When Yi Tian brought out Yunmeng Toad summon, he was despised by the two women. Seeing that the poison qi on Cui Fuling's fingers rose rapidly behind her shoulders, Qing Lianyun on one side could not sit still, and her silhouette flashed to her side, extending the hand to directly restrain the person and let her lie flat on the ground.

Then turned his head and moved towards Yi Tian shouted: "You hurry up and do it."

Yi Tian clicked nodded and then reached out to hold Yunmeng Toad and gently place it on Cui Fuling's On the arm of a dark green right hand. I saw Yunmeng Toad moved towards the three people who seemed to be extremely unwilling to look at, and then under Yi Tian's urging, he stretched out his tongue and began to lick the wound constantly.

After ten breaths, I saw that the color of the entire arm began to gradually fade, and the signs of the toxin moved towards the veins upstream were also greatly eased.

After a while, I only heard the tongue sucking of Yunmeng Toad. After about a while, I could see the index finger of Cui Fuling's right hand moved slightly. Qing Lianyun stretched the brows on her face and turned to face the younger sister: "If it is useful, you can bear it. I believe that the poison of the entire right hand will be removed soon."

Cui Fuling He looked at Yunmeng Toad with tears on his face and looked at Yunmeng Toad, but he had to suck on it wantonly.

It wasn't until the little one hour that all the poison on her right arm was removed, and her arm was able to move freely at this time.

Then Yi Tian followed the same pattern and placed Yunmeng Toad on his left arm and began to clean up the bee acid venom. It took nearly an hour and a half to remove all the venom from Cui Fu Ling's hands. In the end, Yi Tian picked up Yunmeng Toad and secretly ordered it to take a sharp breath at the two women, and then slipped back into the imperial beast's bag.

Cui Fuling only sneezed twice and then fell into the arms of Senior Sister and burst into tears. Qing Lianyun seemed to feel something strange, but couldn't tell it for a while.

Furthermore, the junior sister had recovered from her serious illness and she didn't have time to study it carefully, so she had to calm down first. After a while, Cui Fuling performed the cleansing technique on her body several times before it was regarded as that's all, but her face returned to the usual haughty color, but the look in Yi Tian's eyes was less contemptuous and more disgusting. .

After convicting with Senior Sister, he alone set up the escape technique and flew away. Yi Tian is really afraid that Qing Lianyun will follow when the time comes after seeing Yi Tian. I really don't know who I should look for to finish this task. He hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Qing, walk slowly."

After three breaths, I saw Qing Lianyun turn around and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi has many thanks this time. Please forgive me for how offended my sister. "

"I dare not dare," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "I am doing my duty as Inspector Envoy, but this time there is still a drop of purple cloud honey left, I don't know"

Qing Lianyun is smiled and said: "It's your ability to save it naturally. Leave that drop of Ziyun honey for you. Bring your task jade slip and I have to confirm it."

Yi Tian hearing this Yixi stretched out his hand to take out the task jade slip and handed it over. Qinglianyun took out the seal and stamped it on the end of the task jade slip, and took out dozens of white particles into a jade box. Passed it over later.

Yi Tian took the jade slip and looked at the jade box after putting it away, and asked with a suspicious expression: "I don't know what this is?"

"Ziyunfeng Eggs, you can find some Insect Controlling Technique to cultivate purple cloud bees later. The nectar brewed in the future can not only be used as medicine, but also be used as an auxiliary material for other medicine pill," Qinglianyun said indifferently.

After listening to Yi Tian's heart, he was happy and hurriedly took out the talisman to seal the jade box to prevent the spiritual power from leaking. After putting the jade box away, he said with joy: "Many thanks Fellow Daoist Qing is generous this time, and please let me know Fellow Daoist Cui, although my Spirit Pet has cleaned her toxins, she still needs more training to recover."

It was mentioned that Yunmeng Toad made it clear that Qinglianyun's face was not good-looking, and then he had to grin a little and then hurriedly left.

Yi Tian sorted out the harvest after he was the only one left, and the effect of that drop of purple cloud honey was comparable to that of white jade lotus root. Moreover, there is no mature lotus root section with self-protection, this drop of Ziyun honey can relieve the urgent need.

The biggest gain is the young insect eggs of Ziyun Peak. Although they have not yet fully hatched, they have to go back and find a suitable place to put them away and cultivate them later. It is believed that after two to three hundred years, a certain scale can be formed and new queen bees can be cultivated. At that time, I will have continuously available Hundred Nectar.

I want to come to Qinglianyun to collect honey this time but it is secondary. Collecting bee eggs is the business. At this point, you only need to go back and take care of it, and you won't have to go out to take risks.

But this time, this girl Cui Fuling was taught a lesson. Who told her to look like supercilious. She was kind enough to summon Izumo Meng Toad and she was despised, so taking her breath of luck would be considered a courtesy.

As for Qing Lianyun, she also took it along, but obviously she was slightly suspicious but could not determine the type of Yunmeng toad. In this way, I was still the Major General Spirit Pet took out to avoid being recognized by those with a heart.

After a while, Yi Tian puts away the equipment and flies slowly in the direction moved towards Sunset City. But in my heart, I thought about it, and when I returned to Sunset City, the temple of the Refiner Master Alliance was over at the current time.

So there is no rush along the way, and the speed has dropped to the Nascent Soul Stage. Ten days later, when I returned to Sunset City again, I saw that the celebration seemed to be continuing, and the calculated time was at least more than ten days beyond the scheduled time.

After entering the city, I found that there are many foreign cultivators in the shops selling Spiritual Artifact treasures that are carefully selecting. It didn't take long to pass by'thousand hammers, hundred refinements' and found that the middle door of the shop was opened, and even the shopkeeper Xue Liqi was sitting on the middle hall to receive customers.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian got suspicious in his heart and walked straight in. Those guys saw the people in public uniforms. But I don't know why Inspector Envoy came here specially, because of the strength, I had to inform the shopkeeper quietly.

Then I saw Xue Liqi laughed up and said: "What a rare customer, Fellow Daoist Yi hasn't been here for a long time. It just happened that the best Spiritual Artifact has arrived. Everyone is old. Friend counts you 30% off, pick a few."

Yi Tian found out that he hadn't replaced his casual clothes, and rushed to confess his crime, but then bluntly asked: "I have been out on a mission for many years today. Fang Gui. But I don’t know that the city is so lively, and I am regretting that I missed the festival."

Xue Liqi opened his eyes with a smile after hearing this: "Now it’s your good luck, originally this event should be It ended three days ago."

"Why is the City Lord going to delay for a while?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly.

"City Lord does not have the right to set a date, but we are all the riches of Master Cheng, so we continue for one month," Xue Liqi blinked.

"Oh, it turned out that it was the high-level master of the Refiner Master Alliance who opened the mouth, and it just happened to be able to get some light," Yi Tian said with emotion.

"Not all, but at this time, the great characters of the Refiner Master Alliance are probably all near Demon Flame Mountain," Xue Liqi sighed replied.

"Magic Flame Mountain," Yi Tian heard the eyelids twitched, and suddenly an uneasy thought rose in the mind.

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