From the map, Wuying Mountain is a barren mountain that does not belong to any cultivation town. It is located in desolate materials and there is no decent underground spirit vein passing through.

But on the other hand, desolation also has its benefits, which is very suitable for a place where the lone wind thief makes an appointment for a meeting and negotiation.

Lian Feixiong will meet here to make an appointment here. It is really an extremely rare opportunity for Yi Tian. Later, he cast his escape technique and rushed to there non-stop, swiping from the high altitude with divine sense and found that Lian Feixiong was waiting on the most peak of Wuying Mountain at this time.

Slowly dropped the cloud head and moved towards Lian Feixiong and waved his hand. I saw that the other party hurried forward with a joy on his face, and after a face-to-face meeting, the two fell to the top of the cliff. After standing still, Lian Feixiong asked: "Has the Yi Tian, ​​the leader of the king, cleaned up?"

Yi Tian secretly despised him in his heart after hearing this, and then picked up the one in the Thousand Faces Spell The voice change method learned from Wang Wei's tone and said: "Things are here, check it yourself."

Throw the jade box with the Nine Tune Spirit Ginseng seedlings directly over the handle.

After practicing Feixione eyes shined, after the jade box, he gently opened the seal on it and talisman extended the divine sense to investigate it. Later, there was a burst of joy on his face and said: "Wang Fellow Daoist is indeed a person who believes in his words, so I will give you the other half as well."

After speaking, he turned around and stretched out his hand from the storage. He took out half of the token from the ring and pushed it gently. Yi Tian didn't know anything about the transaction between them, and could only accept it pretendingly at the moment.

But when I glanced over the flying object, I suddenly felt interesting agitation in the Yu Beast's bag. It should be that Yunmeng Toad was awakened by this thing. This half of the token seemed unremarkable, but it must be a poisonous thing that can make one's Spirit Pet mind.

The Lian Feixiong in front of him seems to be also the number one person. Knowing that he can't beat Wang Wei, he made the next move. With such a trick, it seems that he wants to take it all.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knows a few things in his heart that he doesn't reach out his hand to touch the half of the token, but he urges the object control technique to directly collect it into the imperial beast's bag for storage. If you want to come to Yunmeng Toad, you will surely suck up the poisonous poison on it first.

Lian Feixiong stunned when he saw it, and then pretended to cupped his hands and said: "This time Brother Wang's revenge must be Wang Fan's virtuous brother also able to catch his eyes."

"Then you have to practice your brother to cooperate, but then you can get the recommended quota as you wish," Yi Tian pretended to be replied with profound meaning.

When it came to the nail on the head, Lian Feixiong showed an awkward smile on his face when it came to pain, and it took him a long time to recover. Then he slightly concealed the unhappiness in his heart, and an angry look flashed in his eyes.

Although Yi Tian seems to be indifferent, he has not relaxed his vigilance at all in his heart. Seeing that he knew that he could not make a plan, it was a poisonous plan, so he pretended to leave, casually said: "In this case, our affairs are resolved, then this Wang will leave."

Lian Feixiong heard that the complexion changed, didn't expect the changes did not follow his plan at all. After turning his eyes, he seemed to have made up his mind. Then he said: "Then I won't give it away, and Wang Fellow Daoist is easy to go."

I saw both of his hands hiding before the words were finished. What seemed to be preparing behind him, suddenly Yi Tian felt that all around gravity suddenly more than doubled. Within three miles of the most peak of Wuying Mountain, several golden lights lit up to surround both of them.

As soon as he turned his head, his face suddenly changed and said: "I know that you, the guy who eats inside and out, is not at ease. The fox's tail is finally exposed. Dare to plot against Lao Tzu. As soon as he stretched out his hand to take out Wang Wei's thunder mallet and sacrificed it in his hand, he secretly sacrificed the Taiyuan sword in his cuffs and could shoot anytime and anywhere.

I saw that Lian Feixiong was also free at this time, took out a bronze bell in his hand to cover himself, and then slowly held a talisman in both hands and slowly raised his offerings. It seems that he has some understanding of Wang Wei's strength, so he has laid a difficult formation here.

The dazzling golden light on the bronze bell does not look like an ordinary product, at least it is also a high-level defensive Spiritual Artifact. As for the talisman in his hand, it should be the biggest support. As the talisman is slowly activated, Yi Tian can feel a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation from above.

At first glance, the formidable power of the wheel is about the same as Deity Transformation Late Stage. Look at this talisman. At least it should be made by the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, but it’s a pity that the pearl was cast in the hands of Lian Feixiong. Such mighty power.

No matter what he does, Yi Tian extend the hand to control the thunder hammer moved towards the bronze bell and slam it again and again. But secretly, he stretched out his hand to turn the Taiyuan sword into a very thin sword wire and quietly went around behind him.

After ten breaths, I saw Lian Feixiong's complexion become more and more ferocious, and his mouth yelled: "Wang Wei, you lonely wind thief leader, I, as the Sunset City Inspector Envoy, can finally rectify you today. It will be another great achievement to return to the Inspection Department in the future. In addition to the recommended quota of Taiqing Pavilion and an Inner Sect, you can’t run."

Yi Tian directly replied with the corner of his mouth: "I knew you liked to step on. I should have dealt with you in the early morning."

Lian Feixiong said angrily: "You bandits should have been cleaned up. If it weren’t for Qingyuan’s director, I think it’s useful to contain Hong. How can Fei allow you to live to the present."

"My lone wind thief will never become someone else's chess piece," Yi Tian yelled, but the shocking mood in my heart is not small. It turned out that this matter was still related to Qingyuan, so it became more and more interesting.

I was thinking about it, suddenly I saw Lian Feixiong violently violently activate the magic talisman in his hand and turned it into thousands of tiny Spirit Sword moved towards Yi Tian.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't panic. The take out in this talisman was obviously the sword intent killer of Feiyu Sword Sect. If Wang Weilai is changed to the real one, he will naturally be a little bit suspicious of this trick, but he himself is familiar with the fact that this trick is true.

When he stretched out his hand, he first took out the Yuhuan to block him, and then took out the spiritual shield to pad behind. There is a took out protective cover to release the spiritual power to the maximum.

As soon as I finished my preparations, I saw thousands of sword threads pouring down like a storm. After a sound of'ding ding dong dong', the jade ring and the shield were directly sieved.

The huge impact pushed Yi Tian straight to the hundred zhang, and the protective cover on his body also became bright and dark.

Suddenly a glimmer of golden light seemed to be a breakthrough, and the protective cover got directly in. Yi Tian didn't dare to quickly move the golden sun's body skills to the extreme. The whole person suddenly flashed a golden light, as if there were two suns in the sky, and Lian Feixione couldn't open his eyes.

After ten breaths, after the golden light faded, Lian Feixiong hurriedly flew forward to investigate the situation. But when he glanced over the person in front of him, his whole face became as exciting as he said with a shiver in his mouth: "Why are you?"

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