In the temporary Cave Mansion, Yi Tian read the information on the jade slip back and forth three times, and his face was suspicious, the information recorded in this jade slip Too detailed.

Among them, the time, place and route of Huayuxin and the others escort are described in exceptional detail, and even where to start is arranged.

eyelids twitched Yi Tian suddenly fell into deep thought, and it was obvious that Xu Yong was one of the participants in this matter. But to be able to issue such precise orders, the identity of the person behind the scenes is definitely not simple.

It is expected that the identities of the three candidates who can be cleared must be those who know the inside information. In addition, the time and place of the escort can be written clearly, and it is bound to have an unusual understanding of the whole sequence of events.

The only person who can have this ability in the entire Sunset City is Hong Shanhe as the City Lord, or Hong Fei is also very likely. But why these two people would dismantle their family's platform, Yi Tian was puzzled.

Hua Yuxin is inextricably related to Taiqing Pavilion, and his brother Hua Yulin is also a dísciple, so they should be wearing a pair of pants. Moreover, the clan forces that are also born locally in Sunset City are intertwined, if one prospers, all prospers if one suffers, all suffers.

Seeing here, Yi Tian doesn't know how to deal with this matter, so he will continue to check Xu Yong's storage ring. Finally, in addition to some treasures and Spirit Stone, I found a jade token with some text written on it. After I carefully identified it, I discovered that it was a secret order. The content was simply "Quick Encirclement and Suppression Inspector Envoy Array Master." In addition to this sentence, it also has its own drawing graphics.

After putting it on his hand and activating it, Yi Tian carefully looked at the image in the inside, which was exactly what he registered at the city gate when he left the South Gate of Sunset City.

Then complexion sank checked the text on the jade token again, and finally only a vigorous and powerful sword talisman signed. Looking at this mark, there seemed to be some impressions in my mind, as if I had seen it somewhere. A silky light flashed in front of me. Isn't this the mark of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect I have seen on the Jade bottle?

Although the jade bottle has been refining itself into other spiritual artifacts, the mark on it is indeed similar to the jade token in the photo. The biggest difference may be that there are fewer stars on the sword talisman mark.

So how can Yi Tian know that this sword talisman mark should be the unique logo of Feiyu Sword Sect, but he can't distinguish that's all. As for the handwriting on the jade token in this photo, it now looks similar to the task jade slip that has several points of.

After taking out that jade slip and comparing it, Yi Tian's heart suddenly became bright. Obviously, in addition to Hongshan and Hongfei in Sunset City, there is also one person who can also learn about Huayuxin's travel time, route and whereabouts.

Except for the Qingyuan director, there is no fourth person who knows this in detail, and as the cultivator of Scarlet Sword Sect, he secretly suppressed the Taiqing Pavilion. Create the illusion of a gangster attack and intercept the three recommenders of Sunset City. It is no good as long as the three candidates miss the time for selection, the goal is achieved.

At this time, Yi Tian's heart is also extremely entangled, this time he is battling with Li Chi, and he must have already sinned against Qingyuan. That's why he would secretly use these shady forces to add to himself.

I want to come this time Xu Yong and Lan Yaksha are able to find their position after leaving the city so accurately. This is also the reason.

Yi Tian's complexion changed a little later and began to figure out how to deal with these things. First of all, since he clearly stated that he was on Hong Fei's side, the Qingyuan had naturally understood it a long time ago.

Suppressing the opponent is to improve oneself, and what Qingyuan does is also reasonable. But he designed this way to deal with the three female cultivators in Sunset City who went to participate in the concubine election ceremony, but he couldn't see it. Although this has nothing to do with him, Hua Yuxin can be regarded as one of his old men. If you are so plotted against, you can no longer stand by.

Fortunately, escorting them to Earth Grade city selection has more than ten years of work. The calculation time should be after I have processed the request of Refiner Master Alliance Chen Haoran.

I want to give up Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching, and smiled and said to himself: "Since the Qingyuan director wants to play, then I don’t mind staying with me to the end, then the escort team can’t say I will Plug it in."

These things in front of me were resolved. This time, apart from Xu Yong, I believe I can live a stable life for a few years. Right now the exploration can come to an end for the time being, and I have found at least three suitable locations on the ground that I have swept over.

So as long as you dare to return to Sunset City and discuss the next plan with Hong Fei. But before I go back, I can still make some time for the cultivation of the divine ability, especially the cultivation of Body Refinement Art is imperative.

Light refining 1st floor has such a good defensive power, which is much stronger than the Buddhist Sect golden sun of my previous cultivation. The golden sun's body method only has a cultivation technique from cultivation to Nascent Soul level. As for the use of the Divine Transformation Stage, it is somewhat unpredictable. I had no choice but to resort to the enemy several times before. If there is a higher-level body refinement cultivation technique, I can directly replace it.

Immediately sitting on the ground, gathered up the other insignificant things, and then took out the secret volume of body refinement divine ability and read it carefully.

Although I still have the cultivation technique of Lihuo Palace on the 6th floor of Lihuo Nine Transformations, it also mentions that if there is a cultivation first, body refinement can greatly shorten the cultivation time and Enhance its efficacy. In general, the dísciple of the Lihuo Palace is able to cultivation in the Divided Spirit Stage, and only a few masters can start the cultivation in the Deity Transformation Late Stage.

In the record of Lihuo Palace, only Wuye Sect Founder started cultivation in the Deity Transformation Middle Stage, and even Ji Xuanyuan did not have such strength.

After reading it, Yi Tian has an estimate in his heart, and it happens that Wanyuan Body Refinement Art can be used as a link in body refinement cultivation. After I have cultivated these two layers of divine ability to Great Accomplishment, my strength should have reached the mid-stage. It just so happens that the cultivation 6th Transformation fire alchemy body.

Thinking that the look on my face does not change, my eyes have seen the divine ability jade slip and then I silently deduced the cultivation technique in my mind. In order to speed up the deduction, I saw the three heads of the Asura dharma body image. Deduce it.

Three days later, the six eyes of the Dharmakaya statue opened one after another, and different smiles appeared on all three faces. After my own continuous deduction, I found that this Wanyuan Body Refinement Art does have its own uniqueness. As long as the medicinal liquid deployed by the evil spirit is used to hone my body refinement, I believe that it will be successful soon.

As for why Xu Yong would only cultivation to the 1st floor, it was because of the insufficient True Qi he collected and the poor effect of the medicinal liquid.

Now I have three inner cores of human-faced spiders in my hands, but I just use them.

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