Being chased by the group of purple jade bees, Yi Tian bounced a drop of purple cloud honey in the jade bottle directly into the phantom array, and most of the purple jade bees that followed were caught Attracted by the scent of this purple cloud honey, one after another dived into the phantom array.

Later, the scene in front of me suddenly changed, and the purple jade bees that entered the phantom array began to scurry randomly. But most of them flew directly in the direction of the purple cloud honey scent, and then slammed down where the honey dripped.

In a short while, a black bee ball appeared, and these purple jade bees gathered together and desperately sucked up the ground.

Suddenly a ray of light cut through the fantasy and directly ignited the insect-controlling incense in the center. The stick incense made of Guikusong emits a faint fragrance after it burns, but the purple jade bee smells like an enemy. Suddenly flew out from the ground and then moved towards back quickly.

These Ziyun Peaks have been dispersed, and there is no relaxing expression on his face at this time. The queen bee followed closely behind with a few soldier bees, as if the last drop of purple cloud honey in the jade bottle in her storage bag still had a fatal attraction to them.

After looking at the strength comparison, Yi Tian had a decision in his heart. Just talking about one-on-one, he may not be the opponent of the queen bee, let alone there are many helpers on the side.

The speed of escape is not slow. After flying through a section of the road, they seem to be still closely behind, but a few more are left behind.

Forget the time, Qinglianyun and Cuifuling should have succeeded, Yi Tian gradually increased the flying height and speed, and in a blink of an eye, the swarms of bees chasing behind them were directly thrown away.

Then he took out the jade talisman to activate and contacted the two people, but after the Communication Talisman sent out, there will be no one hour and no response.

After staying in the air for a while, I felt something strange, and I felt a little worried. After all, Qing Lianyun is the dísciple of the Taiqing Pavilion. If you fold it here, I'm afraid that you won't have any fruit after entering the sect in the future.

I want to stop clenched the teeth, turn around and move towards the location of the beehive in Qingxijian and fly straight. After flying to the outskirts of the valley, Yi Tian swept his eyes in the air and saw that there were two silhouettes on the periphery of the beehive, it was Qinglianyun and Cuifuling, but at this moment the two seemed to be entangled in the bee swarm and couldn't get out.

Yi Tian took out a few spirit seeds and put them in his hands and quickly poured spiritual power into it. Then the ten fingers flicked, and the kind moved towards the second woman's location and shot away.

The sudden change made Qinglianyun startled. Originally, she entered the hive and took out three bottles of Hundred Nectar. But after coming out, I found that Cui Fu Ling couldn't resist it, and it gradually seemed to be powerless when he was surrounded by Tuan Tuan.

Then Qinglianyun made a decisive move to rescue Cui Fuling, but more and more bees returned from outside. Finally, the strong return of the queen bee directly made the two of them only able to fight back and could not wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

After the few spirit seeds fell, they were directly buried in the soil, and they immediately drilled out a series of young shoots and twigs to woven into a road. Two zhang-sized dense vine nets blocked the two women's all around . Then several golden Fireballs fell from the sky directly on the vines and ignited them to form a fire net to separate the purple jade bees.

Yi Tian hurriedly sent a message: "you two quickly prepare to break through, and after ten breaths, I will open a mouth in the sky."

Regardless of how they responded and pointed at it The vine veins, I saw the branches below began to grow wildly, and the vine tennis balls that protected the two were directly moved towards the sky.

Shaoqing's both hands forming seals "opened" to the Fire Vine fairway, and a three-foot-sized gap was revealed after the branches on the top were quickly removed.

Two figures, one green and one yellow, flew straight out from the middle to high altitude and moved towards their own side in a hurry. Yi Tian saw Qing Lianyun's face solemn, but his expression was normal.

As for Cui Fuling, his expression is sluggish. As long as you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that his arm seems to have been stung several times by the jade bee.

Just listen to Qing Lianyun shouted sharply: "Leave here first," and then flew away with Cui Fuling moved towards the distance. Yi Tian didn't talk too much, who would call him weak and have no right to speak, and he followed closely with his escape technique.

After flying for more than a thousand miles, the three people found a clearing in the mountains and fell into the clouds. After a while, Yi Tian directly in the vicinity started to be on alert without being verbose, as for their situation, they were too lazy to take care of them.

After a while, only a miserable cry was heard. Looking back, it was from Cui Fuling's mouth. Her arms were obviously swollen into steamed buns, and Qing Lianyun was using a slender hairpin to pick and tear the places stung by the purple jade bee one after another.

The liquid flowing out of the wound is slightly green, which is extremely corrosive at first glance. Qing Lianyun had no choice but to give her a Detoxification Pill, and frowns continued to work. On the other hand, Cui Fuling screamed in pain, a layer of cold sweat faintly revealed on his forehead.

At this time, Yi Tian looked at Xinbu and walked forward and said: "If you continue to do this, I am afraid that her hands will be disabled if she is immortal. And it is obvious that the medicine pill alone cannot be completely relieved. These bee acid poisons"

"Then do you have any good solutions?" Qing Lianyun asked coldly.

Yi Tian thought for a while before arriving: "Is there a Fellow Daoist Cui will feel that I can't see it."

Cui Fuling is struggling. : "Is there any way to do it quickly, great aunt's hands are almost itchy."

Qing Lianyun took a look at turn pale with fright and said: "Poria should not resist with exercises. These bee acids are peculiarly toxic. Run along your True Qi upstream and corrupt your meridian. If you get to the internal organs, I am afraid that even the Master will not be able to save you."

"Then I can escape from Nascent Soul and rebuild my body possession. "Cui Fuling said with a puff of air.

"I feel suspended," Yi Tian interjected timely: "This bee acid poison seems to corrode Nascent Soul, you'd better not make this plan, or the Great Principle Celestial Immortal will also be difficult to save you. "

"Don't talk coldly, is there any way to quickly take it out," Qing Lianyun also said impatiently: "Rescue my sister, I even owe you personal love."

Don't wait for her to finish Yi Tian twitched his lips and said: "Forget the favor, let's talk about it after saving the person." After saying that, he walked up to Cui Fuling and stopped, stretched out his hand and patted the beast bag on the waist. The green glow flew out and landed on his palm.

When the rays of light faded away, an ugly toad appeared. The moved towards the crowd called'gu gu' several times.

Qing Lianyun's shoulders and face became extremely ugly, just looking at the toad's appearance, it felt disgusting, and there was still saliva in the corners of its mouth moved towards The three people grinned.

Cui Fuling even screamed, and the whole person jumped back and yelled in his mouth: "I don't want this thing to help me heal, it's too disgusting."

Yunmeng Toad seemed to understand people's language, and suddenly smiled on his face and turned and moved towards the master again and called'gu gu' twice as if he had suffered a grievance and was about to turn his head back.

When Yi Tian sees her, how can she be impudent? His complexion moved towards Qing Lianyun and said: "Hold her, if it is not poisonous, she will soon swim to the whole body."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw that the poison qi on Cui Fuling's two hands had already reached his shoulders.

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