Wu Tian and Little Brat were unaware of the plans of the young woman and the black robe old woman, or the two people in Xianzhou.

Wu Tian is concentrating on the retreat in the second space. Under the extreme force of tempering, the fifth-order god spirit is rapidly rising and moving towards the sixth-order god spirit. Also with the help of the heavenly divine wood, the realm of the 2th Spiritual God is also stable every day. .

On the way to the fifth station, Little Brat swallowed Sea Beast recklessly.

But between the 4th to the 5th station, the Sea Beast of the 4th and 5th Spiritual God is common, and it is now the 7th of the Spiritual Spirit. The essence of flesh cannot satisfy it, so the Sea Beast swallowed, It was refined into Essence Origin and handed over to Wu Tian refining.

300 years later, Wu Tian finally stabilized the realm.

Little Brat also refined 20 Scarlet Essence Origin.

However, just when he was about to refining Scarlet Essence Origin and impact the 5th Spiritual God, Little Brat told him that he was about to arrive at the 5th station.

Wu Tian walked out of the astral world and looked at the fifth station from afar. The fifth station is also an island, but the area is several times larger than the fourth station. People come and go in a hurry. .

In fact, the so-called urgent matter is treasure hunting. People who come to adventure in the Sea of ​​Stars are all for the benefit. For them, time is wealth, so they are unwilling to waste time on meaningless things.

After roughly glancing, Wu Tian took out the ground elephant and sent a message to Huangfu Ming Zhu.

“weng! ”

Soon, a reply came.

Wu Tian checked it a bit, and stowed the ground sign, and looked towards Little Brat, saying, “Ni Yeye, they are already on their way to the 6th station. We also don’t stop at the 5th station and go directly to the 6th station. “

Little Brat reluctantly said, “But Master Frog is still thinking about looting the treasure of the exchange!”

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “One thing is worse than one thing.”

“Cut, Master Frog is now 7 robs Spiritual God, the 5 strongest station 2 people are only 6 robs Spiritual God, what are you afraid of?” Little Brat disdain, as for these 2 strongest persons, referring to Chunyilou The landlord, and the master of the exchange.

“I really can’t help you.”

Wu Tian shook her head, her eyes full of helplessness.

Then I thought about it, and felt that I no longer needed to hide my identity. With a slight movement of my mind, I returned to the original appearance. The face was not very handsome, but it was very eye-catching. The eyes were pitch-black and deep. It seemed to be able to see everything. A white hair fluttered with the sea breeze, adding a touch of vicissitudes.

“Sure enough, you!”

But just as he manifested his true features, a cold voice suddenly sounded, with a strong murderous intention!

“Shua !!!!”

The next moment, two figures appeared out of thin air, one after the other stopped Wu Tian in the middle.

“It’s you!”

Wu Tian pupil shrink, didn’t expect to meet 2 people here.

No, this is no coincidence, 2 people are here waiting for him on purpose!

Fiber Zhoushan said arbitrarily: “Divine Race is the blood of deep blood, and today I will use your life and Swallowing Heaven Beast to pay back!”


The Divine might of the Spiritual God of Ten Rage burst out like a torrent, and went straight to Wu Tian 2 people.

Without any hesitation, Wu Tian directly opened the veins of heaven, indifferently said: “You guys of Divine Race die without regret, even if I choose now, I will still do it.”

Xianzhoushan was extremely angry and laughed, Sen coldly said: “You are really stubborn. I originally planned that if you knelt down and repented, I would consider leaving you with a whole body. Now it seems that the broken body is your deserved end! “

The divine force sprays thinly, condensing a giant hand to cover the sky, and directly shoots Wu Tian, ​​the destroying heaven that extinguishing earth’s divide might, shaking 8 parties!

“Even the Divine might of the Spiritual God of Ten Riders can be ignored. The legendary heavenly veins are truly extraordinary.” Hu Hongming muttered, glanced at the veins of Wu Tian’s eyebrows, shouted: “Xian Zhoushan, Paragon Divine Spark has not yet arrived, Can’t kill him now. “

Fiber Zhoushan raised eyebrow. The giant hand was over Wu Tian’s head. The horrible imposing manner shrouded Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian was shocked, but his face remained the same without any change. He shook his head and said, “To get Paragon Divine Spark, Not so easy. “


Hu Hongming said lightly with a smile: “Heaven Realm, who doesn’t know, you Wu Tian has a Tiny World named Star World? But even if you put Paragon Divine Spark in the Star World, we still have a way to make you honest Hand it over, Xianzhou Mountain, you say yes! “

Cold Zhoushan coldly smiled, the sense of diversity emerged, turned into an invisible torrent, and swept towards Wu Tian.

This is obviously to force a soul search!

In addition, Hu Hongming behind him also released a sense of divine, ready to pinch back and forth.

Replaced by other people, facing the two Ten Spirits ’Spiritual God ’s pinch, I ’m afraid I ’m desperate at this moment, but Wu Tian did n’t panic and shook his head:“ Xianzhoushan, you are destined to get nothing today, wait slowly, soon Later, I will let you go to hell and reunite them with Divine King. “

Cold boat mountain eyes cold light surge.

