Three years later, Yi Tian finally completed the preliminary exploration work and returned to Sunset City. As soon as I came back, I went directly to Hong Fei's mansion to report. After all, the follow-up of this matter still depends on the strength of Taiqing Pavilion.

When I saw Hong Fei this time, I realized that he seemed to be in good spirits, and something good should have happened. After sitting down in the main hall of his mansion, Yi Tian did not hide everything he encountered when he went out this time and said in detail.

In the end, I just concealed the things that were going to stop Hua Yuxin, and I looked at Hong Fei in a blink of an eye. After hearing that, his face trembled, and then he said angrily: "The servant in Qingyuan likes to play yin, it's a pity. That guy Li Chi was also disappointing. After three years of tossing for more than three years, he didn’t get a clue."

Yi Tian was upset after hearing this. Since it involves his own competition, he naturally has to listen carefully. . Later, Hong Fei briefly recounted what happened in the past three years.

So Yi Tian learned that Li Chi had also tried to repair the ancient formation relics in the past three years, but it was a pity that countless phone bills could not activate Formation. Immediately twitched his lips said with a smile: "Hong big brother, don't worry, even if Li Chi can activate the Formation after patching, he may not be able to enter Chen Haoran's eyes."

Hong Fei listened with enthusiasm. Hurriedly asked: "What's the reason?"

"Nothing else, the array material thousands of years ago is slightly different from nowadays, and the formation mark needs to be in one go. What is the effect of repairing? "Yi Tian said with a smile with a bad face.

Hong Fei raised his brows and his face was shocked solemnly asked: "Brother Yi, you are a variety of experts. Tell me about this."

So Yi Tian doesn’t. Vaguely, I explained how I felt when I first saw the Formation. In fact, it was very simple. The'Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Array' was obviously arranged on a huge base. As for the formation mark above, it seems messy, but it is made up of careful consideration. Such an engraved technique has been seen in the secret scrolls of Lihuo Palace.

Moreover, this large array was originally supposed to be an array placed by seniors from the Fire Palace thousands of years ago. Wouldn't it cause a lot of suspicion if I really repaired it on it? Therefore, Li Chi's failure is inevitable.

In the end, Yi Tian said resolutely: "The Hong big brother is not a little brother who is not trying his best. Even if the new formation is successfully arranged, it will only be effective in the original six or seven."

"Why is this?" Hong Fei exclaimed.

"For the sake of the ground veins, the spiritual formation site must have been carefully selected ten thousand years ago. It is unceremonious to say that there should be the meeting point of seven large-scale spirit veins," Yi Tian solemnly vowed. Tao.

So Hong Fei suddenly understood that it was not the problem of Yi Tian's array formation skill, but because of the insufficient level of the spirit vein. And now all the large-scale spirit veins in Spirit Realm are occupied by large and small forces, and only small and medium-sized spirit vein convergence nodes can be used.

Moreover, the choice is only within the jurisdiction of Sunset City, so even if it can be found, it is really not easy.

Later, Yi Tian took out a map jade slip and spread it on the table, stretched his finger to the three marks on the top, and slowly revealed his plan.

The three spirit vein nodes that can be selected are listed in the east and southeast of Sunset City, but these locations are now landless. If you want to use them, you must first go to Inside the City Lord Mansion Circle these points in advance and save them for later use.

Hong Fei was very clear about the procedures for handling this matter, and then he took the work directly without being wordy. As for the follow-up formation, it was fully pushed to Yi Tian to handle it.

In addition to Hong Fei’s mansion Yi Tian heading straight to the Refiner Master Alliance, Chen Haoran had previously said that all materials and manpower needed for the formation of the formation can be directly asked for him.

Just when I arrived at the Refiner Master alliance, I told the great hall deacon what I was coming for. Who knows that their faces are silent, but their eyes flicker as if there is hidden emotion in them.

Yi Tian didn't want to spend too much time with them, and finally went directly to see the distribution Elder Chen Haoran. Those deacons knew it, but then they took Yi Tian straight into the inner hall passage.

After a short while out of the inner hall corridor, I heard someone talking in the front courtyard. Although the words were not loud, Yi Tian did hear clearly, it should be Li Chi's voice.

Then the corner of mouth twitching was secretly delighted. It is estimated that this will be Li Chi's or not to give up the work of preparing for the second repair, but I don't know what Chen Haoran meant.

Just after the announcement, Yi Tian took a big step and walked into the side hall, looking sideways, it was Li Chizai and Chen Haoran explaining the process of repairing the big formation.

I was just doing it, and there was a young cultivator in the audience. He was also wearing the costume of the Refiner Master Alliance, with a personal level badge on his chest, a cultivation base similar to himself.

Seeing Yi Tian coming in, Li Chi stopped, and then he looked up with a look of disdain and sat on the side in silence.

As the host, Chen Haoran eyes shined at this time, and then stood up and introduced to the young cultivator: "This is Master Yi. He has explored and arranged a new position before, and we can listen to it when we come back this time. Listen to what he has to say."

Yi Tian has been alive for so long and naturally understands the situation on the scene. As a branch, Elder will speak with a late Refiner Master like this, which shows that his status is not low.

After arrogantly speaking, Yi Tian first introduced his own situation. After hearing this, the youngster stood up and said: "In the next Refiner Master alliance, the new Refiner Master Pei Yuexiao has seen Yi Master."

Yi Tian can participate in such a meeting as soon as the new Refiner Master is in his heart. It is impossible to say that the identity of Pei Yuexiao in front of him is not simple, and Chen Haoran values ​​it so much, is it possible that the seven-star Spirit Gathering Array is for him. After flashing through his mind for several years, Yi Tian did not dare to put on airs, and directly replied: "It turns out that it is Master Pei in person, please come to the table and talk in detail."

Chen Haoran also showed a little smile on his face. "Exactly, a few people sat down and talked slowly. It just so happened that the return of Master Yi today will surely bring some good news." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Li Chi who was sitting on the side, and saw his face this time. Forcibly squeeze out a smile to move towards Yi Tian, ​​Ji head salute.

With a smile on his face, Yi Tian had to squeeze all the smile back into his stomach, and then super Li Chi said: "I haven't seen it in three years, Fellow Daoist has lost a bit of weight. It must have been very hard to repair the big array. Right."

Li Chi's face changed slightly and then returned to normal, and he replied: "It's more difficult than not having Fellow Daoist Yi investigating meals and sleeping outside."

Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching then turned his head and moved towards Chen Haoran and said: "I found an excellent place to arrange Formation five thousand miles away from Sunset City. Now I am returning to find Elder Chen for some array material and manpower. So that I can start work on another day."

As soon as I said that, Pei Yuexiao's face was happy to say something, but Chen Haoran did frown.

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