng, they look pale, He was bruised and looked like he was seriously injured and unconscious.

Wu Tian raised an eyebrow and asked, “What happened to them?”

“oh! ”

Huangfu Ming Zhu sighed deeply and said, “It’s hard to say a word, let’s go and save them first!”

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