With Mengxin’s suggestion, Yi Tian also knows how to deal with Yunmeng Toad. Fortunately, there are still several jars of spirit wine in his storage ring. I started by brewing Grand Qi Reaches Clouds, and I rarely drink it after Golden Core Stage. The main reason is that the spiritual power provided in the spirit wine is limited. At most, I just take it out and have a drink. That's all back then.

Afterwards, the wine recipe was improved and added into several high-end Spirit Fruits as the main ingredient to re-brewed it. It was named'Golden Core Drunk' afterwards. As the name suggests, it is Golden Core Stage cultivator.

As one's own cultivation base continues to improve, these spirits have nothing to do with the spicy taste in the mouth. Drinking a few jars of the good wine that could have drunk the Golden Core cultivator will not feel drunk.

The spiritual power contained in it is quickly decomposed and absorbed as soon as it enters the stomach. Since drinking five hundred years ago, there is no strange feeling.

Now Yunmeng toad who just took out the'Golden Core Drunk' in front of it seemed to smell it, stared at the wine jar with both eyes, opened his mouth and called a few cheerfully'gu gu' sound.

A pungent, pungent smell of wine floated directly after pulling the mud out of the seal and lifting the seal on the wine jar.

After placing the wine jar on the ground, a red light passed by Yunmeng Toad and jumped directly into it. Then there was a gurgling sound from the wine jar, and after a while, it slowly crawled out of the wine jar and then happily moved towards its own'gu gu gu' and yelled.

Didn't expect that the Spirit Pet he took again turned out to be a drunkard, Yi Tian kept twitching even if he had a good temper.

I reached out and took out a pre-sale bag and said to Yunmeng Toad: "You will live here in the future. I will help you build a nest next time I find a chance."

This time, Yunmeng Toad turned into a red light and flew into the imperial beast's bag without any hesitation. Later Yi Tian scanned with divine sense and found that this little thing actually nestled in it and started hu hu to fall asleep.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the Taiyuan Sword at this time, and after offering it, he copied the two square lava swamps in front of him.

There was nothing but the hot lava below. I took out the Jingling bottle to collect the lava together. Afterwards, I hoped to use these to build another nest for Yunmeng Toad.

After finishing all these, I expanded the divine sense again to search the entire island, and after repeated confirmation that no place was missed, Yi Tian's silhouette flew directly above the volcanic crater.

The heat radiated by the power of the Earth Core Fire below can be clearly felt even in the thirty zhang high above the volcanic crater.

But Yi Tian's heart is full of ecstasy, the power of the fire source below this is exactly his own yearn for something even in dreams. The index finger in the depths took out a trace of Southern Bright Trigram Fire, and after the hands quickly formed the seal, there was a sound of'come' in the mouth.

The sound of'pu chi' of Southern Bright Trigram Fire instantly ignited the whole body, and a thin flame envelope appeared on the surface of the entire human body. This is a slight change after practicing the True Flame Armor spell to the extreme. Although the imposing manner is not as strong as before, the power has been increased more than ten times.

Then I saw Yi Tian moving towards the lava in the center of the volcano with an upside-down above the sky and falling. With a sound of'puff, the whole person plunged into the lava without splashing the slightest wave.

In fact, Yi Tian also has questions. He has seen a lot of Secret Realm with strong source power, but there is no subspecies that can breed Hibiscus.

This peculiar place must have an unknown secret where the Earth Core Fire originated. So after I have solved my worries, I will unlock the biggest secret here, and then I will have the opportunity to absorb the fire source energy to help myself hit the bottleneck.

After diving into the lava pool, Yi Tian found that this place was unusual. He had been to many lava pools before. As long as he sacrificed the True Flame Armor and jumped into the lava pool, he could almost be in the lava pool. Swim in the middle. But now, as my cultivation base keeps improving, it should be more comfortable. But the actual situation is that I feel that the lava is all around. Although it is expelled by the True Flame Armor of the Southern Bright Trigram Fire, the hot temperature continues. Came from the ground.

As the temperature continued to dive all around, the temperature continued to rise, and a faint layer of sweat appeared on the forehead after a while.

After diving to the depth of thirty zhang, Yi Tian found that the lava in front of him had become unusually thick. Although the environment of all around was severe, there was still a bit of joy on his face, which was almost to the end. And not far below, there must be some strange sights waiting for him.

I want to stop maintaining the spiritual power of True Flame Armor in an undetermined state, and then stretch out my hand to bind the seal to reveal the Asura Dharma body, and then use all six hands to push away the thick lava in front of me so that I can continue. Go down.

After a while, I finally came to the bottom of the volcanic crater lava pool. After searching for Yi Tian, ​​he was surprised to find that the source of that many lava above turned out to be just a fist sized hole. From it, another stream of pure fire source power continuously gushes out and then gradually disperses, and then forms an all around lava.

It can be seen how powerful the fire source power flowing out of this small hole is. Everything on the entire island is caused by this source power.

Yi Tian hurriedly sat next to spring when he was overjoyed, and then under the heavy pressure of all around lava, he began to continuously draw fire source power from it.

So far, the whole deserted island is calm again. It is in the depths of the South China Sea all around and there is no Sea Beast to bother. Only the volcanic crater in the middle is still showing signs of eruption from time to time. .

However, the limited difference from the previous one is that the number and frequency of this volcanic eruption has been greatly reduced, and the lava flowing down from the mountain is also more than half less than before.

The peaceful days passed day by day, until a hundred years later, a huge thundercloud vortex was suddenly covered with dark clouds in the sky.

Its range covers nearly a thousand miles of sea area. There were not many aquariums cruising here, but now they are frightened by the thunderclouds in the sky and fled to all directions.

It's just that in the thunderclouds in the sky, only a gap of about ten miles in diameter has been opened, and thunder flashes in the sky, but the target underneath cannot be found.

At this time, Yi Tian at the bottom of the volcanic crater was sitting next to Spring's mouth, and all his clothes were gone. The True Flame Armor on his body also seems to have faded long ago, as if with the Strength of Fleshly Body to resist the erosion of all around the hot lava.

A purple true flame flashed from the middle of the Niwan Palace on the forehead, and then turned into a thin film on the body to protect the body. After 20 years of retreat here, he has absorbed enough fire source power, and then Yi Tian directly tried to cultivation Lihuo Nine Transformation Grade 5'Fire Alchemy Body'. Until eighty years later, the whole body was tempered with Southern Bright Trigram Fire, but there was also a hint of mutation. The original white Southern Bright Trigram Fire was transformed into a faint purple after passing through the seal.

In the early days, Yi Tian hadn't noticed yet, but as the degree of cultivation progress Life Source True Fire continued to increase, the color change in the flame could already be clearly noticed.

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