After the Kuiyin lineage returns, the entire Trigram Fire Sect is like a tiger that has grown wings. Under the leadership of Yi Tian, ​​the cultivation technique in the sect is rearranged and stored in the sect Inside the Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

Then select a number of dísciples that match the spirit root within the sect to teach them so that they can cultivate Mysterious Yang True Fire from the beginning.

Nowadays, unlike six hundred years ago, there is no need to worry about repercussions caused by incomplete cultivation technique. And under the deliberate instruction of Yi Tian, ​​Young Sect Master Qu Yifeng is solely responsible for teaching these selected dísciples.

In time, Trigram Fire Sect will surely produce a lot of powerful dísciples, and Yi Tian also sets up a protective ban in the mind of each dísciple, even if these dísciples are captured outside, they cannot be detected. A trace of the mystery of Trigram Fire Sect.

In addition to these trivial matters, Yi Tian's main effort is to accompany the three beloved wives. For a whole hundred years, he only stayed in the forbidden area of ​​Trigram Fire Sect, and normally lived a life like a mortal. Shi Qianwei spent more than ten years under his own teaching before using the Innate Spirit Physique cultivation success for an Avatar.

It's just that her cultivation base has not reached the Nascent Soul Middle Stage, so the External Body Incarnation from the cultivation only has the Golden Core later cultivation base. Fortunately, Yi Tian prepared the fog hidden beads early in the morning to conceal the Avatar's cultivation base. In this way, fish eyes can send Avatar to sit in Qian Spirit Sect, and Shi Qianwei's real body has been with Yi Tian.

These hundred years can be regarded as the most leisurely freehand period in Yi Tian's life. During this period, he only needs to go to Qi Yaoshan once every ten years to investigate the progress of the project and arrange the next resource allocation.

The sects that participated in the negotiation and joint construction at that time also kept their promises to send all the material coefficients to be provided in less than 50 years. As for the Four-Great Demon Kings, they are even more generous. They have sent their subordinates to send the 50% of the supplies to Trigram Fire Sect in the morning.

With these subsidies, coupled with the construction of Huo Chi Lian and the others, the project of the Ascending Platform can be completed on schedule.

The Trigram Fire Sect was also a period of rapid development in the past 100 years. The main line, the Pill Pavilion and the dísciple of the Qi Pavilion have soared to thousands of people. Although most of them are Qi Refinement Foundation Establishment cultivation bases, in general the scale can be considered to be comparable to the first-class sect in Zhong Prefecture.

I believe that among these people, a group of amazing people will emerge to support the scene.

Chi Yangzi exhausted his life essence less than ten years after Kuiyin's return, and his whole person was frozen and reentered into reincarnation. In the next ten years, Yi Tian used Xiao Linhang's Divination Technique and spent three years to find Chi Yangzi's Reincarnation Body in the vast sea of ​​people.

Then he was unwilling to travel all the way to the north of Dong'ao to re-introduce it into Trigram Fire Sect. Fortunately, the aura of the previous life is immortal, and there is sufficient wood Fire Spiritual Root from birth, and the sect secret technique of cultivation is not lost at all.

Yi Tian thought that Senior Brother Chi Yangzi still gave his Reincarnation Body the name "Chi Yang", and asked Young Sect Master Qu Yifeng to teach him well, and wait until his cultivation progress reaches the Golden Core Stage Later, he can use the Dream Heart Technique to help him retrieve most of his memories from his previous life.

After finishing this, Yi Tian left his free time coefficient on the refining of the Six Paths circle wheel. This Six Paths world wheel is the key thing of Unicom Shangling Nine Realms. The formation mark engraving above is all synthesized at one time. For this reason, Yi Tian didn't dare to refining easily. It is necessary to know that the materials for this round of refining are not easy to find, all of which are materials of level 7 and above.

Now I can only refine it twice in my hands, but I am not sure about it once. For the refining of the Six Paths world wheel, I have tried no less than dozens of times in my mind using the method of divine sense deduction in the past 100 years.

In the first three or four times, it was only halfway through the deduction, and the reason was very simple. This thing coincides with Heavenly Dao's ordinary refining methods and it is extremely difficult to succeed. Moreover, the treasures I choose also have such and other restrictions, and I have not been able to carry Heavenly Dao Strength.

Fortunately, among the treasures provided by Wanying King, there are several seven-level peak ore that can be used to refine into crude embryos for later use. It's just that the spirit wood core taken from Northern Plains is only refining two parts, and I will definitely not refining without full assurance.

Yi Tian will display the divine sense deduction method again after the characteristics of all the materials in his hand are clear, and he has carefully considered each step of the refining in his mind. During the period, I also tried to use Southern Bright Trigram Fire several times, only to find that the effect was surprisingly good afterwards.

It turns out that the key to this ascension platform is Trigram Fire Sect. If you don’t make it yourself, I’m afraid no one can refine this world.

After dozens of deductions are completed, Yi Tian is not in a hurry to refine, on the contrary, he joins the three wives in the family happiness.

During this century, Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue each gave birth to a boy and a girl, and then the two girls devoted most of their energy to caring for the child.

When a pair of children were about ten years old, they were entrusted to Xiao Linhang and Yan Fanxin to take care of them. Originally, Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue would never agree to this, but they only insisted on it. Can compromise.

Although I feel reluctant to give up, I know that it’s not a good thing for them to keep their children around. I have heard and witnessed how many second-generation arrogant and overbearing in the sect regardless of the law and of. Natural morality, when I went outside, I accidentally collided with others and caused a killing disaster.

Furthermore, I was born in hardship, knowing that cultivation does not advance and retreat. If you rely on the Good Fortune of your ancestors, it will be difficult for them to go further on the road in the future. They can only be persecuted in a harsh environment. Assiduous cultivation is.

Furthermore, Yi Tian only leaves a life-saving curse on each of the children, which will only be activated when they are in the most critical situation, and can instantly kill any cultivator below the Nascent Soul Stage.

As for the Spiritual Artifact items that Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue originally handed over to their children, they are all taken back. If these little children carry objects that don’t match their identity, they can easily catch fire, and in serious cases, they will attract others' prying eyes. And killing disaster.

At the farewell, Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue both cried with noses and tears, which made the whole scene cry. Fortunately, Xiao Linhang and Yan Fanxin immediately stated that they would take good care of the child. Under the power of Yi Tian, ​​the two women could be regarded as giving up.

However, afterwards, it is inevitable to secretly take a look at these things. Yi Tian also opens his eyes and closes his eyes and does not care anymore, as long as it is not overly indulgent.

After preparing for seventy-eighty years, Yi Tian checked the progress of the lower flying platform and found that it was faster than expected. After thinking about it in my mind, it is time to refining the Six Paths world wheel.

Then Qu Yifeng and the others were recruited to entrust all the matters of sect, and they informed the three ladies that they needed to retreat for 20 years to refining. After the preparations were completed, Yi Tian alone took the treasure to the Trigram Fire Sect Pavilion, opened the forbidden area and walked in alone.

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