The biggest advantage of Thousand Faces is that you can transform yourself into the appearance of people you have seen, regardless of age. Moreover, the casting of spells will not be affected, but it cannot imitate the opponent's tricks.

Once the body refinement movement class is used to change the spell that changes its appearance, it will automatically break the original change.

The huge talisman formidable power that Fei Xiong set up just now, Yi Tian didn't dare to drag it. At the last moment, he directly sacrificed the golden sun and withstood the attack of the sword charm.

The filaments formed by the sword talisman effortlessly broke the defenses of the jade ring and the spirit shield. His own protective shield firmly removed most of the attacks, and only a dozen sword wires penetrated the protective shield. Wearing Mochizuki leather armor on the upper body can also withstand many attacks, but after all, the hands and feet are not wearing the defensive Spiritual Artifact, so they can only sacrifice the secret ability of divine ability.

Fortunately, after the golden sun cultivation to Great Accomplishment, the defensive power really caught the remaining sword wire, leaving only a faint scratch on the surface of the skin.

In this way, the original shape was automatically revealed. No wonder Lian Feixiong looked different when he saw the meeting. After the two met each other, they each got up automatically. At this time, Lian Feixiong couldn't understand that the person in front of him was Yi Tian. Looking at Wang Wei's defensive Spiritual Artifact, it was not difficult to think that Wang Wei had already died this time.

Faced with a person who can kill a cultivator, it goes without saying how to make a decision.

Yi Tian doesn't have much to say, since it reveals the truth, there is no need to pretend. Moreover, the opponent's trump card tricks are all out, and it is time to clean up the mess by himself.

I want to let go of the Taiyuan sword that I sacrificed in the morning, and cut it into ten thousand sword threads in the air, then moved towards Lian Feixiong to cover his whole body.

The imposing manner of the trick is exactly the same as the way the talisman was activated just now, except that the imposing manner is slightly inferior.

After all, one is a talisman made by the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, and the other is a sword technique used by the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator.

Lian Feixiong exclaimed: "It turns out that you are also from Feiyu Sword Sect."

Unfortunately, his cry did not make Yi Tian hesitate. Jiansi still surrounded without the slightest hesitation.

Lian Feixiong naturally knows the formidable power of this trick. When the retreat is cut off, it can no longer break through. Faced with the menacing Jiansi, he can only defend with all his strength.

I saw him take out a flame windbreaker and put it on his body, and then opened the protective cover to the maximum.

The same scene was staged again, but this time the offensive and defensive sides switched to each other. Under the fierce offensive of the sword wire, the defensive bronze bell was broken in an instant like paper. And the dense sword wire obviously paused after hitting the flame windbreaker, as if blocked by the flames above it.

But before Lian Feixiong was happy, more sword wires swarmed from all directions, and the flames on the windbreaker seemed unable to resist for long. Shaoqing was rushed into it, and the white protective cover inside was even more fragile and weak, and was pierced by a few azure sword wires before supporting three breaths.

At the same time, dozens of transparent dots suddenly appeared on Lian Feixiong's body, and blood was sprayed from these dots to wet his clothes in an instant.

In this way, it can be regarded as completely defeated. Even the golden light removed from the forehead did not last long before being directly hit by a sword wire shot diagonally down, penetrated from the front of the forehead to the brain. Behind the skull.

Lian Feixiong exhausted his last strength and called out: "I really missed you, you ascending cultivator play the pig to eat the tiger," I saw a flash of throat before he finished speaking. A trace of blood. The blood shot out, and then he could no longer hear what he said. Before his Nascent Soul Spirit Physique had time to leave the Niwan Palace, he saw the dense sword net moved towards directly covering the top of his head.

After azure sword wire with no difficulty skimmed over his head, I saw him standing blankly in the air, all around spiritual power seemed to be running slower and slower. In the end, the whole body fell weakly and vertically towards the ground when the spiritual power was not supported.

So Yi Tian is finally relaxed, and the overall situation has determined that although he consumes a lot of spiritual power, he can be regarded as a solution to the scourge.

Then he flew directly up to take down the storage item and Spiritual Artifact from Lian Feixiong, and then a Fireball Technique ignited him directly to ashes.

Although Lian Feixiong has been solved, the all around formation seems to be still slowly rotating. Fortunately, he was quite researched against the battle road, and reached out to Jieyin and used Eyes of Truth to privately search for the location of the node of the trapped battle.

In a few moments, he found violent spiritual power fluctuations under the position where Lian Feixiong was originally standing. He flew forward and used the Taiyuan Sword to dig out the soil on the ground and found a one-foot-sized one. disc. Needless to say, this is exactly the formation of the trapped array. Look at the formation mark depicted above. It should be made by a famous artist. It's a pity that Fei Xiong, a layman, is reckless waste of natural resources, and he won't use good things. After putting away the divine sense, Yi Tian withdrew the array, then took out his psychedelic array and placed it on the same position.

After a few breaths, a thick fog appeared on the summit of Wuying Mountain, and within a short while, the radius of fifty li was hidden.

After a while, Yi Tian dug out a temporary Cave Mansion somewhere on the mountainside of Wuying Mountain, and the silhouette flew into it after a flash. After opening the door of the cave, he sat cross-legged in the cave and began to slowly adjust his energy and breath.

The cost of the successive battles is also huge. Tianxing's own solid foundation and strength are not bad, and finally turn peril into safety. But didn't expect that he had already mobilized a lot of people's interests in Spirit Realm in less than a hundred years. If you want to come here to practice Feixiong, you are deep enough in the city government. You should have known that Hong Fei has given him a recommended place for a long time. Back then, he clearly understood the matter of killing Wang Fan by himself. That's why he asked the lone wind thief Wang Wei to cooperate.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated his own strength by all means, and even dared to plot against Wang Wei directly on Wuying Mountain. With such a vicious plot against him, I am afraid that if Wang Wei comes here, he will know what to do.

When Yunmeng Toad was released, it was holding the half-black token and licked it inside and out with its big tongue, and it was covered with slimy saliva.

Yi Tian felt sick after seeing him, and then found another section in Wang Wei's storage ring. Use the Throwing Throwing technique to merge them together and then flash out the golden light. Then the interface was completely glued together like a wound healed and became a five-inch black token.

In a blink of an eye, Yunmeng Toad doesn’t seem to be interested in it anymore, and he secretly thought: “It seems that the poison on this should have been removed,” just think about the way it was covered with toad’s saliva. Yi Tian takes out a Storage Bracelet separately to store the token in it.

When Yunmeng Toad saw that there was nothing delicious, he turned into an aura and drilled back into the imperial beast's bag. Yi Tian just twitched his lips to reveal the color of helplessness and had to let it go.

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