Hu Hongming said with a sneer: “boast shamelessly, I see what else you can do to escape from us in front of one’s eyes.”

“Really? Then open your eyes and look at me, why am I leaving.”

Wu Tian laughed, turned around, and the bronze ancient mirror came out. Azure light was released. When rays of light hit Wu Tian and Little Brat, they disappeared instantly.

“How can it be!”

“Is that a space-time mirror?”

2 people were shocked, their eyes were incredible.

Obviously in front of me, how could it disappear in a split second without a trace?

The top of the sky!

One old and one young stand side by side, looking down.

The black robe old woman wondered, “Young Lady, are there 2 spatiotemporal mirrors in the world?”

Young woman said with a smile: “How can this divide object be paired, the bronze ancient mirror in Wu Tian’s hands is just a counterfeit, compared with the real space-time mirror, it is 108,000 li worse, but nevertheless It is also a rare rare treasure. “

The black robe old woman said, “Young Lady seems to be a little emotional?”

“Are you there? A fake copy of this area can’t keep me in my mind, but Wu Tian uses the bronze ancient mirror to walk away. If I want to follow him again, I have to find him first, but the sea of ​​stars is vast and we do n’t know Where was he teleported by the bronze ancient mirror, and how can I find it? “

The young woman frowned, groaned a little, and said, “Aunt Ye, let’s go to the 6th station.”


black robe old woman nodded, with a wave of the old big hand, both disappeared immediately.

“Who is peering in secret!”


Xianzhoushan seemed to have a feeling in the heart, looked up towards the sky, but found nothing.

Hu Hongming also looked up, and there was nothing but white clouds in sight, frowning: “Is anyone really peering?”

Fiber Zhoushan nodded, and said indefinitely: “Maybe it’s just my illusion.”

“I think you are really nervous.”

Hu Hongming shook the head and asked, “What should we do now?”

“Didn’t expect this little bastard actually has a space-time mirror. It seems that it is not easy to get rid of him.” Qian Zhoushan rubbed his forehead, never had a headache like this now, dignified ten times and ten times, and there are still two , Why can’t you have a 2th order Spiritual God, when you say it, you will laugh at the big teeth.

In fact, he didn’t know that it wasn’t a real space-time mirror at all, let alone the bronze ancient mirror in Wu Tian’s hands, which could only be transmitted once a year.

A little groaning, Xian Zhoushan said solemnly: “Wu Tian’s destination should be the Central Sea Territory. Major stations are the only way to go. As long as we pay close attention, he can’t escape our palms!”

Hu Hongming said: “Even if he finds it, he can still use space-time mirror to escape.”

Xianzhou Mountain Road: “This time it was our intention and we were not prepared to take advantage of it, but next time we will kill directly. Even if the mirror is sometimes empty, he has no time to escape!”

Hu Hongming frowned: “With our strength, we can indeed kill him before he recovers the space-time mirror, but in this case, I am afraid that we will not get Paragon Divine Spark.”

“I’ve lost interest in Paragon Divine Spark. I only want his life!” Xianzhou Shan was defamated in the abdomen, his eyes flashing.

Besides Wu Tian!

At this moment, he was standing over a strange Sea Territory, staring at the bronze ancient mirror in his hands, his eyes were completely out of sight.

“roar! !!”

Little Brat is at war with 100 Sea Beasts of 6 Spiritual Gods. For a time, this place is roaring and the sun is breaking!

After a while, the battle ended!

Without a doubt, all 100 Sea Beasts became Little Brat’s bulges, snored, and complained, “Isn’t there a few Sea Beasts that look good? Really boring.”

But when I came to Wu Tian and saw the bronze ancient mirror, I immediately came back to the spirit, and my eyes turned, the thief said with a smile: “Little Tian, ​​can you give this thing to Master Frog?”

“take it!”

Without hesitation, Wu Tian shoved directly into Little Brat’s hands, which made Little Brat a bit difficult to adapt, questioning: “Really give me?”

Wu Tian said with a smile: “You keep it!”

He has been using it for the first time since he got the bronze ancient mirror, and he can slip away from the eye of Spiritual God. This power is really exciting, but Little Brat has paid so much for him. , How could he bear to refuse?

Besides, Little Brat and him are often together, in whose hands the bronze ancient mirror is actually the same.

To explain a few words, Wu Tian went to the astral world to continue the retreat. Little Brat took a look at the bronze ancient mirror with joy, then put it in the small treasure house, found the correct position, and swept toward the 6th station.

100 years later, Wu Tian refining 20 Scarlet Essence Origins, and refining ten 5 Heavenly Tribulation Essence Origins, and finally stepped into 5 of the Spiritual God.

After learning about this, the jealousy, envy and hatred of the six people of Qilin Zi were out of control.

At the beginning, in the ancient confrontation, Wu Tian was one realm lower than them, but now, Wu Tian has stepped into 5 Spiritual Gods, and they are only 2 Spiritual Gods.

In just over 2 1000 years, not only surpassed them, but also exceeded so many, 6 people hated gnash the teeth.

But the most in my mind is incredible.

How did he achieve such a terrible speed?

What secret is hidden in the seal space?

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