Trigram Fire Sect is in the depths of the forbidden area. Since Sect Master Yi Tian announced the retreat more than 20 years ago, sect disciple has been prohibited from entering within a radius of 100 miles.

Profound Spirit Lineage Nangong Aotian, who is normally seconded by Dong Ao outside of the near ground, is responsible for guarding. Even Liu Piaopiao Shi Qianwei and Yan Zhaoxue visited several times and were persuaded to go back.

Everyone knows that this Sect Master retreat has to deal with an extremely important thing, so the sect cultivator is looking forward to the result earlier.

This retreat was originally planned for 20 years, but after the deadline, Yi Tian has not seen any signs of leaving the customs. Even Nangong Aotian, who was guarding at the gate of the forbidden area, thought it was strange, but he didn't dare to violate Sect Master's orders and had to stay on the edge of the forbidden area and wait.

At this time, Yi Tian in the forbidden area Cave Mansion was sitting cross-legged with a calm face, but in front of him were two piles of three-foot-high materials. In the past twenty years, Yi Tian didn't even practice refining at all, but spent all of his time in the process of refining deduction.

The reason is nothing more than the seal in the body found in the divine sense deduction seems to be some signs of restlessness. Every time I finished refining the Six Paths circle wheel in Sea of ​​Consciousness, the seal would shake.

Such signs made Yi Tian feel strange. He had never noticed such a change in that seal before.

If you think about it carefully, there seems to be some hidden connection between the Six Paths world wheel and this seal. After searching the Six Paths Circle, Yi Tian gradually had a lot of questions in his mind.

Back then, I remember that Luo Que once rushed into his Niwan Palace and saw that seal and blurted out the'Ascension Order', so the most likely role of this seal is that the Ascension Platform will have relationship.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian thought of the illusion that he once saw in Trigram Fire Sect alone. In that dream, he seemed to say that he was the owner of such a seal, and this seal was also called "Fei Xian Yin".

Whether it is'Fei Sheng Ling' or'Fei Xian Yin', both have a close connection with Fei Sheng, so when you refining the Comprehend Six Paths world wheel, the seal will have induction.

Sitting in the Cave Mansion for about 20 years, Yi Tian also feels that he has thoroughly comprehend the refinement method of the Six Paths world wheel. It's also time to start preparing for the refining, and the project for the ascent to the platform should almost come to an end after calculating the time.

Now I’m afraid that I’m waiting for myself to install the most critical components before it can be put into operation.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian no longer wastes time and stretches out his left hand to offer a white Southern Bright Trigram Fire. Then the right hand controlled the treasures on the ground and put them in the True Fire one by one and began to sacrifice.

After dozens of divine sense deductions, the work at hand can be regarded as easy to do, and the one after another process is closely related to the previous deductions.

But Yi Tian's face is also very severe at this time, after all, the deduction is a deduction. The actual refining will produce slight deviations due to environmental changes in its own spiritual power consumption.

What I am most concerned about now is to make every step perfect and prevent any flaws from affecting the final result.

As the raw materials were continuously smelted into juice and then mixed together, a mass of one-foot-sized and five-inch thick disk embryos appeared in front of them. After it was formed, Yi Tian waved both hands on the disk surface to draw three marks and directly divided the entire disk surface into six sectors.

Then gather the flames together into a thin strand, and then use the Spirit Realm text to engrave the Asura world, Monster Realm and Spirit Realm on the upper part in the order of Shangling Nine Realms. The name of the Three Realms.

Then halve it in the third one-sixth disc in the lower half, and divide it into six again. These six copies are engraved in turn from left to right, the names of the three realms of Buddha Spirit Realm, Demon Spirit Realm, and the corpse realm. Then he wrote the words of Ghost World, Prison World and Nether World, the next three worlds.

Just after he started to engrave the strokes of the Netherworld, the seal in the Niwan Palace seemed to start to move violently. What followed was that this seal seemed to start to mobilize the spiritual power of the whole body, and then it was about to fly out.

Now it’s the turn of Yi Tian turn pale with fright, I have finally made the Six Paths world wheel to such a level, as long as I practice it again, I can complete the last step of the Six Paths world wheel.

During this period, your own spiritual power must remain stable to allow Southern Bright Trigram Fire to maintain output. There must be no drastic fluctuations, otherwise it will fall short.

The seal mobilized the spiritual power of the whole body so unscrupulously, and the Southern Bright Trigram Fire that took out on the left hand in front of him began to faintly fluctuate. This situation directly scared Yi Tian into a cold sweat, and immediately stretched out his heart in his right hand, took out half of the white jade lotus root, put it in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed it into his belly.

In an instant, a stream of pure spiritual power emanated from the stomach and dispersed into the limbs. After the spiritual power in the body was replenished, Yi Tian directly urged secret art to maintain the Southern Bright Trigram Fire. Live on the Six Paths circle. At the same time, the seal came out of the Niwan Palace with a'swish', and then hovered in the sky above the Cave Mansion, after which a dazzling purple halo flashed from the entire body.

At the same time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations driven by the seal all around directly broke the calm scene in Cave Mansion, and the spiritual power of all around was mobilized and continuously absorbed into it.

The purple rays of light are very dazzling, and Yi Tian also had to close his eyes to avoid his sharpness. Suddenly, only hearing the sound of'Dang', the confirmation automatically flew to the front of the Six Paths world wheel and covered the blank space engraved with the nether world.

The seal flew automatically after three breaths, hovered in the air and then flew back to his Niwan Palace. So far, the spiritual power fluctuations in the entire Cave Mansion slowly stabilized.

Waiting for Yi Tian came back to his senses and looked at the Six Paths world wheel, only a purple mark appeared next to the words in the nether world. Needless to say, this is the sample of the seal on which the seal was affixed, but I could not recognize the style of the words on the seal even if I leaned over and glanced at it.

I think I can be considered knowledgeable, and I know a lot about Spirit Realm's text, but I can't find out when I face the seal. My heart suddenly became nervous, and after slowly putting away the Southern Bright Trigram Fire and completing the final ritual, Yi Tian was in a daze at the Six Paths world wheel in his hand.

secretly said in one's heart: "I don't know if the Six Paths world wheel that has been stamped can be used." Fortunately, there is another of materials that can be refined again, so I'm pretty sure right now .

Just staring at the location of the seal, the Netherworld looked in a daze. That seal did not move early or late until it was automatically activated when he portrayed the Netherworld. Could it be that he wanted to remind himself that he would be involved in this Nether Realm, or that he had an inseparable relationship with that seal.

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