The sudden appearance of thunderclouds on this unnamed desert island scared away all the Sea Beasts in the vicinity.

The Heavenly Tribulation of formidable power like this is rare in this world, even more how are these Sea Clan without vision.

It's just that the thundercloud lasted for two or three hours without falling down. It was already midnight. Under the cover of the dark night on the sea, if you do not deliberately pay attention to the sky above, it is impossible to find the situation of the cloud condensation.

Suddenly in the center of the thundercloud, there seemed to be a few electric lights jumping, and it seemed that the target was locked and it was about to fall.

Many bubbles appeared on the surface of the calm lava lake in volcanic crater, and then a ripple appeared on the center of the lake. The original thick lava began to spin continuously in one direction.

After half a moment, the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster, forming a vortex with a diameter of five sheets. From that vortex, hot lava flew out from time to time, splashing one after another fire.

Then the center of the vortex slowly fell, and one silhouette appeared from it, and it was Yi Tian who showed the statue of Asura.

After a hundred years of retreat at the bottom of the lava, I finally broke through the Nascent Soul Late Stage and half-footed into the Divine Transformation Stage. As long as you pass this Thunder Tribulation, you will be a real incarnation cultivator.

Yi Tian's heart is mixed with sadness and happiness, Nascent Soul is also very simple, every time the seal in the Niwan Palace of Transcending Tribulation comes out to make trouble. With the continuous improvement of one's own cultivation base, the Heavenly Tribulation triggered by this seal is getting stronger and stronger. Its formidable power is determined to be three points better than the Thunder Tribulation that it should have during Transcending Tribulation.

So Yi Tian doesn't take seriously the Spirit Transformation robbery, the key is how to deal with the extra meals in the future.

In a short while, the thundercloud condense in the sky, a thick bowl of lightning fell straight down, moved towards the depths of the volcanic crater, Yi Tian in the center of the volcanic crater directly greeted him.

A purple rays of light flashed and formed a thin True Flame Armor all around the body, and everything except the eyes was covered.

Just after the True Flame Armor spell, the Dao Tribulation thunder arrived, and only heard a'bang', Yi Tian only felt that the top of his head was beaten violently. After the feet sank for half a foot, he stabilized his figure, checked his own situation with divine sense, and found that the True Flame Armor completely blocked the Strength of Thunder Tribulation.

The remaining electric energy was then completely absorbed by the purple flame on the True Flame Armor. Yi Tian suddenly discovered that the Life Source True Fire in his body seemed to have begun to change from Southern Bright Trigram Fire to Thunder Flame Purple Flame.

This kind of situation also happened when Po Dan became an infant, but the electric energy contained in the thunder flame purple flame was quickly consumed by myself. And after cultivated Southern Bright Trigram Fire, it swallowed all the original True Fire.

didn't expect this time after my non-stop cultivation, Life Source True Fire began to undergo mutation again. And this mutation is even more thorough, directly transforming the white Southern Bright Trigram Fire entwined on Nascent Soul's body into purple thunder flames.

What's even stranger is that the seal on the top of the head started to continuously absorb the thunder flames from Nascent Soul Spirit Physique. Those purple fires flew forward to wrap the seal, and the purple flames on the surface of the seal were slowly absorbed into the body after three breaths.

Yi Tian suddenly felt that the seal seemed to have an inexplicable connection with him, but he couldn't find out what happened for a while.

The 2nd tribulation thunder on the ten breaths Acquired has been condensed, and I saw a flash of light from the corner of my eyes. I didn’t dare to think again and hurriedly both hands forming seals to bring the defensive True Flame Armor to the strongest again. status.

The thunderous thunder resounded through the sky through Thunder Tribulation on Acquired. It didn't seem to stop. After gathering again, the heads moved towards Yi Tian were bombarded violently.

I only felt that Yi Tian's whole body sank more than three feet after being violently attacked by one after another. The lava next to him moved towards all around under Thunder Tribulation, splashing away, leaving only a three-foot-long range of space in the middle.

After the four Thunder Tribulation, Yi Tian found that the Jieyun above his head began to shrink, and then suddenly felt a trance in his heart.

I lower my head secretly thought: "Heart Demon Tribulation is here", I don't want others to sit directly on the surface of the lava lake and silently recite the "Bodhi Condensation Mantra" in my heart to expel distracting thoughts.

With the blessing of Buddhist Sect mental method, the intensity of Heart Demon Tribulation is also much lighter than normal. In addition, his original Taoist heart was stable, and Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the surface of the lava lake for less than half a moment, opened his eyes to reveal a trace and soberness and calm.

After slowly checking, I found that the fleshy body has become a lot stronger under the tempering of lightning. After the True Flame Armor is stowed away, it reveals a delicate skin like a newborn baby.

I used the method of introspection to check my meridian and found that all of them have been strengthened. The spiritual power running in the body is more than twice as fast as before, and the spiritual power that can be accommodated is also more.

Needless to say, this is the change in the body after the breakthrough to the incarnation period.

Turning his gaze to the Niwan Palace in the middle of his forehead, I saw that Nascent Soul Spirit Physique sitting in the middle seemed to have grown up a circle at this time, and the spiritual power on his body was also solidified a lot.

Then Nascent Soul Spirit Physique slowly stood up and tried to reach out and slowly remove the seal from his head.

Don't prevent a purple flame from escaping from the seal and directly enveloping Nascent Soul. Fortunately, the cultivation fire alchemy body was the first to practice Nascent Soul Spirit Physique many times, and this seal absorbed its own Life Source True Fire thunder flame.

The flames on the seal are the same as their True Fire, and they were caught by Nascent Soul with no difficulty.

At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky gathered again and a larger gap appeared, and several purple thunder spots flashed through it and instantly turned into a bucket-like electric column that fell vertically.

The seal in Nascent Soul's hand seemed to be drawn by thunder and lightning, and it flew out with a'swish'. After coming out of the Niwan Palace, it happened to fall into Yi Tian's hand.

Yi Tian's eyes were swept away, and the complexion was greatly changed immediately, and it was too late to do other unnecessary things, so he directly said'Qi' in the mouth of both hands forming seals.

After a purple flame flashed, True Flame Armor appeared to protect himself.

The Dao Tribulation thunder completely swallowed Yi Tian's body with a loud'bang', and scattered arc sparks splashed on the stone wall of the volcanic crater, and suddenly the surrounding rocks burst open. Come.

From the distance of the volcano, you can see a thunder pillar falling from the sky that blasted the entire volcanic crater's rock by as much as a foot.

Yi Tian only felt dizzy on his head, True Flame Armor resisted ten breaths and was only found a narrow gap breakthrough by a trace of Purple Thunder.

The electric energy eroded to my back and felt a tingling sensation. Fortunately, the Grade 5 fire alchemy body of the Nine Change of Fire has strengthened both the fleshy body and the Nascent Soul, otherwise the Dao Tribulation cloud will really kill him after it falls.

But this also made Yi Tian feel flustered, and was stunned by the tribulation thunder for a long time before reacting.

I turned my head and looked at the seal that absorbed the strength of Thunder and turned dark and purple. On the surface of the seal, four incomprehensible texts gradually appeared.

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